PHP code example of larva / think-transaction

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download larva/think-transaction library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


larva / think-transaction example snippets

\Larva\Transaction\Events\ChargeClosed 交易已关闭
\Larva\Transaction\Events\ChargeFailed 交易失败
\Larva\Transaction\Events\ChargeSucceeded 交易已支付
\Larva\Transaction\Events\RefundFailed 退款失败事件
\Larva\Transaction\Events\RefundSucceeded 退款成功事件
\Larva\Transaction\Events\TransferFailed 企业付款(提现)失败事件
\Larva\Transaction\Events\TransferSucceeded 企业付款(提现)成功事件

namespace app\model;

use Exception;
use Larva\Transaction\Models\Charge;
use Larva\Transaction\Models\Refund;
use think\Model;
use think\model\concern\SoftDelete;
use think\model\relation\MorphOne;

 * 订单模型
 * @property int $id
 * @property int $user_id
 * @property-read boolean $paid
 * @property string $subject
 * @property string $body
 * @property string $amount
 * @property string $channel
 * @property string $type
 * @property string $client_ip
 * @property string $status
 * @property datetime $pay_succeeded_at
 * @property Charge $charge
 * @author Tongle Xu <[email protected]>
class Order extends Model
    use SoftDelete;

    const STATUS_PENDING = 'pending';//处理中: pending
    const STATUS_SUCCEEDED = 'succeeded';//完成: succeeded
    const STATUS_FAILED = 'failed';//失败: failed

    protected $name = 'orders';

     * 新增后会自动触发该事件,这时候就自动创建了付款参数;
     * @param Order $model
    public static function onAfterInsert($model)
            'user_id' => $model->user_id,
            'amount' => $model->amount,//金额单位分
            'channel' => $model->channel,//付款通道 ,如 wechat
            'subject' => '订单付款',
            'body' => '订单详情',
            'client_ip' => $model->client_ip,
            'type' => $model->type,//交易类型 如 app

     * Get the entity's charge.
     * @return MorphOne
    public function charge(): MorphOne
        return $this->morphOne(Charge::class, 'source');

     * 设置交易成功
    public function setSucceeded()
        $this->update(['channel' => $this->charge->channel, 'status' => static::STATUS_SUCCEEDED, 'pay_succeeded_at' => $this->freshTimestamp()]);

     * 设置交易失败
    public function setFailure()
        $this->update(['status' => static::STATUS_FAILED]);

     * 发起退款
     * @param string $description 退款描述
     * @return Refund
     * @throws Exception
    public function setRefund(string $description): Refund
        if ($this->paid && $this->charge->allowRefund) {
            /** @var Refund $refund */
            $refund = $this->charge->refunds()->save([
                'user_id' => $this->user_id,
                'amount' => $this->amount,
                'description' => $description,
                'charge_id' => $this->charge->id,
                'charge_order_id' => $this->id,
            $this->save(['refunded' => true]);
            return $refund;
        throw new Exception ('Not paid, no refund.');

$order = Order::create([
    'user_id' => 1,
    'subject' => '标题',
    'client_ip' => '',
    'amount' => 100,
    'channel' => 'wechat',
    'type' => 'app'
//获取付款凭证 数组
$credential = $order->charge->getCredential();

declare (strict_types=1);

namespace app\subscribe;

use think\Event;

class TransactionCharge

    public function onChargeShipped($charge)
        if ($charge->source instanceof Order) {

    public function onChargeClosed($charge)


    public function onChargeFailure($charge)


    public function subscribe(Event $event)
        $event->listen(\Larva\Transaction\Events\ChargeClosed::class, [$this, 'onChargeClosed']);
        $event->listen(\Larva\Transaction\Events\ChargeFailed::class, [$this, 'onChargeFailure']);
        $event->listen(\Larva\Transaction\Events\ChargeSucceeded::class, [$this, 'onChargeShipped']);

// 事件定义文件
return [
    'bind' => [


    'listen' => [
        'AppInit' => [],
        'HttpRun' => [],
        'HttpEnd' => [

        'LogLevel' => [],
        'LogWrite' => [],

    'subscribe' => [