PHP code example of larapie / data-transfer-object

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download larapie/data-transfer-object library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


larapie / data-transfer-object example snippets

public function handleRequest(array $dataFromRequest)
    $dataFromRequest[/* what to do now?? */];

$post = $api->get('posts', 1); 

    'title' => '…',
    'body' => '…',
    'author_id' => '…',

class PostData extends DataTransferObject
    /** @var string */
    public $title;
    /** @var string */
    public $body;
    /** @var \Author */
    public $author;

$postData = new PostData([
    'title' => '…',
    'body' => '…',
    'author_id' => '…',


class PostData extends DataTransferObject
    // …
    public static function fromRequest(Request $request): self
        return new self([
            'title' => $request->get('title'),
            'body' => $request->get('body'),
            'author' => Author::find($request->get('author_id')),

class PostData extends DataTransferObject
     * Built in types: 
     * @var string 
    public $property;
     * Classes with their FQCN: 
     * @var \App\Models\Author
    public $property;
     * Lists of types: 
     * @var \App\Models\Author[]
    public $property;
     * Union types: 
     * @var string|int
    public $property;
     * Nullable types: 
     * @var string|null
    public $property;
     * Mixed types: 
     * @var mixed|null
    public $property;
     * No type, which allows everything
    public $property;

class PostData extends DataTransferObject
    use MakeImmutable;
    /** @var string */
    public $name;

class PostData extends DataTransferObject
     * @Immutable
     * @var string $name
    public $name;

class PostData extends DataTransferObject
     * @Optional
     * @var string $name
    public $name;

class PostData extends DataTransferObject implements AdditionalProperties
     * @var string $name
    public $name;

$dto = new PostData(["name" => "foo", "address" => "bar"]);

["name" => "foo"]

class PostData extends DataTransferObject implements WithAdditionalProperties
     * @var string $name
    public $name;

$dto = new PostData(["name" => "foo", "address" => "bar"]);

["name" => "foo", "address" => "bar"]

    public function create(PostData $data, User $user)
        $data->with('user_id', $user->id);
        return $this->repository->create($data->toArray());

    public function create(PostData $data, User $user)
            $data->override('name', 'admin');
        $data->with('user_id', $user->id);
        return $this->repository->create($data->toArray());

class PostData extends DataTransferObject
     * @var string
     * @Assert\NotBlank()
     * @Assert\Length(min = 3, max = 20)
    public $name;

class UpdatePostData extends PostData
     * @Optional
     * @Inherit
    public $name;

use \Spatie\DataTransferObject\DataTransferObjectCollection;

class PostCollection extends DataTransferObjectCollection
    public function current(): PostData
        return parent::current();

foreach ($postCollection as $postData) {
    $postData-> // … your IDE will provide autocompletion.

$postCollection[0]-> // … and also here.

class PostCollection extends DataTransferObjectCollection
    public static function create(array $data): PostCollection
        $collection = [];

        foreach ($data as $item)
            $collection[] = PostData::create($item);

        return new self($collection);

class PostData extends DataTransferObject
    /** @var \AuthorData */
    public $author;

$postData = new PostData([
    'author' => [
        'name' => 'Foo',

class TagData extends DataTransferObject
    /** @var string */
   public $name;

class PostData extends DataTransferObject
    /** @var \TagData[] */
   public $tags;

$postData = new PostData([
    'tags' => [
        ['name' => 'foo'],
        ['name' => 'bar']


    ->only('title', 'body')
