PHP code example of kofi / ngpayments

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download kofi/ngpayments library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


kofi / ngpayments example snippets

define("NG_PAYMENT_PROVIDER", "rave");
define("RAVE_PUBLIC_KEY", "your rave public key");
define("RAVE_PRIVATE_KEY", "your rave private key");

'paystack' => [
   'public_key' => env('PAYSTACK_PUBLIC_KEY'), 
   'private_key' => env('PAYSTACK_PRIVATE_KEY')

public function boot(){
    //Create configuration
    $payment_provider_config = [
	    "provider" => "paystack", //If the provider is not set, default is Paystack
	    "public_key" => config("services.paystack.public_key"),
	    "secret_key" => config("services.paystack.private_key"),
	    "app_env" => config("app.env")

   //Tell the package to use this configuration


$bill = new Bill("[email protected]", 3000);     		//The Bill class always works with amounts in naira.
$payment_reference = $bill->charge()->getPaymentReference();
savePaymentReference($payment_reference); 			// save the generated reference to your database
$payment_page_url = $bill->getPaymentPageUrl(); 
header("Location: " . $payment_page_url);   			//redirect to Paystack's checkout page

$bill = new Bill();
$bill->setCustomerEmail("[email protected]")
$payment_page_url = $bill->charge()->getPaymentPageUrl()
header("Location: ". $payment_page_url);

$bill->setCallbackUrl($callback_url, 'kebab-case'); 

$bill->setCallbackUrl($callback_url, 'none');

$bill = new Bill();
$bill->customer_email = "[email protected]";
$bill->reference = "unique_reference";
$bill->callback_url = $callback_url;  

//if you are working with Paystack, 
//set the amount in kobo, 
//if you want to work with naira amounts (with Paystack)
//set the naira_amount property instead like so:
$bill->amount = 40000; 
$bill->naira_amount = 400;

$payment_page_url = $bill->charge()->getPaymentPageUrl()

//Redirect to the payment page. 
//If you are using a framework, use your framework's redirect method
header("Location: ". $payment_page_url); 

$bill_data = [
    "customer_email" => "[email protected]",
    "reference" => "unique_reference",
    "amount" => 4000,
    "callback_url" => $callback_url
$bill = new Bill($bill_data);

$bill = new Bill($customer_email, 7000); 
$reference = $bill->charge()->getPaymentReference(); //make sure to call the charge() method on bill first
$payment_page_url = $bill->getPaymentPageUrl();
header("Location: ". $payment_page_url);

$reference = getPaymentReferenceFromSomewhere(); 
if(Bill::isPaymentValid($reference, 7000)){
    //send product to customer or activate account etc.

  if(Bill::isPaymentValid($reference, 7000)){
    //do something
}catch(FailedPaymentException $e){
  logFailedPayments($reference, $e->getResponse());
  //do any additional processing


$bill = new Bill($customer_email, 7000);
$reference = $bill->charge()->getPaymentReference();
$payment_page_url = $bill->getPaymentPageUrl();
redirect_to_url($payment_page_url) //if you are using a framework, use your framework's redirect method

$authorization_code = Bill::getPaymentAuthorizationCode($reference, 7000); //This method validates the payment made by the customer and returns the authorization code (token) if the payment is valid

$auth_bill = new AuthBill($authorization_code, $customer_email, 3000); 
$reference = $auth_bill->charge(); //if the payment is successful, this returns a reference, if it fails, it returns null

$subaccount = new Subaccount($business_name, $settlement_bank, $account_number, $percentage_charge); 

//the save method will create a subaccount 
//with your payment provider 
//and return the id or code of the created subaccount
$subaccount_id = $subaccount->save();


$subaccount_id = retrieveSubaccountIdFromDatabase()
$bill = new Bill($customer_email, 4000);
$reference = $bill->splitCharge($subaccount_id)->getPaymentReference();
$payment_page_url = $bill->getPaymentPageUrl();

$subaccount_id = retrieveSubaccountIdFromDatabase()
$auth_bill = new AuthBill($authorization_code, $customer_email, 4000);
$reference = $auth_bill->splitCharge($subaccount_id);

$is_valid = Bill::isPaymentValid($reference, 4000); 

$plan = new Plan("My Plan", 3000, "weekly");
$plan_id = $plan->save(); 

$bill = new Bill($customer_email, 3000);            //the plan amount will always override the bill amount in this case
$reference = $bill->subscribe($plan_id)->getPaymentReference(); 
$payment_page_url = $bill->getPaymentPageUrl();   
header("Location: " . $payment_page_url);          //redirect to the payment page

class Subaccount implements ApiDataMapperInterface
   public function __construct(
      $business_name = null,
      string $settlement_bank = null,
      string $account_number = null,
      $percentage_charge = null

$subaccount = new Subaccount("Business Name", $settlement_bank, $merchant_account_number, $percentage_charge);
$subaccount->business_mobile = $business_mobile;
$subaccount->business_email = $business_email;
$subaccount_id = $subaccount->save();