PHP code example of konekt / menu

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download konekt/menu library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


konekt / menu example snippets

$sidebar = Menu::create('sidebar');
$sidebar->addItem('Home',  '/');
$sidebar->addItem('About', 'about');

Menu::create('sidebar', null, ['share' => true]); // will be $sidebar in views
Menu::create('main', null, ['share' => 'mainMenu']); // will be $mainMenu in views

$navbar = Menu::create('navbar');

// Simple link; to '/' via the URL helper
$navbar->addItem('home', 'Home', '/');

// Named route
$navbar->addItem('clients', 'Clients', ['route' => 'client.index']);
// Named route with parameter
$navbar->addItem('my-profile', 'My Profile', ['route' => ['', 'id' => Auth::user()->id]]);

// Refer to an action
$navbar->addItem('projects', 'Projects', ['action' => 'ProjectController@index']);
// Action with parameter
$navbar->addItem('issue7', 'Issue 7', ['action' => ['IssueController@edit', 'id' => 7]]);

$menu = Menu::create('main');

$menu->addItem('home', 'Home', '/');
$menu->addItem('about', 'About', '/about');
$menu->getItem('about')->addSubItem('about-us', 'About Us', ['url' => '/about/us']);

// This will remove both about and about-us

// To keep children, set the second parameter `$removeChildren` to false:
$menu->removeItem('about', false); // about-us will remain

$menu = Menu::create('uberGigaMenu')  

$menu->addItem('about', 'About', ['route' => 'page.about']);
// these items will go under Item 'About'
// refer to about as a property of $menu object then call `addItem()` on it
$menu->about->addSubItem('who-we-are', 'Who We are', '/who-we-are');
// or  
$menu->getItem('about')->addSubItem('what-we-do', 'What We Do', '/what-we-do');
// or  
$menu->addItem('our-goals', 'Our Goals',[
            'parent' => 'about',
            'url' => '/our-goals'

$menu->addItem('about', 'About', '/about')
    ->addSubItem('level2', 'Level 2', '/about/level2')
        ->addSubItem('level3', 'Level 3', '/about/level2/level3')
            ->addSubItem('level4', 'Level 4', '/about/level2/level4');

$menu->addItem('about', 'About');

// You can either set the item object directly as parent:
$menu->addItem('team', 'The Team', ['url' => '/about-the-team', 'parent' => $menu->about]);

// Or just simply the parent item's name:
$menu->addItem('board', 'The Board', ['url' => '/about-the-board', 'parent' => 'about']);

$menu = \Menu::create('menu');
$menu->addItem('contact', 'Contact', '/contact');

// via the getItem method:

// or via magic property accessor:

$about = $menu->addItem('about', 'About', '/about');
$about->addSubItem('who-we-are', 'Who We Are', '/about/who-we-are');
$about->addSubItem('what-we-do', 'What We Do', '/about/what-we-do');

$menu->items; // ItemCollection
// or:

$aboutSubs = $menu->about->children();

// or outside of the builder context
$aboutSubs = Menu::get('MyNavBar')->about->children();

// Or
$aboutSubs = Menu::get('MyNavBar')->getItem('about')->children();

if( $menu->about->hasChildren() ) {
    // Do something

// or outside of the builder context

// Or

$menu->addItem('Home',     '#')->data('color', 'red');
$menu->addItem('About',    '#')->data('color', 'blue');
$menu->addItem('Services', '#')->data('color', 'red');
$menu->addItem('Contact',  '#')->data('color', 'green');

// Fetch all the items with color set to red:
$reds = $menu->whereColor('red');

$menu = Menu::get('MyNavBar');

$menus = Menu::all();

$menu = Menu::create('MyNavBar');

// As you see, you need to pass the second parameter as an associative array:
$menu->addItem('home', 'Home',  ['route' => '', 'class' => 'navbar navbar-home', 'id' => 'home']);
$menu->addItem('about', 'About', ['route' => 'page.about', 'class' => 'navbar navbar-about dropdown']);
$menu->addItem('services', 'Services', ['action' => 'ServicesController@index']);
$menu->addItem('contact', 'Contact',  'contact');

$menu->addItem('about', 'About', ['url' => 'about', 'class' => 'about-item']);

echo $menu->about->attr('class');  // output:  about-item

$menu->about->attr('class', 'another-class');
echo $menu->about->attr('class');  // output: another-class

$menu->about->attr(['class' => 'yet-another', 'id' => 'about']); 

echo $menu->about->attr('class');  // output:  yet-another
echo $menu->about->attr('id');  // output:  about


/* Output
    [class] => yet-another
    [id] => about

$menu->addItem('About', 'about');

$menu->about->addSubItem('whoweare', 'Who we are', 'about/whoweare');
$menu->about->addSubItem('whatwedo', 'What we do', 'about/whatwedo');

// add a class to children of About
$menu->about->children()->attr('class', 'about-item');

$menu = Menu::create('MyNavBar');

$about = $menu->addItem('About', ['route' => 'page.about', 'class' => 'navbar navbar-about dropdown']);

$about->link->attr('data-toggle', 'dropdown');

$menu->addItem('about', 'About')->link->href('#');

$menu->addItem('home', 'Home', '/')->activate();
/* Output
<li class="active"><a href="/">Home</a></li>	

$menu->addItem('home', 'Home', '/')->link->active();
/* Output
<li><a class="active" href="/">Home</a></li>	

// To prevent from auto activation
Menu::create('nav', [
    'auto_activate' => false
// To set the active element:
Menu::create('nav', [
    'active_element' => 'link'    // item|link - item by default

$menu->addItem('articles', 'Articles', '/articles')->activateOnUrls('articles/*');

// (bool) false

// Konekt\Menu\ItemCollection

// or:

// Konekt\Menu\ItemCollection

$menu = Menu::create('MyNavBar');

$about = $menu->addItem('about', 'About', ['route'  => 'page.about', 'class' => 'navbar navbar-about dropdown']);
$menu->about->attr(['class' => 'dropdown-toggle', 'data-toggle' => 'dropdown'])
          ->append(' <b class="caret"></b>')
          ->prepend('<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-user"></span> ');

$menu->addItem('users', 'Users', ['route'  => 'admin.users'])
    ->data('permission', 'manage_users');

$menu->addItem('users', 'Users', '/users')->data('placement', 12);
echo $menu->users->placement;    // Output : 12

$menu->addItem('users', 'Users');
$menu->users->addSubItem('create_user', 'New User', ['route' => 'user.create']);
$menu->users->addSubItem('list_users', 'Uses', ['route' => 'user.index']);
// add a meta data to children of Users
$menu->users->children()->data('tag', 'admin');

$menu = Menu::create('menu');
$menu->addItem('home', 'Home', '/');
$menu->addItem('about', 'About', '/about');

$menu = Menu::create('menu', ['class' => 'navigation', 'auto_activate' => false]);
$menu->addItem('home', 'Home', '/');
$menu->addItem('about', 'About', '/about');

$menu = Menu::create('menu');
$menu->addItem('home', 'Home', '/');
$menu->addItem('about', 'About', '/about')->attr('data-woink', 'kaboom');

use Konekt\Menu\Contracts\MenuRenderer;
use Konekt\Menu\Item;
use Konekt\Menu\ItemCollection;
use Konekt\Menu\Menu;

class BulmaMenuRenderer implements MenuRenderer
    public function render(Menu $menu)
            $result = sprintf("<aside%s class=\"menu\">\n", $menu->attributesAsHtml());
            $result .= $this->renderLevel($menu->items->roots(), 1);
            $result .= "</aside>\n";
            return $result;
        protected function renderLevel(ItemCollection $items, $level)
            $tabs  = str_repeat("\t", $level);
            $class = $level == 1 ? ' class="menu-list"' : '';
            $result = "$tabs<ul$class>\n";
            foreach ($items as $item) {
                $result .= $this->renderItem($item, $level);
            return $result . "$tabs</ul>\n";
        protected function renderItem(Item $item, $level)
            if ($item->hasChildren()) {
                return $this->renderItemLi($item, $level,
                    $this->renderLevel($item->children(), $level + 1)
            return $this->renderItemLi($item, $level);
        protected function renderItemLi(Item $item, $level, $extraHtml = '')
            $tabs = str_repeat("\t", $level + 1);
            $link = sprintf('<a href="%s"%s>%s</a>',
            if (empty($extraHtml)) {
                return sprintf("%s<li%s>%s</li>\n", $tabs, $item->attributesAsHtml(), $link);
            return sprintf("%s<li%s>\n%s%s\n%s\n%s</li>\n",

app()->singleton('', BulmaMenuRenderer::class);

$menu = Menu::create('bulma', [
            'active_element' => 'link',
            'active_class'   => 'is-active',
            'share'          => 'bulmaMenu'

$menu->addItem('dashboard', 'Dashboard', '/dashboard');
$menu->addItem('customers', 'Customers', '/customers');
$menu->addItem('team', 'Team', '#')->activate();
$menu->team->addSubItem('members', 'Members', '/team/members');
$menu->team->addSubItem('plugins', 'Plugins', '/team/plugins');
$menu->team->plugins->addSubItem('addNewPlugin', 'Add New Plugin', '/team/plugins/new');

$menu = Menu::create('nav', []);
$menu->addItem('users', __('Users'), ['route' => 'app.user.index'])
    ->allowIfUserCan('list users');

$menu->addItem('settings', __('Settings'), ['route' => 'app.settings.index'])
    ->allowIfUserCan('list settings');

$menu = Menu::create('nav', []);
$menu->addItem('users', __('Users'), ['route' => 'app.user.index'])
    ->allowIf(function($user) {
        return $user->id > 500; // Add your arbitrary condition

$menu->users->isAllowed(); // Checks if the item users item is allowed for the current user
$menu->settings->isAllowed(\App\User::find(501)); // Check if an item is available for a given user

$item->childrenAllowed(); // Returns an ItemCollection of the allowed item for the current user
$item->childrenAllowed(\App\User::find(123)); // Returns the allowed items for the given user
{{-- Render with the built in 'ul' renderer --}}
{!! $mainMenu->render('ul') !!}

{{--Or render items manually--}}
    @foreach($mainMenu->items as $item)
        <div class="nav-link><a href="{{ $item->url }}">{{ $item->title }}</a></div>