PHP code example of kilobyteno / laravel-plausible

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download kilobyteno/laravel-plausible library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


kilobyteno / laravel-plausible example snippets

return [
    'api_url' => env('PLAUSIBLE_API_URL', ''),
    'api_key' => env('PLAUSIBLE_API_KEY', ''),

use Kilobyteno\LaravelPlausible\Plausible;

// Show the stats for the default period (30d), the period is optional for all methods
$visitors = Plausible::getVisitors($domain->name);

// Show the stats for the last 12 months
$pageviews = Plausible::getPageviews($domain->name, '12mo');

// Get bounce rates for the last 7 days
$bounceRate = Plausible::getBounceRate($domain->name, '7d');

// Get visit duration for the last days
$visitDuration = Plausible::getVisitDuration($domain->name, 'day');

// Get realtime visitors
$realtimeVisitors = Plausible::getRealtimeVisitors($domain->name);

// Add a custom period and metrics
$stats = Plausible::get($domain->name, 'month', ['visitors', 'pageviews']);

$availablePeriods = Plausible::getAllowedPeriods();
// returns: ['12mo', '6mo', 'month', '30d', '7d', 'day']

$allowedMetrics = Plausible::getAllowedMetrics();
// returns: ['visitors', 'pageviews', 'bounce_rate', 'visit_duration', 'visits', 'events']

$allowedProperties = Plausible::getAllowedProperties();
returns [

use Kilobyteno\LaravelPlausible\Exceptions\PlausibleAPIException;

try {
    $visitors = Plausible::getVisitors($domain->name);
} catch (PlausibleAPIException $e) {
    // Handle exception
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="plausible-config"