PHP code example of lahaxearnaud / laravel-token

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download lahaxearnaud/laravel-token library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


lahaxearnaud / laravel-token example snippets

	'providers' => array(
        // ...

	'aliases' => array(
        // ...
		'Token' => 'Lahaxearnaud\LaravelToken\LaravelTokenFacade',

    $token = Token::create($userID, $allowLogin);

    $token = Token::create($userID, $allowLogin);
    $cryptToken = Token::cryptToken($token->token);

    $tokenStr = Token::getTokenValueFromRequest();

    $cryptToken = Token::isValidCryptToken($token->token, $userId);

    $tokenStr = Token::getTokenValueFromRequest();

    $cryptToken = Token::isValidToken($token->token, $userId);

    $tokenStr = Token::getTokenValueFromRequest();

      * if the token is crypt do :
      * $tokenStr = Token::uncryptToken($tokenStr);

    $tokenValid = true;
    try {
        // find the token
        $token = $token->findByToken($tokenStr, $userId);

        // test the token validity
        if (Token::isValidToken($token)) {

            // do what you need to do

            // delete the token
        } else {
            $tokenValid = false;
    } catch (TokenNotFoundException $e) {
        $tokenValid = false;

    if($tokenValid) {
        // manage errors

    Route::get('/token-protected', array('before' => 'token', function () {
        echo "I am token protected";

    Route::get('/login-by-token', array('before' => 'token.auth', function () {
        echo Auth::user()->username;

use Illuminate\Auth\UserTrait;
use Illuminate\Auth\UserInterface;
use Illuminate\Auth\Reminders\RemindableTrait;
use Illuminate\Auth\Reminders\RemindableInterface;
use Lahaxearnaud\LaravelToken\Models\UserTokenInterface;

class User extends Eloquent implements UserInterface, RemindableInterface, UserTokenInterface {

	use UserTrait, RemindableTrait;

	 * The database table used by the model.
	 * @var string
	protected $table = 'users';

	 * The attributes excluded from the model's JSON form.
	 * @var array
	protected $hidden = array('password', 'remember_token');

    public function loggableByToken()
        return true;


    App::error(function(\Lahaxearnaud\LaravelToken\exeptions\TokenException $exception)
        if($exception instanceof \Lahaxearnaud\LaravelToken\exeptions\TokenNotFoundException) {
            return \Response::make('Unauthorized (Not found)', 401);

        if($exception instanceof \Lahaxearnaud\LaravelToken\exeptions\TokenNotValidException) {
            return \Response::make('Unauthorized (Not valid token)', 401);

        if($exception instanceof \Lahaxearnaud\LaravelToken\exeptions\UserNotLoggableByTokenException) {
            return \Response::make('Unauthorized (Not loggable by token)', 401);

        if($exception instanceof \Lahaxearnaud\LaravelToken\exeptions\NotLoginTokenException) {
            return \Response::make('Unauthorized (Not login token)', 401);

    Token::cryptToken ($uncrypt)

    Token::uncryptToken ($crypt)

    Token::create ($userId, $allowLogin = false, $lifetime = 3600, $length = 100)

    Token::burn (Token $token)

    Token::isValidToken ($token, $userId)

    Token::isValidCryptToken ($token, $userId)

    Token::isValid (Token $token)

    Token::find ($id)

    Token::findByToken ($token, $userId)

    Token::findByUser ($idUser)
    $ php artisan migrate --package="lahaxearnaud/laravel-token"
    $ php artisan config:publish lahaxearnaud/laravel-token
            $ php artisan token:clean