PHP code example of khsing / world

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download khsing/world library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


khsing / world example snippets

use Khsing\World\World;
$china = World::getByCode('cn');
$china->name; // China
$china->local_name; // 中国
$china->full_name; // People's Republic of China
$china->local_full_name; // 中华人民共和国
$china->emoji; // 🇨🇳
$china->callingcode; // 86
$china->code; // CN
$china->code_alpha3; // CHN
$china->has_division; // true
$china->currency_code; // CNY
$china->currency_name; // Yuan Renminbi
$china->local_currency_name; // 人民币


'providers' => [
    // ...

php artisan vendor:publish --force --provider="Khsing\World\WorldServiceProvider"
composer dump-autoload
php artisan world:init

use Khsing\World\World;


use Khsing\World\World;


use Khsing\World\World;

World::getByCode('cn'); // iso-3166 alpha 2 code
World::getByCode('chn'); // iso-3166 alpha 3 code
World::getByCode('cn-11'); // Beijing

use Khsing\World\Models\Continent;

$asia = Continent::getByCode('AS');
$countries = $asia->countries()->get();
// or use children method
$countries = $asia->children();

$china = Country::getByCode('cn');
$asia = $china->parent();

$china = Country::getByCode('cn');
$provinces = $china->divisions()->get()
// or use children method
$provinces = $china->children();

$china = Country::getByCode('cn');
// check has_division to determine next level is division or city.
$china->has_division; // true, otherwise is false
$regsions = $china->children();