PHP code example of konsulting / fluent-state-machine

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download konsulting/fluent-state-machine library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


konsulting / fluent-state-machine example snippets

    use Konsulting\StateMachine\StateMachine;

    $door = new StateMachine(['closed', 'open'])

    $door->transition('open'); // will complete successfully

    $door->transition('close'); // will throw a TransitionFailed Exception

    $door->can('open'); // returns true

    $door->can('close'); // returns false

    use Konsulting\StateMachine\StateMachine;

    $simpleDoor = new SimpleDoor();

    $sm = new StateMachine(['closed', 'open'])

    $sm->transition('open');     // outputs opening
    echo $sm->getCurrentState(); // outputs open
    $sm->transition('close');    // outputs closing
    echo $sm->getCurrentState(); // outputs closed

    class SimpleDoor
        public function open()
            echo "opening";

        public function close()
            echo "closing";

    $door = new Door('closed');

    $door->close(); // throws TransitionFailed Exception.

    $door->open();  // outputs "I am opening"
    $door->close(); // outputs "I am closing"

class Door
    public    $state;
    protected $stateMachine;

    public function __construct($state)
        $this->state = $state;
        $this->stateMachine = new AttachedStateMachine($this);

    public function open()
        $this->stateMachine->transition('open', function () {
            echo "I am opening";

    public function close()
        $this->stateMachine->transition('close', function () {
             echo "I am closing";

use Konsulting\StateMachine\AttachableStateMachine;
use Konsulting\StateMachine\StateMachine;
use Konsulting\StateMachine\TransitionFactory;
use Konsulting\StateMachine\Transitions;

class AttachedStateMachine extends AttachableStateMachine
    protected function define()
        $transitionFactory = (new TransitionFactory)->useDefaultCall(false);
        $transitions = new Transitions($transitionFactory);

            ->setStates(['closed', 'open'])
            ->setCurrentState($this->model->state ?? 'closed')

    public function setCurrentState($state)
        if ($this->model) {
            $this->model->state = $state;

        return parent::setCurrentState($state);