PHP code example of kilbiller / jarvis

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download kilbiller/jarvis library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


kilbiller / jarvis example snippets

use Jarvis\Validator;
use function Jarvis\rules\{between, lengthBetween, noWhiteSpace};

$data = ['age' => 45, 'firstname' => 'Jonathan', 'lastname' => 'Blow'];
$data2 = ['age' => 53, 'firstname' => 'Johnny', 'lastname' => 'Depp'];

$validator = (new Validator())
->addRule('age', between(15, 48));
->addRule('firstname', function ($firstname) {
	return $firstname === 'Jonathan';
}, '${key} is not Jonathan.');
->addRule('lastname', [noWhiteSpace(), lengthBetween(0, 50)]),

$validator->validate($data); // -> true
$validator->getErrors(); // -> []

$validator->validate($data2); // -> false
$validator->getErrors(); // -> ['age' => 'age is not valid.', 'firstname' => 'firstname is not Jonathan.']

use Jarvis\Validator;
use function Jarvis\rules\isNumber;

$validator = (new Validator())
->addRule('age', isNumber());