PHP code example of kublai / yii2-google-maps-library

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download kublai/yii2-google-maps-library library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


kublai / yii2-google-maps-library example snippets

use dosamigos\google\maps\LatLng;
use dosamigos\google\maps\services\DirectionsWayPoint;
use dosamigos\google\maps\services\TravelMode;
use dosamigos\google\maps\overlays\PolylineOptions;
use dosamigos\google\maps\services\DirectionsRenderer;
use dosamigos\google\maps\services\DirectionsService;
use dosamigos\google\maps\overlays\InfoWindow;
use dosamigos\google\maps\overlays\Marker;
use dosamigos\google\maps\Map;
use dosamigos\google\maps\services\DirectionsRequest;
use dosamigos\google\maps\overlays\Polygon;
use dosamigos\google\maps\layers\BicyclingLayer;

$coord = new LatLng(['lat' => 39.720089311812094, 'lng' => 2.91165944519042]);
$map = new Map([
    'center' => $coord,
    'zoom' => 14,

// lets use the directions renderer
$home = new LatLng(['lat' => 39.720991014764536, 'lng' => 2.911801719665541]);
$school = new LatLng(['lat' => 39.719456079114956, 'lng' => 2.8979293346405166]);
$santo_domingo = new LatLng(['lat' => 39.72118906848983, 'lng' => 2.907628202438368]);

// setup just one waypoint (Google allows a max of 8)
$waypoints = [
    new DirectionsWayPoint(['location' => $santo_domingo])

$directionsRequest = new DirectionsRequest([
    'origin' => $home,
    'destination' => $school,
    'waypoints' => $waypoints,
    'travelMode' => TravelMode::DRIVING

// Lets configure the polyline that renders the direction
$polylineOptions = new PolylineOptions([
    'strokeColor' => '#FFAA00',
    'draggable' => true

// Now the renderer
$directionsRenderer = new DirectionsRenderer([
    'map' => $map->getName(),
    'polylineOptions' => $polylineOptions

// Finally the directions service
$directionsService = new DirectionsService([
    'directionsRenderer' => $directionsRenderer,
    'directionsRequest' => $directionsRequest

// Thats it, append the resulting script to the map

// Lets add a marker now
$marker = new Marker([
    'position' => $coord,
    'title' => 'My Home Town',

// Provide a shared InfoWindow to the marker
    new InfoWindow([
        'content' => '<p>This is my super cool content</p>'

// Add marker to the map

// Now lets write a polygon
$coords = [
    new LatLng(['lat' => 25.774252, 'lng' => -80.190262]),
    new LatLng(['lat' => 18.466465, 'lng' => -66.118292]),
    new LatLng(['lat' => 32.321384, 'lng' => -64.75737]),
    new LatLng(['lat' => 25.774252, 'lng' => -80.190262])

$polygon = new Polygon([
    'paths' => $coords

// Add a shared info window
$polygon->attachInfoWindow(new InfoWindow([
        'content' => '<p>This is my super cool Polygon</p>'

// Add it now to the map

// Lets show the BicyclingLayer :)
$bikeLayer = new BicyclingLayer(['map' => $map->getName()]);

// Append its resulting script

// Display the map -finally :)
echo $map->display();

'components' => [
    'assetManager' => [
        'bundles' => [
            'dosamigos\google\maps\MapAsset' => [
                'options' => [
                    'key' => 'this_is_my_key',
                    'language' => 'id',
                    'version' => '3.1.18'

php composer.phar