PHP code example of kingdee-php / k3cloud

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download kingdee-php/k3cloud library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


kingdee-php / k3cloud example snippets

$ composer 

//实例化SDK 实例化同时完成登录
$config = [
    'auth_type' => 3,//授权类型:1用户名+密码;2 第三方授权应用ID+应用密钥;3签名;
    'host_url' => 'http||https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/k3cloud/', //金蝶授权请求地址
    'acct_id' => 'xxxxxxxxxx', //账户ID
    'username' => 'xxxxxxxxxx', // 用户名(授权类型为1时必须)
    'password' => 'xxxxxxxxxx', // 密码(授权类型为1时必须)
    'appid' => 'xxxxxxxxxx', // 应用ID(授权类型为2或3时必须)
    'appsecret' => 'xxxxxxxxxx', // 应用Secret(授权类型为2或3时必须)
    'lcid' => 2052, // 账套语系,默认2052
    // 文件日志配置(每日生成一个文件日志)
    'log' => [
        'name' => 'k3cloud', //日志文件名称
        'path' => '', //日志路径
    'mysql_log' => [
        'host' => '',
        'port' => '3306',
        'database' => '',
        'username' => 'root',
        'password' => '',
        'table' => '',
$server = new \Kingdeephp\K3cloud\K3CloudApiSdk($config);

//返回值格式 可不传 默认string 所有接口通用
$format = 'string';
$executeBillQueryParams = [
    // 业务对象表单Id 例如物料 BD_MATERIAL 【必填】
    'FormId' => 'BD_MATERIAL',
    // 需查询的字段key集合,字符串类型,格式:'key1, key2, ...'【必填】
    'FieldKeys' => 'FName,FModifierId',
    'FilterString' => [],
    'OrderString' => '',
    'TopRowCount' => 0,
    'StartRow' => 0,
    'Limit' => 0,
    'SubSystemId' => '',
$server->executeBillQuery($billQueryParams, $format);

$queryBusinessInfoParams = [
    // 业务对象表单Id 例如物料 BD_MATERIAL 【必填】
    'FormId' => 'BD_MATERIAL', 

$formId = 'BD_MATERIAL'; //业务对象表单Id 例如物料 BD_MATERIAL 【必填】
$viewParams = [
    'CreateOrgId' => 0,
    'Number' => '', 
    'Id' => '', 
$server->view($formId, $viewParams);