PHP code example of larsbadke / stock-simulator

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download larsbadke/stock-simulator library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


larsbadke / stock-simulator example snippets

$simulator = new Simulator\Simulator;




// array(4) { ["open"]=> int(58) ["low"]=> float(57.07) ["high"]=> float(61.33) ["close"]=> float(61.33) }

$simulator = new Simulator\Simulator;

echo $simulator->date;

echo $simulator->open;

echo $simulator->low;

echo $simulator->high;

echo $simulator->close;

$simulator = new Simulator\Simulator;





for($i=0; $i<20; $i++){

  echo "Date: {$simulator->date} - {$simulator->open} \n";


// Date: 01-01-2000 - 50 
// Date: 02-01-2000 - 49.86 
// Date: 03-01-2000 - 48.07 
// Date: 04-01-2000 - 51.08 
// Date: 05-01-2000 - 53.49 
// Date: 06-01-2000 - 53.91 
// Date: 07-01-2000 - 54.96 
// Date: 08-01-2000 - 55.18 
// Date: 09-01-2000 - 55.66 
// Date: 10-01-2000 - 55.19 
// Date: 11-01-2000 - 58.84 
// Date: 12-01-2000 - 59.39 
// Date: 13-01-2000 - 60.93 
// Date: 14-01-2000 - 61.98 
// Date: 15-01-2000 - 65.17 
// Date: 16-01-2000 - 71.59 
// Date: 17-01-2000 - 70.26 
// Date: 18-01-2000 - 68.07 
// Date: 19-01-2000 - 75.51 
// Date: 20-01-2000 - 77.76