PHP code example of ktamas77 / firebase-php

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download ktamas77/firebase-php library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


ktamas77 / firebase-php example snippets

// Firebase Token can be found in the Firebase Console:
// Settings -> Project Settings -> Service accounts -> Database secrets

const URL = '';
const TOKEN = 'MqL0c8tKCtheLSYcygYNtGhU8Z2hULOFs9OKPdEp';
const PATH = '/firebase/example';

use Firebase\FirebaseLib;

$firebase = new FirebaseLib(URL, TOKEN);

// Storing an array
$test = [
    'foo' => 'bar',
    'i_love' => 'lamp',
    'id' => 42
$dateTime = new DateTime();
$firebase->set(PATH . '/' . $dateTime->format('c'), $test);

// Storing a string
$firebase->set(PATH . '/name/contact001', 'John Doe');

// Reading the stored string
$name = $firebase->get(PATH . '/name/contact001');

// Firebase API commands

$firebase->set($path, $value);   // stores data in Firebase
$value = $firebase->get($path);  // reads a value from Firebase
$firebase->delete($path);        // deletes value from Firebase
$firebase->update($path, $data); // updates data in Firebase
$firebase->push($path, $data);   // push data to Firebase

// Query Parameters can be optionally used on all operations, example:

$value = $firebase->get($path, ['shallow' => 'true']);

// Query Parameter values with quotes example
// Documentation:

$value = $firebase->get($path, ['orderBy' => '"height"']);

// Firebase PHP Library commands

$firebase->setToken($token);     // set up Firebase token
$firebase->setBaseURI($uri);     // set up Firebase base URI (root node)
$firebase->setTimeOut($seconds); // set up maximum timeout / request