PHP code example of krisanalfa / bono-markdown

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download krisanalfa/bono-markdown library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


krisanalfa / bono-markdown example snippets

'bono.providers' => [
    'Bono\\Markdown\\Provider\\MarkdownProvider' => [
        'gfm' => true, // activate Github Flavored Markdown

$app = App::getInstance();
$markdown = '**Markdown is awesome**';

// render markdown syntax
echo $app->container['markdown']->render($markdown);

// render markdown form input
echo $app->container['markdown.form']->renderInput($markdown);

use App\MyCustomViewEngine;

'bono.providers' => [
    'Bono\\Markdown\\Provider\\MarkdownProvider' => [
        'gfm' => true, // default false
        'service' => true, // default false
        'endpoint' => '/md-parser', // default '/md'
        'requestKeyName' => 'entry', // default 'markdown',
        'view' => function () { // default is not set, fallback to Slim\View
            return new MyCustomViewEngine;
        'partialTemplatePath' => 'templates/partials', // default is not set, using our own partials

'bono.providers' => [
    'Bono\\Markdown\\Provider\\MarkdownProvider' => [
        'view' => function() {
            return new MyCustomViewEngine();

$view = new MyCustomViewEngine();

$app->container['markdown.form']->setView($view); // after this, form should use your custom view engine

$app->container['markdown.form']->renderInput($markdown, '_partials/markdown');