PHP code example of kllakk / yalinqo
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download kllakk/yalinqo library . Choose the download type require .
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
kllakk / yalinqo example snippets
// Data
$products = array(
array('name' => 'Keyboard', 'catId' => 'hw', 'quantity' => 10, 'id' => 1),
array('name' => 'Mouse', 'catId' => 'hw', 'quantity' => 20, 'id' => 2),
array('name' => 'Monitor', 'catId' => 'hw', 'quantity' => 0, 'id' => 3),
array('name' => 'Joystick', 'catId' => 'hw', 'quantity' => 15, 'id' => 4),
array('name' => 'CPU', 'catId' => 'hw', 'quantity' => 15, 'id' => 5),
array('name' => 'Motherboard', 'catId' => 'hw', 'quantity' => 11, 'id' => 6),
array('name' => 'Windows', 'catId' => 'os', 'quantity' => 666, 'id' => 7),
array('name' => 'Linux', 'catId' => 'os', 'quantity' => 666, 'id' => 8),
array('name' => 'Mac', 'catId' => 'os', 'quantity' => 666, 'id' => 9),
$categories = array(
array('name' => 'Hardware', 'id' => 'hw'),
array('name' => 'Operating systems', 'id' => 'os'),
// Put products with non-zero quantity into matching categories;
// sort categories by name;
// sort products within categories by quantity descending, then by name.
$result = from($categories)
->orderBy('$cat ==> $cat["name"]')
->where('$prod ==> $prod["quantity"] > 0')
->orderByDescending('$prod ==> $prod["quantity"]')
->thenBy('$prod ==> $prod["name"]'),
'$cat ==> $cat["id"]', '$prod ==> $prod["catId"]',
'($cat, $prods) ==> array(
"name" => $cat["name"],
"products" => $prods
// Alternative shorter syntax using default variable names
$result2 = from($categories)
->where('$v["quantity"] > 0')
'$v["id"]', '$v["catId"]',
"name" => $v["name"],
"products" => $e
// Closure syntax, maximum support in IDEs, but verbose and hard to read
$result3 = from($categories)
->orderBy(function ($cat) { return $cat['name']; })
->where(function ($prod) { return $prod["quantity"] > 0; })
->orderByDescending(function ($prod) { return $prod["quantity"]; })
->thenBy(function ($prod) { return $prod["name"]; }),
function ($cat) { return $cat["id"]; },
function ($prod) { return $prod["catId"]; },
function ($cat, $prods) {
return array(
"name" => $cat["name"],
"products" => $prods
use \YaLinqo\Enumerable;
// 'from' can be called as a static method or via a global function shortcut
Enumerable::from(array(1, 2, 3));
from(array(1, 2, 3));