PHP code example of klongchu / laravel-docuware

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download klongchu/laravel-docuware library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


klongchu / laravel-docuware example snippets

use Klongchu\DocuWare\Connectors\DocuWareWithoutCookieConnector;

// Will use user credentials to authenticate and store cookie in cache
$connector = new DocuWareWithoutCookieConnector();

// OR

// Will use the cookie provided
$connector = new DocuWareWithCookieConnector($cookie);

 * Return an organization.
$organization = $connector->send(new GetOrganizationRequest($id))->dto();

 * Return all organizations.
$organizations = $connector->send(new GetOrganizationsRequest())->dto();

 * Return all file cabinets.
$fileCabinets = $connector->send(new GetCabinetsRequest())->dto();

 * Return all fields of a file cabinet.
$fields = $connector->send(new GetFieldsRequest($fileCabinetId))->dto();

 * Return all dialogs of a file cabinet.
$dialogs = $connector->send(new GetDialogsRequest($fileCabinetId))->dto();

 * Return all used values for a specific field.
$values = $connector->send(new GetSelectListRequest($fileCabinetId, $dialogId, $fieldName))->dto();

 * Return a document.
$document = $connector->send(new GetDocumentRequest($fileCabinetId, $documentId))->dto();

 * Return all documents for a file cabinet.
$documents = $connector->send(new GetDocumentRequest($fileCabinetId))->dto();

 * Return image preview of a document.
$content = $connector->send(new GetDocumentPreviewRequest($fileCabinetId, $documentId))->dto();

 * Download single document.
$content = $connector->send(new GetDocumentDownloadRequest($fileCabinetId, $documentId))->dto();

 * Download multiple documents.
 * Although there are no mentioned limits in the documentation,
 * it is not advisable to download more than 100 documents at once.
 * Also note there is a default request timeout of 30 seconds.
$content = $connector->send(new GetDocumentsDownloadRequest($fileCabinetId, $documentIds))->dto();

 * Download a document thumbnail.
$thumbnail = $connector->send(new GetDocumentDownloadThumbnailRequest($fileCabinetId, $documentId, $section))->dto();

 * Update value of a indexed field.
$value = $connector->send(new PutDocumentFieldsRequest($fileCabinetId, $documentId, [$fieldName => $newValue]))->dto()[$fieldName];

 * Update multiple values of indexed fields.
$values = $connector->send(new PutDocumentFieldsRequest($fileCabinetId, $documentId, [
    $fieldName => $newValue,
    $field2Name => $new2Value,

 * Upload new document.
$document = $connector->send(new PostDocumentRequest($fileCabinetId, $fileContent, $fileName))->dto();

 * Get total document count.
$content = $connector->send(new GetDocumentCountRequest($fileCabinetId, $dialogId))->dto();

 * Upload new document with index values.
use Klongchu\DocuWare\DTO\DocumentIndex;
$indexes = collect([
    DocumentIndex::make('DOCUMENT_TEXT', 'Indexed Text'),
    DocumentIndex::make('DOCUMENT_NUMBER', 42),

$document = $connector->send(new PostDocumentRequest(

 * Delete document.
$connector->send(new DeleteDocumentRequest($fileCabinetId, $document->id))->dto();

use Klongchu\DocuWare\Facades\DocuWare;
use Klongchu\DocuWare\Connectors\DocuWareWithoutCookieConnector;

$connector = new DocuWareWithoutCookieConnector();

 * Most basic example to search for documents. You only need to provide a valid
 * file cabinet id.
$fileCabinetId = '87356f8d-e50c-450b-909c-4eaccd318fbf';

$paginatorRequest = DocuWare::searchRequestBuilder()
$paginator = $connector->send($paginatorRequest)->dto();

 * Search in multiple file cabinets. Provide an array of file cabinet ids.
$fileCabinetIds = [

$paginatorRequest = DocuWare::searchRequestBuilder()
$paginator = $connector->send($paginatorRequest)->dto();

 * Find results on the next page. 
 * Default: 1
$paginatorRequest = DocuWare::searchRequestBuilder()
$paginator = $connector->send($paginatorRequest)->dto();
 * Define the number of results which should be shown per page.
 * Default: 50
$paginatorRequest = DocuWare::searchRequestBuilder()
$paginator = $connector->send($paginatorRequest)->dto();

 * Use the full-text search. You have to activate full-text search in your file
 * cabinet before you can use this feature.
$paginatorRequest = DocuWare::searchRequestBuilder()
    ->fulltext('My secret document')
$paginator = $connector->send($paginatorRequest)->dto();

 * Search documents which are created from the first of march.
$paginatorRequest = DocuWare::searchRequestBuilder()
    ->filterDate('DWSTOREDATETIME', '>=', Carbon::create(2021, 3, 1))
$paginator = $connector->send($paginatorRequest)->dto();

 * Search documents which are created until the first of april.
$paginatorRequest = DocuWare::searchRequestBuilder()
    ->filterDate('DWSTOREDATETIME', '<', Carbon::create(2021, 4, 1))
$paginator = $connector->send($paginatorRequest)->dto();

 * Order the results by field name. Supported values: 'asc', 'desc'
$paginatorRequest = DocuWare::searchRequestBuilder()
    ->orderBy('DWSTOREDATETIME', 'desc')
$paginator = $connector->send($paginatorRequest)->dto();

 * Search documents filtered to the value. You can specify multiple filters.
$paginatorRequest = DocuWare::searchRequestBuilder()
    ->filter('TYPE', 'Order')
    ->filter('OTHER_FIELD', 'other')
$paginator = $connector->send($paginatorRequest)->dto();
 * You can specify the dialog which should be used.
$dialogId = 'bb42c30a-89fc-4b81-9091-d7e326caba62';

$paginatorRequest = DocuWare::searchRequestBuilder()
$paginator = $connector->send($paginatorRequest)->dto();
 * You can also combine everything.
$paginatorRequest = DocuWare::searchRequestBuilder()
    ->fulltext('My secret document')
    ->filterDate('DWSTOREDATETIME', '>=', Carbon::create(2021, 3, 1))
    ->filterDate('DWSTOREDATETIME','<',Carbon::create(2021, 4, 1))
    ->filter('TYPE', 'Order')
    ->filter('OTHER_FIELD', 'other')
    ->orderBy('DWSTOREDATETIME', 'desc')

$paginator = $connector->send($paginatorRequest)->dto();

use Klongchu\DocuWare\Facades\DocuWare;

 * Make encrypted URL for a document in a file cabinet.
$fileCabinetId = '87356f8d-e50c-450b-909c-4eaccd318fbf';
$documentId = 42;

$url = DocuWare::url()

 * Make encrypted URL for a document in a basket.
$basketId = 'b_87356f8d-e50c-450b-909c-4eaccd318fbf';

$url = DocuWare::url()

 * Make encrypted URL valid for a specific amount of time. In the example below
 * the URL is valid for one week. Afterwards the URL is no longer working.
$url = DocuWare::url()

Klongchu\DocuWare\DTO\OrganizationIndex {
  +id: "2f071481-095d-4363-abd9-29ef845a8b05"              // string
  +name: "Fake File Cabinet"                               // string
  +guid: "1334c006-f095-4ae7-892b-fe59282c8bed"            // string|null

Klongchu\DocuWare\DTO\Organization {
  +id: "2f071481-095d-4363-abd9-29ef845a8b05"              // string
  +name: "Fake File Cabinet"                               // string
  +guid: "1334c006-f095-4ae7-892b-fe59282c8bed"            // string|null
  +additionalInfo: []                                      // array
  +configurationRights: []                                 // array

Klongchu\DocuWare\DTO\FileCabinet {
  +id: "2f071481-095d-4363-abd9-29ef845a8b05"              // string
  +name: "Fake File Cabinet"                               // string
  +color: "Yellow"                                         // string
  +isBasket: true                                          // bool
  +assignedCabinet: "889c13cc-c636-4759-a704-1e6500d2d70f" // string

Klongchu\DocuWare\DTO\Dialog {
  +id: "fae3b667-53e9-48dd-9004-34647a26112e"            // string
  +type: "ResultList"                                    // string
  +label: "Fake Dialog"                                  // string
  +isDefault: true                                       // boolean
  +fileCabinetId: "1334c006-f095-4ae7-892b-fe59282c8bed" // string

Klongchu\DocuWare\DTO\Field {
  +name: "FAKE_FIELD"  // string
  +label: "Fake Field" // string
  +type: "Memo"        // string
  +scope: "User"       // string

Klongchu\DocuWare\DTO\Field {
  +name: "FAKE_FIELD"  // string
  +label: "Fake Field" // string
  +type: "Memo"        // string
  +scope: "User"       // string

Klongchu\DocuWare\DTO\Document {
  +id: 659732                                              // integer
  +file_size: 765336                                       // integer
  +total_pages: 100                                        // integer
  +title: "Fake Title"                                     // string
  +extension: ".pdf"                                       // string
  +content_type: "application/pdf"                         // string
  +file_cabinet_id: "a233b03d-dc63-42dd-b774-25b3ff77548f" // string
  +created_at: Illuminate\Support\Carbon                   // Carbon
  +updated_at: Illuminate\Support\Carbon                   // Carbon
  +fields: Illuminate\Support\Collection {                 // Collection|DocumentField[]
    #items: array:2 [
      0 => Klongchu\DocuWare\DTO\DocumentField            // DocumentField
      1 => Klongchu\DocuWare\DTO\DocumentField            // DocumentField

Klongchu\DocuWare\DTO\DocumentThumbnail {
  +mime: "image/png"                                        // string
  +data: "somedata"                                         // string
  +base64: "" // string

Klongchu\DocuWare\DTO\TableRow {
   +fields: Illuminate\Support\Collection {                 // Collection|DocumentField[]
    #items: array:2 [
      0 => Klongchu\DocuWare\DTO\DocumentField            // DocumentField
      1 => Klongchu\DocuWare\DTO\DocumentField            // DocumentField

  +total: 39                                  // integer
  +per_page: 10                               // integer
  +current_page: 9                            // integer
  +last_page: 15                              // integer
  +from: 1                                    // integer
  +to: 10                                     // integer
  +documents: Illuminate\Support\Collection { // Collection|Document[]
    #items: array:2 [
      0 => Klongchu\DocuWare\DTO\Document    // Document
      1 => Klongchu\DocuWare\DTO\Document    // Document
  +error: Klongchu\DocuWare\DTO\ErrorBag {   // ErrorBag|null
    +code: 422                                // int
    +message: "'000' is not valid cabinet id" // string

use Klongchu\DocuWare\Facades\DocuWare;

 * Login with your credentials. You only need to login once. Afterwards the
 * authentication cookie is stored in the cache as `docuware.cookies` and
 * is used for all further requests.

 * Logout your current session. Removes the authentication cookie in the cache.

use Klongchu\DocuWare\Connectors\StaticCookieConnector;
use Klongchu\DocuWare\Events\DocuWareResponseLog;

// Log each response from the DocuWare REST API.
DocuWareResponseLog::class => [

return [
    | Connection
    | Select a connector to authenticate with. You can choose between: WITHOUT_COOKIE, STATIC_COOKIE

    'connection' => ConnectionEnum::WITHOUT_COOKIE,

    | Cache driver
    | You may like to define a different cache driver than the default Laravel cache driver.

    'cache_driver' => env('DOCUWARE_CACHE_DRIVER', env('CACHE_DRIVER', 'file')),

    | Cookies
    | This variable is optional and only used if you want to set the request cookie manually.

    'cookies' => env('DOCUWARE_COOKIES'),

    | Requests timeout
    | This variable is optional and only used if you want to set the request timeout manually.

    'timeout' => env('DOCUWARE_TIMEOUT', 15),

    | DocuWare Credentials
    | Before you can communicate with the DocuWare REST-API it is necessary
    | to enter your credentials. You should specify a url containing the
    | scheme and hostname. In addition add your username and password.

    'credentials' => [
        'url' => env('DOCUWARE_URL'),
        'username' => env('DOCUWARE_USERNAME'),
        'password' => env('DOCUWARE_PASSWORD'),

    | Passphrase
    | In order to create encrypted URLs we need a passphrase. This enables a
    | secure exchange of DocuWare URLs without anyone being able to modify
    | your query strings. You can find it in the organization settings.

    'passphrase' => env('DOCUWARE_PASSPHRASE'),

    | Authentication Cookie Lifetime
    | Here you may define the amount of minutes the authentication cookie is
    | valid. Afterwards it will be removed from the cache and you need to
    | provide a fresh one. By default, the lifetime lasts for one year.

    'cookie_lifetime' => (int) env('DOCUWARE_COOKIE_LIFETIME', 525600),

    | Configurations
    'configurations' => [
        'search' => [
            'operation' => 'And',

             * Force Refresh
             * Determine if result list is retrieved from the cache when ForceRefresh is set
             * to false (default) or always a new one is executed when ForceRefresh is set to true.

            'force_refresh' => false,
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Klongchu\DocuWare\DocuWareServiceProvider" --tag="docuware-config"