PHP code example of latipay / laravel-plugin

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download latipay/laravel-plugin library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


latipay / laravel-plugin example snippets

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Latipay\LaravelPlugin\Pay;

class LatipayController
    // 将api_key, user_id, wallet_id换成对应的配置。
    // lumen配置信息参考文档:
    protected $config = [
        'api_key' => 'api_key',
        'user_id' => 'user_id',
        'wallet_id' => 'wallet_id', //钱包ID
        'version' => '2.0',//default

    public function index()
        $order = [
            'merchant_reference' => 'order_id' . time(), //商户订单号 ,当payment_method为moneymore时,每次发起支付订单id不能相同
            'amount' => '0.2',
            'product_name' => '测试商品名称',
            'return_url' => 'return_url', //支付完成页面返回地址
            'callback_url' => 'callback_url', //异步通知回调地址
            'payment_method' => 'wechat', // wechat, alipay, moneymore
            'present_qr' => '1', // wechat
            'ip' => '',

        $result = Pay::latipay($this->config)->web($order);

        /** result数据,redirect_url为支付url
        * Array(
               [status] => success
               [redirect_url] =>
        return redirect($result['redirect_url']);
    //返回数组 Array(
    //    [0] => Alipay
    //    [1] => Wechat
    //    [2] => MoneyMore
    public function getLatipayMethod()
        return Pay::latipay($this->config)->getPaymentMethods();
    //      [code] => 0
    //      [message] => SUCCESS
    //      [messageCN] => 操作成功
    //      [merchant_reference] => 1567568358
    //      [status] => paid
    //      [currency] => NZD
    //      [amount] => 0.02
    //      [amount_cny] => 0.1
    //      [rate] => 0
    //      [signature] => 103600c090f5f0738a2df5c891faf192b46111f0dca3ac5712d6138234054f4b
    //     [payment_method] => wechat
    //      [transaction_id] => 2019090400003370
    //      [order_id] => 2019090400003370
    //      [pay_time] => 2019-09-04 03:39:57
    //  )
    public function queryOrder($orderId)
        return Pay::latipay($this->config)->find($orderId);

    public function returnBack()
        $data = Pay::latipay($this->config)->verify(); // 是的,验签就这么简单!
        //"merchant_reference" => "1567568358"
        //"order_id" => "2019090400003370"
        //"currency" => "NZD"
        //"status" => "paid"
        //"payment_method" => "wechat"
        //"signature" => "103600c090f5f0738a2df054f4b"
        //"createDate" => "2019-09-04 03:39:19"
        //"amount" => "0.02"

    public function notify()
        $latipay = Pay::latipay($this->config);
            $data = $latipay->verify(); // 是的,验签就这么简单!

           //异步通知成功:Latipay服务器期望收到 sent 文本

        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            // $e->getMessage();

// laravel < 5.5

// lumen