PHP code example of koot-labs / telegram-bot-dialogs

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download koot-labs/telegram-bot-dialogs library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


koot-labs / telegram-bot-dialogs example snippets

use KootLabs\TelegramBotDialogs\Dialog;
use Telegram\Bot\Objects\Update;

final class HelloDialog extends Dialog
    /** @var list<string> List of method to execute. The order defines the sequence */
    protected array $steps = ['sayHello', 'sayOk'];

    public function sayHello(Update $update): void
            'chat_id' => $this->getChatId(),
            'text' => 'Hello! How are you?',

    public function sayOk(Update $update): void
            'chat_id' => $this->getChatId(),
            'text' => 'I’m also OK :)',


use App\Dialogs\HelloDialog;
use KootLabs\TelegramBotDialogs\Laravel\Facades\Dialogs;
use Telegram\Bot\Commands\Command;

final class HelloCommand extends Command
    protected $name = 'hello';
    protected $description = 'Start a hello dialog';

    public function handle(): void
        Dialogs::activate(new HelloDialog($this->update->getChat()->id));

use Telegram\Bot\BotsManager;
use KootLabs\TelegramBotDialogs\DialogManager;

final class TelegramWebhookHandler
    public function handle(DialogManager $dialogs, BotsManager $botsManager): void
        // Find a \Telegram\Bot\Commands\Command instance for the Update and execute it
        // for /hello command, it should call HelloCommand that will activate HelloDialog
        $update = $bot->commandsHandler(true);

            ? $dialogs->processUpdate($update) // Run the next step of the active dialog
            : $botsManager->sendMessage([ // send a fallback message
                'chat_id' => $update->getChat()->id,
                'text' => 'No active dialog. Type /hello to start.',

abstract class Dialog
    // Navigation
    public function nextStep(string $stepName): void;
    public function switch(string $stepName): void;
    public function complete(): void;

    // State Management
    public function isAtStart(): bool;
    public function isLastStep(): bool;
    public function isCompleted(): bool;

    // Lifecycle Hooks
    protected function beforeEveryStep(Update $update, int $stepIndex): void;
    protected function afterEveryStep(Update $update, int $stepIndex): void;
    protected function beforeFirstStep(Update $update): void;
    protected function afterLastStep(Update $update): void;

    // Properties Access
    public function getChatId(): int;
    public function getUserId(): ?int;
    public function getTtl(): ?int;

use KootLabs\TelegramBotDialogs\Laravel\Facades\Dialogs;

// Activate a dialog

// Process an update

// Check for active dialog

// Set custom bot instance
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="telegram-config"