PHP code example of laravel-admin-ext / daterangepicker

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download laravel-admin-ext/daterangepicker library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


laravel-admin-ext / daterangepicker example snippets

    'extensions' => [

        'daterangepicker' => [
            // Set to `false` if you want to disable this extension
            'enable' => true,
            // Find more configurations
            'config' => [

//Single column

$form->daterangepicker('date_range', 'Date range');

// Predefine Date Ranges.
$form->daterangepicker('date_range', 'Date range')
        'Today'        => [Carbon::today()->toDateString(), Carbon::today()->toDateString()],
        'Yesterday'    => [Carbon::yesterday()->toDateString(), Carbon::yesterday()->toDateString()],
        'Last 7 Days'  => [Carbon::today()->subDays(6)->toDateString(), Carbon::today()->toDateString()],
        'Last 14 Days' => [Carbon::today()->subDays(13)->toDateString(), Carbon::today()->toDateString()],
        'Last 30 Days' => [Carbon::today()->subDays(29)->toDateString(), Carbon::today()->toDateString()],
        'This Month'   => [Carbon::today()->startOfMonth()->toDateString(), Carbon::today()->endOfMonth()->toDateString()],
        'Last Month'   => [Carbon::today()->subMonth()->firstOfMonth()->toDateString(), Carbon::today()->subMonth()->lastOfMonth()->toDateString()],
// multilpe column
$form->daterangepicker(['created_at', 'updated_at'], 'Date range');