PHP code example of langsys / swagger-auto-generator

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download langsys/swagger-auto-generator library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


langsys / swagger-auto-generator example snippets

return [
    'paths' => [
        'data_objects' => app_path('DataObjects'),
        'swagger_docs' => app_path('Swagger/Schemas.php')


namespace App\DataObjects;

use Spatie\LaravelData\Data;

/** @typescript */
final class UserData extends Data
    public function __construct(
        public string $id,       
        public string $firstname,
        public string $lastname,
        public string $email,       
        public ?string $email_verified_at,
        public string $password,       
        public ?string $remember_token,        
        public ?string $created_at,
        public ?string $updated_at,      
    ) {

    'faker_attribute_mapper' => [
        'address_1' => 'streetAddress',
        'address_2' => 'buildingNumber',
        'zip' => 'postcode',
        '_at' => 'date',
        '_url' => 'url',
        'locale' => 'locale',
        'phone' => 'phoneNumber',
        '_id' => 'id'

    //These are examples of custom functions that can be used in the data object, you can add more functions here, or remove them if you don't need them.
    'custom_functions' => [
        'id' => [\Langsys\SwaggerAutoGenerator\Functions\CustomFunctions::class,'id'],
        'locale' => [\Langsys\SwaggerAutoGenerator\Functions\CustomFunctions::class,'locale'],
        'date' => [\Langsys\SwaggerAutoGenerator\Functions\CustomFunctions::class,'date'],

namespace Langsys\SwaggerAutoGenerator\Functions;

use App\Models\Locale;

class CustomFunctions
    public function locale(): string
        $locales = Locale::all();

        return $locales->get(random_int(1, $locales->count()))->code;
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Langsys\SwaggerAutoGenerator\DataSwaggerServiceProvider" --tag="config"
php artisan data-swagger:generate