1. Go to this page and download the library: Download kreative/f3-pypl library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
kreative / f3-pypl example snippets
// F3-PYPL config
$ppconfig = array(
// Instantiate the class with config
$paypal=new PayPal($ppconfig);
// Example if using the default example naming conventions
$basketcontents = $basket->find(); // array of basket items
$paypal = new PayPal;
// Example if using your own naming conventions
$basketcontents = $basket->find(); // array of basket items
$paypal = new PayPal;
$itemtotal=$paypal->copyBasket($basketcontents,'item','quantity','cost'); // returns 20.
// Example
// Check the API call was successful
if ($result['ACK']!='Success'){
// Handle the API error
die('Error with API call -'.$result["L_ERRORCODE0"]);
} else {
// Redirect the buyer to PayPal
// Example
// Retrieve EC Token from the URL
// Retrieve the buyers shipping address via the GetExpressCheckout API
// Example
// Retrieve EC Token from the URL
// Retreive the buyers shipping address via the GetExpressCheckout API
$paypal = new PayPal;
$buyerdetails = $paypal->getDetails($token);
$paypal->updateShippingAddress($token, $buyerdetails[SHIPTONAME], $buyerdetails[SHIPTOSTREET], $buyerdetails[SHIPTOSTREET2], $buyerdetails[SHIPTOCITY], $buyerdetails[SHIPTOSTATE], $buyerdetails[SHIPTOZIP], $buyerdetails[SHIPTOCOUNTRYCODE]);
complete($ecToken, $payerId);
// Example
// Retrieve EC Token & PayerID from the URL
//Complete the Transaction
$result=$paypal->complete($token, $payerid);
// Check the API call was successful
if ($result['ACK'] != 'Success' && $result['ACK'] != 'SuccessWithWarning'){
// Handle the API error
die('Error with API call -'.$result["L_ERRORCODE0"]);
} else {
// Redirect the buyer a receipt or order confirmation page
// Store the status & transaction ID for your records
refund($txnId, [$type, $currencycode, $amt]);
// Fake Transaction ID for 20..
//Partial Refund
refund($txnId, 'Partial', 'EUR', '10.00']);
//Full Refund
$f3->route('GET /expresscheckout',
function ($f3) {
//Instantiate the class
$paypal = new PayPal;
// Set the shipping address (if t Items
$paypal->setLineItem("Phone Case", 1, "10.00"); //10.00
$paypal->setLineItem("Smart Phone", 1, "200.00"); //200.00
$paypal->setLineItem("Screen Protector", 5, "1.00"); //5.00
// Set Shipping amount
// Set Tax
Prevent the buyer from changing the
shipping address on the PayPal website.
// Create Transaction, Total amount = Cart Items + Shipping Amount + Tax Amount
$result = $paypal->create("Sale", "EUR", "246.00", $optional);
// Reroute buyer to PayPal with resulting transaction token
if ($result['ACK'] != 'Success') {
// Handle API error code
die('Error with API call - ' . $result["L_ERRORCODE0"]);
} else {
// Redirect Buyer to PayPal
$f3->route('GET /review',
function($f3) {
// grab token from URL
//Instantiate the Class
$paypal=new PayPal;
// Get Express Checkout details from PayPal
// Check for successful response
if ($result['ACK'] != 'Success') {
// Handle API error code
die('Error with API call - ' . $result["L_ERRORCODE0"]);
} else {
// Use details to render an order review page
// Show shipping address order details
$f3->route('GET /summary',
function($f3) {
// grab token & PayerID from URL
//Instantiate the Class
$paypal=new PayPal;
// complete the transaction
$result=$paypal->complete($token, $payerid);
// Check for successful response
if ($result['ACK'] != 'Success' && $result['ACK'] != 'SuccessWithWarning') {
// Handle API error code
die('Error with API call - ' . $result["L_ERRORCODE0"]);
} else {
// Update back office - save transaction id, payment status etc
// Display thank you/receipt to the buyer.
$f3->route('GET /expresscheckout',
function ($f3) {
//Instantiate the class
$paypal = new PayPal;
// Set Cart Items manually or use copyBasket method.
$paypal->setLineItem("Phone Case", 1, "10.00"); //10.00
$paypal->setLineItem("Smart Phone", 1, "200.00"); //200.00
// Set Tax
// Create Transaction, Total amount = Cart Items + Shipping Amount + Tax Amount
$result = $paypal->create("Sale", "EUR", "231.00", $optional);
// Reroute buyer to PayPal with resulting transaction token
if ($result['ACK'] != 'Success') {
// Handle API error code
die('Error with API call - ' . $result["L_ERRORCODE0"]);
} else {
// Redirect Buyer to PayPal
$f3->route('GET /review',
function($f3) {
// grab token from URL
//Instantiate the Class
$paypal=new PayPal;
// Get Express Checkout details from PayPal
// Check for successful response
if ($buyerdetails['ACK'] != 'Success') {
// Handle API error code
die('Error with API call - ' . $buyerdetails["L_ERRORCODE0"]);
} else {
// Use details of $result to render an order review page
// Show shipping address order details
// Update the session to store the new shipping address
// this address is passed in the final API call
$paypal->updateShippingAddress($token, $buyerdetails[SHIPTONAME], $buyerdetails[SHIPTOSTREET], $buyerdetails[SHIPTOSTREET2], $buyerdetails[SHIPTOCITY], $buyerdetails[SHIPTOSTATE], $buyerdetails[SHIPTOZIP], $buyerdetails[SHIPTOCOUNTRYCODE]);
// Update the session & order total with a new shipping amount
$paypal->updateShippingAmt($token, '10.00');
$f3->route('GET /summary',
function($f3) {
// grab token & PayerID from URL
//Instantiate the Class
$paypal=new PayPal;
// complete the transaction
$result=$paypal->complete($token, $payerid);
// Check for successful response
if ($result['ACK'] != 'Success' && $result['ACK'] != 'SuccessWithWarning') {
// Handle API error code
die('Error with API call - ' . $result["L_ERRORCODE0"]);
} else {
// Update back office - save transaction id, payment status etc
// Display thank you/receipt to the buyer.
$f3->route('GET /rp',
function ($f3) {
//Instantiate the Recurring Payments Class
$paypal = new PayPalRP;
//Set a descriptive name for the Recurring Payment
$result = $paypal->setupRP("Test Subscription");
// Reroute buyer to PayPal with resulting transaction token
if ($result['ACK'] != 'Success') {
// Handle API error code
die('Error with API call - ' . $result["L_ERRORCODE0"]);
} else {
// Redirect Buyer to PayPal
$f3->route('GET /rpcreate',
function ($f3) {
//Instantiate the Recurring Payments Class
$paypal = new PayPalRP;
//Define the terms of the recurring payment profile.
$startdate=date('Y-m-d')."T00:00:00Z"; // UTC/GMT format eg 2016-10-25T18:00:00Z
$period="Day"; // Day, Week, SemiMonth, Month, Year
$frequency="2"; // Cannot exceed one year
$paypal->setRPDetails($amt, $startdate, $period, $frequency, $currency);
// grab token from URL
$token = $f3->get('GET.token');
//Create Recurring Payment Profile
$result = $paypal->createRP($token);
// Reroute buyer to PayPal with resulting transaction token
if ($result['ACK'] != 'Success' && $result['ACK'] != 'SuccessWithWarning') {
// Handle API error code
die('Error with API call - ' . $result["L_ERRORCODE0"]);
} else {
$f3->route('GET /basetup',
function ($f3) {
//Instantiate the Reference Transactions Class
$paypal = new PayPalRT;
//Set a descriptive name for the Recurring Payment
$result = $paypal->setupRP("Test Subscription");
// Reroute buyer to PayPal with resulting transaction token
if ($result['ACK'] != 'Success') {
// Handle API error code
die('Error with API call - ' . $result["L_ERRORCODE0"]);
} else {
// Redirect Buyer to PayPal
$f3->route('GET /bacreate',
function ($f3) {
// grab token & PayerID from URL
$token = $f3->get('GET.token');
// complete the transaction
$paypal = new PayPalRT;
$result = $paypal->createBA($token);
if ($result['ACK'] != 'Success' && $result['ACK'] != 'SuccessWithWarning') {
// Handle API error code
die('Error with API call - ' . $result["L_ERRORCODE0"]);
} else {
// Update back office - save the billing agreement id.
// Display thank you/receipt to the buyer.
// Create the transaction
$paypal = new PayPalRT;
$result = $paypal->doRT($billingAgreementId, 'Sale', 'EUR', '10.00');
if ($result['ACK'] != 'Success' && $result['ACK'] != 'SuccessWithWarning') {
// Handle API error code
die('Error with API call - ' . $result["L_ERRORCODE0"]);
} else {
// Update back office - save transaction id, payment status etc
// Display thank you/receipt to the buyer if present.
$f3->route('GET /dcc',
function ($f3) {
//Instantiate the PayPal Class
$paypal = new PayPal;
$paymentaction="Sale"; // Can be Sale or Authorization
$currencycode="EUR"; // 3 Character currency code
$amount="10.00"; // Amount to charge
$cardtype='Visa'; // Visa, MasterCard, Discover etc
$cardnumber='XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'; // Valid card number
$expdate='122020'; // format MMYYYY
$cvv='123'; // Valid security code
$result=$paypal->dcc($paymentaction, $currencycode, $amount, $cardtype, $cardnumber, $expdate, $cvv, $ipaddress);
// $result will contain an associative array of the API response. Store the useful bits like status & transaction ID.
if ($result['ACK'] != 'Success' && $result['ACK'] != 'SuccessWithWarning') {
// Handle API error code
die('Error with API call - ' . $result["L_ERRORCODE0"]);
} else {
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