PHP code example of kolesa-team / qazkom-epay

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download kolesa-team/qazkom-epay library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


kolesa-team / qazkom-epay example snippets

$client = new \Epay\Client(array(
    'MERCHANT_CERTIFICATE_ID' => 'merchant certificate id',
    'MERCHANT_NAME'           => 'merchant name',
    'PRIVATE_KEY_FN'          => 'private key filename',
    'PRIVATE_KEY_PASS'        => 'private key password',
    'XML_TEMPLATE_FN'         => 'xml template filename',
    'XML_TEMPLATE_CONFIRM_FN' => 'xml confirmation template filename',
    'PUBLIC_KEY_FN'           => 'public key filename',
    'MERCHANT_ID'             => 'merchant id',

// Sign request for payment
$signature = $client->processRequest($orderId, $client->getCurrencyId('KZT'), $amount);

// Process payment system response
$result = $client->processResponse($response);

// Confirm request to unblock amount
$result = $client->processConfirmation($reference, $approvalCode, $orderId, $client->getCurrencyId('KZT'), $amount);