PHP code example of krak / cargo

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download krak/cargo library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


krak / cargo example snippets

use Krak\Cargo;

$c = Cargo\container();

$c = new Container\BoxContainer();
$c = new Container\SingletonContainer($c);
$c = new Container\BoxFactoryContainer($c);
$c = new Container\FreezingContainer($c);
$c = new Container\AliasContainer($c);

$c = Cargo\liteContainer($values = [], $box_container = null);

$c['a'] = function($c) {
    return new ServiceA();
// or
$c->add('b', function($c) {
    return new ServiceB($c['a']);

$c->singleton('a', function() {
    return new ServiceA();
$c->factory('b', function() {
    return new ServiceB();
// $c['a'] === $c['a'] - same instance each time
// $c['b'] !== $c['b'] - different instance each time

$c['a.parameter'] = 'value';
$c['a'] = function($c) {
    return new ServiceA($c['a.parameter']);

$func = function() {};
$c->protect('a.closure_parameter', $func);
// it returns the same instance because values are just stored as is.
// $c['a.closure_parameter'] === $func

$c->env('APP_KEY', $alias = 'application.key');
// $c['APP_KEY'] === $c['application.key'] are read from the env

$c['logger'] = function() {
    return new Logger();
$c->wrap('logger', function($logger, $c) {
    return new MyLogger($logger);
// $c['logger'] instanceof MyLogger == true

$c['a'] = function() {};
// ok to redefine because we haven't invoked 'a' yet.
$c['a'] = function() {};
$service = $c['a'];
// this will throw an exception because the service was frozen
$c['a'] = function() {};

$c[Acme\ServiceA::class] = function() {
    return new Acme\ServiceA();
$c->alias(Acme\ServiceA::class, 'acme.service_a', 'a');
// $c[Acme\ServiceA::class] === $c['service_a'] === $c['a']

// the second parameter as true will = true);
$stack = $c->get('SplStack');
// will return an instance of SplStack as a singleton.

// defines 'StdClass' as a factory instance and will set it up for auto-wiring since no definition was given.
// $c['StdClass'] !== $c['StdClass']

$c->singleton('a', SplStack::class);
$c->factory('b', ArrayObject::class);

interface ServiceProvider {
    public function register(Cargo\Container $c);

$c->register(new FooProvider(), [
    'foo.parameters' => 1,
]); // or Cargo\register($c, new FooProvider(), [])

$interop = Cargo\toInterop($c); // or $c->toInterop
// $interop instanceof Psr\Container\ContainerInterface

$pimple = Cargo\toPimple($c); // or $c->toPimple()

$pimple['a'] = function() {};
$pimple->extend('a', function() {});
$pimple['b'] = $pimple->protect(function() {


// $c has access to all services defined in pimple

$pimple = new Pimple\Container();
$pimple['a'] = 1;
$pimple['b'] = 1;
$c = Cargo\container();
$c = new Cargo\Container\ArrayAccessDelegateContainer($c, $pimple);
$c['b'] = 2;

assert($c['b'] == 2 && $c['a'] == 1);