PHP code example of laravolt / epicentrum

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download laravolt/epicentrum library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


laravolt / epicentrum example snippets

return [
	// setting route
	'route' => [
		'enable' => true,
		'middleware' => ['web', 'auth'],
		'prefix' => 'epicentrum',
	// base layout to extended
	'view' => [
		'layout' => '',
	// setting menu visibility to laravolt/ui
	'menu' => [
		'enable' => true,
	// allow user to has multiple role
	'role' => [
		'multiple' => true,
		'editable' => true,
	// list repository that you can modify
	'repository' => [
		// modify crud of user management
		'user' => \Laravolt\Epicentrum\Repositories\EloquentRepository::class,
		// set default time zone that used
		'timezone' => \Laravolt\Support\Repositories\TimezoneRepository::class,
		// change the criteria on searching feature
		'criteria' => [
		// specify column that can searchable
		'searchable' => ['name', 'email', 'status'],
	'requests' => [
		// modify validation of store data crud
		'account' => [
			'store' => \Laravolt\Epicentrum\Http\Requests\Account\Store::class,
			'update' => \Laravolt\Epicentrum\Http\Requests\Account\Update::class,
			'delete' => \Laravolt\Epicentrum\Http\Requests\Account\Delete::class,
	// change user status available
	'user_available_status' => [
	// specify the model of role
	'models' => [
		'role' => \Laravolt\Acl\Models\Role::class,
	// Whether to auto load migrations or not.
    	// If set to false, then you must publish the migration files first before running the migrate command
    	'migrations' => true,
	// modify table view on user list page
    	'table_view' => \Laravolt\Epicentrum\Table\UserTable::class
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=migrations --provider='Laravolt\Epicentrum\ServiceProvider
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=views --provider='Laravolt\Epicentrum\ServiceProvider'

|-- account
|	|-- edit.blade.php
|-- emails
|	|-- account_information.blade.php
|-- my
|	|-- password
|		|-- edit.blade.php
|-- password
|	|-- edit.blade.php
|-- role
|	|-- edit.blade.php
|-- roles
|	|-- create.blade.php
|	|-- edit.blade.php
|	|-- index.blade.php
|-- create.blade.php
|-- edit.blade.php
|-- index.blade.php