PHP code example of kriss / yii2-geo

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download kriss/yii2-geo library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


kriss / yii2-geo example snippets

use yii\db\ActiveRecord;

class User extends ActiveRecord 

use yii\db\ActiveRecord;
use kriss\geo\activeRecord\ActiveRecordGeoInterface;
use kriss\geo\activeRecord\ActiveRecordGeoTrait;

class User extends ActiveRecord implements ActiveRecordGeoInterface
    use ActiveRecordGeoTrait;
    public function behaviors()
        $behaviors = parent::behaviors();
        // 自动更新经纬度数据
        $behaviors['geo'] = [
            'class' => GeoUpdateBehavior::class,
            'updateTriggerAttributes' => ['lng', 'lat'], // 触发更新的字段
            'deleteAttributes' => ['is_deleted' => true], // 删除的字段和值
        return $behaviors;
     * @inheritDoc
    public function getGeoLngLat()
        return [$this->lng, $this->lat]; // 替换成自己的经纬度字段

$model = new User();
$model->lnt = 116.306726;
$model->lat = 40.067816;
$model->save(); // 触发新增 geo 信息

$model->lnt = 117.306726;
$model->save(); // 触发更新 geo 信息

$model->name = 'aaa';
$model->save(); // 由于修改的字段为配置为触发,因此不会触发更新 geo 信息

$model->is_deleted = 1;
$model->save(); // 触发删除 geo 信息

$model->delete(); // 触发删除 geo 信息

// 获取 GeoClient
$client = User::getGeoClient();
// 获取经纬度
$positions = $client->getPosition(1); // 有值时:[1 => ["116.30672782659531", "41.067817101970839"]],无值时:[1 => []]
$positions = $client->getPosition(1, 2, 3); // 同时获取多个值
// 计算距离
$distance = $client->getDistance(33, 34); // "111226.0989",单位默认为米
$distance = $client->getDistance(33, 34, 'km'); // "111.2261",单位千米
// 获取范围内的
$members = $client->getMembersInRadius('116.427411','39.985579', 10, 'km'); // 10千米内的坐标:['34', '35']
$members = $client->getMembersInRadius('116.427411','39.985579', 10, 'km', ['sort' => 'ASC']); // 10千米内的坐标,并按照距离远近排序:['35', '34']
$members = $client->getMembersInRadius('116.427411','39.985579', 10, 'km', ['with' => 'DIST']); // 10千米内的坐标,并附带距离值:[['34' => '13.7595'], ['34' => '13.7591']]
$members = $client->getMembersInRadius('116.427411','39.985579', 10, 'km', ['count' => 1]); // 10千米内的坐标,最多返回1个:['34']