1. Go to this page and download the library: Download kmrifat/laravel-shopify library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
kmrifat / laravel-shopify example snippets
use Kmrifat\Shopify\Facades\Shopify;
$shopify = Shopify::shop('domain.myshopify.com','access_token');
// use rest get request
// you will only need to pass topic instate passing the entire url
// use post method to modify anything in shopify, the first argument will be the topic and second one will be the payload
$shopify->rest()->post('products', []);
// use graphql
'query' => 'query_string',
'variables' => [] // pass query variables
namespace App\Models;
use Kmrifat\Shopify\Facades\Shopify;
class User extends Authenticatable
public function shopify()
return return Shopify::shop($this->name, $this->shopify_access_token);
// $this->name = shopify shop domain
// $this->shopify_access_token = shopify store access token
// you can store the shop domain and access token anywhere you want, all you just need to pass this in shop parameter
Route::get('/', function () {
if (request()->has('shop')) {
// If you want to authenticate in shopify store from the app, you just need to pass the shopify store name in shop query string,
// i.e: yourdomain.com?shop=your-shopify-store
return \Laravel\Socialite\Facades\Socialite::driver('shopify')->stateless()->scopes(config('shopify.scopes'))
->with(['redirect_uri' => $request->redirect_uri ?? config('shopify.redirect')])
->redirect(); // use ->getTargetUrl() before closing statement if you are build an API oriented application, so it will return your the redirect url instate redirect from the backend
return view('welcome');
Route::get('/auth/callback', function () {
$shopifyUser = \Laravel\Socialite\Facades\Socialite::driver('shopify')->stateless()->user();
$user = User::updateOrCreate([
'email' => $shopifyUser->email,
], [
'name' => $shopifyUser->nickname,
'email' => $shopifyUser->email,
'shopify_access_token' => $shopifyUser->token,
// you can use passport / sanctum or any of favorite to perform the authentication
Auth::login($user, true);
return redirect('/dashboard');
'webhooks' => [
['shopify/webhook', \App\Jobs\YourJob::class] // first element of this array will be the topic of webhook and second element of this array will your targeted job of the webhook