PHP code example of laragear / token-action

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download laragear/token-action library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


laragear / token-action example snippets

use Laragear\TokenAction\Facades\Token;

$token = Token::until('tomorrow');

return "Confirm the invite using this code: $token";

use Laragear\TokenAction\Facades\Token;

// Create a token for 10 minutes
$token = Token::until(10);

// Create a token for tomorrow
$token = Token::until('tomorrow');

// Create a token for a specific moment of time
$token = Token::until(now()->addHour());

use Laragear\TokenAction\Facades\Token;

$token = Token::until('tomorrow');

return route('party.invite', [
    'party' => 420,
    'user_id' => 10,
    'token' => (string) $token,


use Laragear\TokenAction\Facades\Token;

$token = Token::tries(2)->until('tomorrow');

use Laragear\TokenAction\Facades\Token;

$token = Token::with(['cool' => true])->until('tomorrow');

use Laragear\TokenAction\Facades\Token;
use App\Models\Tour;
use App\Models\Party;

// Use a single model
$token = Token::with(Party::find(420))->until('tomorrow');

// Use a collection
$token = Token::with(Tour::limit(10)->get())->until('tomorrow');

use Laragear\TokenAction\Facades\Token;

$token = Token::find('e9f83d...');

if ($token) {
    $party = $token->payload->party->name;
    return "You confirmed the invitation to $party";

return 'You need to be invited the first place.';

use Laragear\TokenAction\Facades\Token;

$token = Token::consume('e9f83d...');

if ($token) {
    return 'You are confirmed your invitation to the party!'.

use Laragear\TokenAction\Facades\Token;


return 'You are confirmed your invitation to the party #420';

use Laragear\TokenAction\Facades\Token;

$token = Token::find('e9f83d...');

if ($token?->consume()) {
    return 'Assistance confirmed!';

return 'You are not invited';

use Laragear\TokenAction\Facades\Token;

$token = Token::findOrFail('e9f83d...');


return 'Assistance confirmed!';

use App\Models\Party;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
use Laragear\TokenAction\Token;

Route::get('party/{party}/invitation/{token}', function (Party $party, Token $token) {
    return view('party.confirm')->with([
        'party' => $party,
        'token' => $token,

use Laragear\TokenAction\Facades\Token;

$token = Token::find('e9f83d...');

if ($token) {

use Laragear\TokenAction\Facades\Token;


use Laragear\TokenAction\Facades\Token;

$partyToken = Token::store('redis')->find('e9f83d...');

$dateToken = Token::store('memcached')->find('e9f83d...');

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
use App\Models\Party;

// Show the form to confirm the invitation.
Route::get('{party}/confirm', function (Party $party) {
    return view('party.confirm')->with('party', $party);

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App\Models\Party;

// Show the form to confirm the invitation.
Route::get('{party}/confirm', function (Party $party) {
    // ...

// Handle the form submission.
Route::post('{party}/confirm', function (Request $request, Party $party) {
	return back();

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App\Models\Party;

Route::get('{party}/confirm', function (Party $party) {
	// ...

Route::post('{party}/confirm', function (Request $request, Party $party) {
	// ...

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App\Models\Party;

Route::post('{party}/confirm', function (Request $request, Party $party) {
	// ...

use Laragear\TokenAction\Facades\Token;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;

$token = Token::store('redis')->as(Str::random(32))->until(60);

namespace App\Providers;

use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
use Laragear\TokenAction\Token;

class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    public function boot()
        Token::$generator = fn() => Str::random(48);

return [
    'default' => env('TOKEN_ACTION_STORE'),
    'prefix' => env('TOKEN_ACTION_PREFIX', 'token-action'),
    'middleware' => [
        'validate' => 'token.validate',
        'consume' => 'token.consume',
    'bound' => 'token',

return [
    'default' => env('TOKEN_ACTION_STORE'),
    'prefix' => env('TOKEN_ACTION_PREFIX', 'token-action'),

return [
    'middleware' => [
        'validate' => 'token.validate',
        'consume' => 'token.consume',

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
use Laragear\TokenAction\Http\Middleware\TokenValidateMiddleware;

Route::get('invite', function () {
    // ...

return [
    'bound' => 'token',
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Laragear\TokenAction\TokenActionServiceProvider" --tag="config"