PHP code example of khalyomede / syslog
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download khalyomede/syslog library . Choose the download type require .
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
require_once ('vendor/autoload.php' );
khalyomede / syslog example snippets
$log->host('' )
->port(92883 )
->facility(22 )
->source('' )
->device('website' )
->processus('price-index' );
$log->debug('page loaded in 3.840 s' );
use Khalyomede \Syslog ;
$log = new Syslog;
$log->host('' )
->port(12345 )
->facility(22 )
->source('' )
->device('test-website' )
->processus('test-home' );
$log->debug("user created in 5ms" );
use Khalyomede \Syslog ;
$log = new Syslog;
$log->host('' )
->port(12345 )
->facility(22 )
->source('' )
->device('test-website' )
->processus('test-home' );
$message = "user {username} created successfuly" ;
$log->info($message, ['username' => 'johndoe' ]);
use Khalyomede \Syslog ;
use Psr \Log \LogLevel ;
$log = new Syslog;
$log->host('' )
->port(12345 )
->facility(22 )
->source('' )
->device('test-website' )
->processus('test-home' );
$log->log(LogLevel::ERROR, "the user could not be created because: this username already exists" );
$log->log('error' 'the user could not be created because: this username already exists' );
use Khalyomede \Syslog ;
use Psr \Log \LogLevel ;
$log = new Syslog;
$log->host('' )
->port(12345 )
->facility(22 )
->source('' )
->device('test-website' )
->processus('test-home' );
$message = "user {username} created successfuly" ;
$log->log(LogLevel::ERROR, $message, ['username' => 'johndoe' ]);
use Khalyomede \Syslog ;
$log = new Syslog;
$log->host('' )
->port(12345 )
->facility(22 )
->source('' )
->device('test-website' )
->processus('test-home' )
->date(new DateTime('2017-11-29 04:34:09' , new DateTimeZone('Europe/Paris' )));
$log->emergency('detected forbidden access to database' );
use Khalyomede \Syslog ;
$log = new Syslog;
$log->host('' )
->port(12345 )
->facility(22 )
->source('' )
->device('test-website' )
->processus('test-home' )
->identifier('AZXT6' );
$log->debug("database optimized in 33.09 s." );
public function alert (string $message, array $context = []) : Syslog
public function critical (string $message, array $context = []) : Syslog
public function date (DateTime $date) : Syslog
public function debug (string $message, array $context = []) : Syslog
public function deleteIdentifier () : Syslog
public function device (string $device) : Syslog
public function emergency (string $message, array $context = []) : Syslog
public function error (string $message, array $context = []) : Syslog
public function facility (int $facility) : Syslog
public function host (string $host) : Syslog
public function source (string $source) : Syslog
public function info (string $message, array $context = []) : Syslog
public function log (string $level, string $message, array $context = []) : Syslog
public function notice (string $message, array $context = []) : Syslog
public function port (int $port) : Syslog
public function processus (string $processus) : Syslog
public function source (string $source) : Syslog
public function warning (string $message, array $context = []) : Syslog
use Khalyomede \Syslog ;
$log = new Syslog;
$log->prototype('oneHourAgo' , function () {
$this ->date->sub(new DateInterval('PT1H' ));
return $this ;
$log->host('' )
->port(12345 )
->facility(22 )
->source('' )
->device('test-website' )
->processus('test-home' )
->date(new DateTime)
$log->info('test' );