PHP code example of laracraft-tech / laravel-date-scopes

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download laracraft-tech/laravel-date-scopes library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


laracraft-tech / laravel-date-scopes example snippets

use LaracraftTech\LaravelDateScopes\DateScopes;

class Transaction extends Model
    use DateScopes;

// query transactions created today
 // query transactions created during the last week
 // query transactions created during the start of the current month till now
 // query transactions created during the last year, start from 2020
Transaction::ofLastYear(startFrom: '2020-01-01');

// ... and much more scopes are available (see below)

// For sure, you can chain any Builder function you want here.
// Such as these aggregations, for instance:

return [
     * If you want to ge here as a default.
     * Note that you can also fluently specify the range for quite every scope we offer
     * directly when using the scope:
     * Transaction::ofLast7Days(customRange: DateRange::INCLUSIVE); (this works for all but the singular "ofLast"-scopes)
     * This will do an inclusive query, even though the global default range here is set to exclusive.
    'default_range' => env('DATE_SCOPES_DEFAULT_RANGE', DateRange::EXCLUSIVE->value),

     * If you use a global custom created_at column name, change it here.
    'created_column' => env('DATE_SCOPES_CREATED_COLUMN', 'created_at'),

// This works for all "ofLast"-scopes, expect the singulars like "ofLastHour",
// because it would not make sense for those.
Transaction::ofLast7Days(customRange: DateRange::INCLUSIVE);

use LaracraftTech\LaravelDateScopes\DateScopes;

class Transaction extends Model
    use DateScopes;
    public $timestamps = false;

    const CREATED_AT = 'custom_created_at';
// also make sure to omit the default $table->timestamps() function in your migration
// and use something like this instead: $table->timestamp('custom_created_at')->nullable();

// query transactions created during 2019-2020
Transaction::ofLastYear(startFrom: '2020-01-01')

// query by SECONDS
Transaction::ofJustNow(); // query transactions created just now
Transaction::ofLastSecond(); // query transactions created during the last second
Transaction::ofLast15Seconds(); // query transactions created during the last 15 seconds
Transaction::ofLast30Seconds(); // query transactions created during the last 30 seconds
Transaction::ofLast45Seconds(); // query transactions created during the last 45 seconds
Transaction::ofLast60Seconds(); // query transactions created during the last 60 seconds
Transaction::ofLastSeconds(120); // query transactions created during the last N seconds

// query by MINUTES
Transaction::ofLastMinute(); // query transactions created during the last minute
Transaction::ofLast15Minutes(); // query transactions created during the last 15 minutes
Transaction::ofLast30Minutes(); // query transactions created during the last 30 minutes
Transaction::ofLast45Minutes(); // query transactions created during the last 45 minutes
Transaction::ofLast60Minutes(); // query transactions created during the last 60 minutes
Transaction::ofLastMinutes(120); // query transactions created during the last N minutes

// query by HOURS
Transaction::ofLastHour(); // query transactions created during the last hour
Transaction::ofLast6Hours(); // query transactions created during the last 6 hours
Transaction::ofLast12Hours(); // query transactions created during the last 12 hours
Transaction::ofLast18Hours(); // query transactions created during the last 18 hours
Transaction::ofLast24Hours(); // query transactions created during the last 24 hours
Transaction::ofLastHours(48); // query transactions created during the last N hours

// query by DAYS
Transaction::ofToday(); // query transactions created today
Transaction::ofYesterday(); // query transactions created yesterday
Transaction::ofLast7Days(); // query transactions created during the last 7 days
Transaction::ofLast21Days(); // query transactions created during the last 21 days
Transaction::ofLast30Days(); // query transactions created during the last 30 days
Transaction::ofLastDays(60); // query transactions created during the last N days

// query by WEEKS
Transaction::ofLastWeek(); // query transactions created during the last week
Transaction::ofLast2Weeks(); // query transactions created during the last 2 weeks
Transaction::ofLast3Weeks(); // query transactions created during the last 3 weeks
Transaction::ofLast4Weeks(); // query transactions created during the last 4 weeks
Transaction::ofLastWeeks(8); // query transactions created during the last N weeks

// query by MONTHS
Transaction::ofLastMonth(); // query transactions created during the last month
Transaction::ofLast3Months(); // query transactions created during the last 3 months
Transaction::ofLast6Months(); // query transactions created during the last 6 months
Transaction::ofLast9Months(); // query transactions created during the last 9 months
Transaction::ofLast12Months(); // query transactions created during the last 12 months
Transaction::ofLastMonths(24); // query transactions created during the last N months

// query by QUARTERS
Transaction::ofLastQuarter(); // query transactions created during the last quarter
Transaction::ofLast2Quarters(); // query transactions created during the last 2 quarters
Transaction::ofLast3Quarters(); // query transactions created during the last 3 quarters
Transaction::ofLast4Quarters(); // query transactions created during the last 4 quarters
Transaction::ofLastQuarters(8); // query transactions created during the last N quarters

// query by YEARS
Transaction::ofLastYear(); // query transactions created during the last year
Transaction::ofLastYears(2); // query transactions created during the last N years

// query by DECADES
Transaction::ofLastDecade(); // query transactions created during the last decade
Transaction::ofLastDecades(2); // query transactions created during the last N decades

// query by CENTURIES
Transaction::ofLastCentury(); // query transactions created during the last century
Transaction::ofLastCenturies(2); // query transactions created during the last N centuries

// query by MILLENNIUMS
Transaction::ofLastMillennium(); // query transactions created during the last millennium
Transaction::ofLastMillenniums(2); // query transactions created during the last N millenniums

// query by toNow/toDate
Transaction::secondToNow(); // query transactions created during the start of the current second till now (equivalent of just now)
Transaction::minuteToNow(); // query transactions created during the start of the current minute till now
Transaction::hourToNow(); // query transactions created during the start of the current hour till now
Transaction::dayToNow(); // query transactions created during the start of the current day till now
Transaction::weekToDate(); // query transactions created during the start of the current week till now
Transaction::monthToDate(); // query transactions created during the start of the current month till now
Transaction::quarterToDate(); // query transactions created during the start of the current quarter till now
Transaction::yearToDate(); // query transactions created during the start of the current year till now
Transaction::decadeToDate(); // query transactions created during the start of the current decade till now
Transaction::centuryToDate(); // query transactions created during the start of the current century till now
Transaction::millenniumToDate(); // query transactions created during the start of the current millennium till now
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="date-scopes-config"