PHP code example of klaviyo / php-sdk

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download klaviyo/php-sdk library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


klaviyo / php-sdk example snippets

use Klaviyo\Klaviyo as Klaviyo;

use Klaviyo\Client;

$client = new Klaviyo( 'PRIVATE_API_KEY', 'PUBLIC_API_KEY' );

$client = new Client('YOUR_API_KEY');

use Klaviyo\Klaviyo as Klaviyo;

$client = new Klaviyo( 'PRIVATE_API_KEY', 'PUBLIC_API_KEY' );

use Klaviyo\Model\EventModel as KlaviyoEvent;

$event = new KlaviyoEvent(
        'event' => 'Filled out Profile',
        'customer_properties' => array(
            '$email' => '[email protected]'
        'properties' => array(
            'Added Social Accounts' => False

$client->publicAPI->track( $event, true );

use Klaviyo\Model\EventModel as KlaviyoEvent;

$event = new KlaviyoEvent(
        'event' => 'Filled out Profile',
        'customer_properties' => array(
            '$email' => '[email protected]',
            '$first_name' => 'Thomas',
            '$last_name' => 'Jefferson'
        'properties' => array(
            'Added Social Accounts' => False

$client->publicAPI->track( $event, true );

use Klaviyo\Model\ProfileModel as KlaviyoProfile;

$profile = new KlaviyoProfile(
        '$email' => '[email protected]',
        '$first_name' => 'Thomas',
        '$last_name' => 'Jefferson',
        'Plan' => 'Premium'

$client->publicAPI->identify( $profile, true );

#return a list of all metrics in your Klaviyo account

#return a timeline of all metrics

#return a specific metric timeline using its metric ID
$client->metrics->getMetricTimelineById( 'METRICID' );

#export metric specific values
$client->metrics->getMetricExport( 'METRICID' );

#create a list
$client->lists->createList( 'List Name' );

#Get all lists in your Klaviyo account

#Get information about a list
$client->lists->getListById( 'ListId' );

#update a lists properties
$client->lists->updateListNameById( 'ListId', 'ListName' );

#Delete a list from account
$client->lists->deleteList( 'ListId' );

#Subscribe or re-subscribe profiles to a list
$client->lists->addSubscribersToList( 'ListId', array $arrayOfProfiles );

#Check if profiles are on a list and not suppressed
$client->lists->checkListSubscriptions( 'ListId', array $emails, array $phoneNumbers, array $pushTokens );

#Unsubscribe and remove profiles from a list
$client->lists->deleteSubscribersFromList( 'ListId', array $emails );

#Add members to list without affecting consent status
$client->lists->addMembersToList( 'ListId', array $arrayOfProfiles );

#Check if profiles are on a list
$client->lists->checkListMembership( 'ListId', array $emails, array $phoneNumbers, array $pushTokens );

#Remove members from a list without changing their consent status
$client->lists->removeMembersFromList( 'ListId', array $emails );

#Get all exclusions on a list
$client->lists->getListExclusions( 'ListId' );

#Get all of the emails, phone numbers and push tokens for profiles in a given list or segment
$client->lists->getAllMembers( 'GroupId', $marker = $marker_value );

#Get profile by profileId
$client->profiles->getProfile( 'ProfileId' );

#Update a profile
$client->profiles->updateProfile( 'ProfileId', array $properties );

#Get all metrics for a profile
$client->profiles->getAllProfileMetricsTimeline( 'ProfileId' );

#Get a specific metric for a profile
$client->profiles->getProfileMetricTimeline( 'ProfileId', 'MetricId' );

#Get a profile's ID by its email address
$client->profiles->getProfileIdByEmail('[email protected]');

#Request profile deletion by email
$client->dataPrivacy->requestProfileDeletion('[email protected]');

#Request profile deletion by phone number
$client->dataPrivacy->requestProfileDeletion('1-234-567-8910', 'phone_number');

#Request profile deletion by person ID
$client->dataPrivacy->requestProfileDeletion('abc123', 'person_id');