PHP code example of kiwilan / php-ebook

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download kiwilan/php-ebook library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


kiwilan / php-ebook example snippets

use Kiwilan\Ebook\Ebook;

$ebook = Ebook::read('path/to/ebook.epub');

$ebook->getPath(); // string => path to ebook
$ebook->getFilename(); // string => filename of ebook
$ebook->getExtension(); // string => extension of ebook
$ebook->getTitle(); // string
$ebook->getAuthors(); // BookAuthor[] (`name`: string, `role`: string)
$ebook->getAuthorMain(); // ?BookAuthor => First BookAuthor (`name`: string, `role`: string)
$ebook->getDescription(); // ?string
$ebook->getDescriptionHtml(); // ?string
$ebook->getCopyright(); // ?string
$ebook->getPublisher(); // ?string
$ebook->getIdentifiers(); // BookIdentifier[] (`value`: string, `scheme`: string)
$ebook->getPublishDate(); // ?DateTime
$ebook->getLanguage(); // ?string
$ebook->getTags(); // string[] => `subject` in EPUB, `keywords` in PDF, `genres` in CBA
$ebook->getSeries(); // ?string => `calibre:series` in EPUB, `series` in CBA
$ebook->getVolume(); // ?int => `calibre:series_index` in EPUB, `number` in CBA
$ebook->getCreatedAt(); // ?DateTime => file modified date
$ebook->getSize(); // int => file size in bytes
$ebook->getSizeHumanReadable(); // string => file size in human readable format

$ebook->getPagesCount(); // ?int => estimated pages count (250 words by page) in `EPUB`, `pageCount` in PDF, `pageCount` in CBA
$ebook->getWordsCount(); // ?int => words count in `EPUB`

$ebook->getExtras(); // array<string, mixed> => additional data for book
$ebook->getExtra(string $key); // mixed => safely extract data from `extras` array

use Kiwilan\Ebook\Ebook;

$isValid = Ebook::isValid('path/to/ebook.epub');

$ebook->getParser(); // ?EbookParser => Parser with modules
$ebook->getMetaTitle(); // ?MetaTitle, with slug for `title` and `series`
$ebook->getFormat(); // ?EbookFormatEnum => `epub`, `pdf`, `cba`
$ebook->getCover(); // ?EbookCover => cover of book

$ebook->getArchive(); // ?BaseArchive => archive of book from `kiwilan/php-archive`

$ebook->isArchive(); // bool => `true` if `EPUB`, `CBA`
$ebook->isMobi(); // bool => `true` if Mobipocket derivatives
$ebook->isAudio(); // bool => `true` if `mp3`, `m4a`, `m4b`, `flac`, `ogg`
$ebook->hasCover(); // bool => `true` if cover exists
$ebook->hasMetadata(); // bool => `true` if metadata exists
$ebook->hasSeries(); // bool => `true` if series exists
$ebook->isBadFile(); // bool => `true` if file is not readable

use Kiwilan\Ebook\Ebook;

$ebook = Ebook::read('path/to/ebook.epub');

$parser = $ebook->getParser();

$parser->getModule(); // Used into parsing can be any of `EbookModule::class`

$parser->getAudiobook(); // `AudiobookModule::class`
$parser->getCba(); // `CbaModule::class`
$parser->getEpub(); // `EpubModule::class`
$parser->getFb2(); // `Fb2Module::class`
$parser->getMobi(); // `MobiModule::class`
$parser->getPdf(); // `PdfModule::class`

$parser->isAudiobook(); // bool
$parser->isCba(); // bool
$parser->isEpub(); // bool
$parser->isFb2(); // bool
$parser->isMobi(); // bool
$parser->isPdf(); // bool

use Kiwilan\Ebook\Ebook;

$ebook = Ebook::read('path/to/ebook.epub');
$metaTitle = $ebook->getMetaTitle(); // ?MetaTitle

$metaTitle->getSlug(); // string => slug title, like `lord-of-the-rings-en-01-fellowship-of-the-ring-j-r-r-tolkien-1954-epub`
$metaTitle->getSlugSimple(); // string => slug title simple, like `the-fellowship-of-the-ring`
$metaTitle->getSeriesSlug(); // ?string => slug series title, like `lord-of-the-rings-en-j-r-r-tolkien-epub`
$metaTitle->getSeriesSlugSimple(); // ?string => slug series title simple, like `the-lord-of-the-rings`

use Kiwilan\Ebook\Ebook;

$ebook = Ebook::read('path/to/ebook.epub');
$cover = $ebook->getCover(); // ?EbookCover

$cover->getPath(); // ?string => path to cover
$cover->getContents(bool $toBase64 = false); // ?string => content of cover, if `$toBase64` is true, return base64 encoded content

use Kiwilan\Ebook\Ebook;

$ebook = Ebook::read('path/to/ebook.epub');

$epub = $ebook->getParser()?->getEpub();

$epub->getContainer(); // ?EpubContainer => {`opfPath`: ?string, `version`: ?string, `xml`: array}
$epub->getOpf(); // ?OpfItem => {`metadata`: array, `manifest`: array, `spine`: array, `guide`: array, `epubVersion`: ?int, `filename`: ?string, `dcTitle`: ?string, `dcCreators`: BookAuthor[], `dcContributors`: BookContributor[], `dcDescription`: ?string, `dcPublisher`: ?string, `dcIdentifiers`: BookIdentifier[], `dcDate`: ?DateTime, `dcSubject`: string[], `dcLanguage`: ?string, `dcRights`: array, `meta`: BookMeta[], `coverPath`: ?string, `contentFile`: string[]}
$epub->getNcx(); // ?NcxItem => {`head`: NcxItemHead[]|null, `docTitle`: ?string, `navPoints`: NcxItemNavPoint[]|null, `version`: ?string, `lang`: ?string}
$epub->getChapters(); // EpubChapter[] => {`label`: string, `source`: string, `content`: string}[]
$epub->getHtml(); // EpubHtml[] => {`filename`: string, `head`: ?string, `body`: ?string}[]
$epub->getFiles(); // string[] => all files in EPUB

use Kiwilan\Ebook\Ebook;

$creator = Ebook::create('path/to/ebook.epub');

// Build manually
$creator->addFromString('mimetype', 'application/epub+zip')
    ->addFromString('META-INF/container.xml', '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" 