PHP code example of kfilin / randdata

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download kfilin/randdata library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


kfilin / randdata example snippets

$fabric = new RandData\Fabric();
$dataSetInteger = $fabric->createObjectFromString("integer");
for ($i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++) {
    echo $dataSetInteger->get() . PHP_EOL;

$dataSetInteger2 = $fabric->createObjectFromString("integer:min=-5;max=7");
$dataSetInteger3 = $fabric->createObjectFromString("integer:min=111;max=222");

class BlankTuple extends \RandData\Tuple
    public function getDataSets() 
        return [
            "name" => "string_list:values=John,Paul,George,Ringo",
            "dt" => "date:min=1962-10-05;max=1970-05-08"

$generator = new RandData\BlankGenerator(new BlankTuple);
$tpl = "Hello, I'm {name} and today is {dt}";
echo $tpl . " => ". $generator->run() . PHP_EOL;
// Hello, I'm {name} and today is {dt} 
// => 
// Hello, I'm George and today is 1965-12-12

class BlankTuple extends \RandData\Tuple
    public function getDataSets() 
        return [
            "name" => "string_list:values=John,Paul,George,Ringo",
            "dt" => "date:min=1962-10-05;max=1970-05-08",
            "age" => "integer:min=19;max=30"
    // Age field is dependant from dt field. See [Data dependency]
    protected function getValue(\RandData\Set $set, $fldName) {
        $birthDtList = [
            "John" => "1940-10-09",
            "Paul" => "1942-06-18",
            "George" => "1943-02-25",
            "Ringo" => "1940-07-07"

        if ($fldName == "age") {            
            $name = $this->result["name"];
            $dt = new \DateTime($this->result["dt"]);
            $birth = !empty($birthDtList[$name]) 
                ? new \Datetime($birthDtList[$name])
                : null;
            if ($dt && $birth) {
                $interval = $birth->diff($dt);
                return $interval->format("%y");
            return 0;
        return $set->get();


$generator = new RandData\BlankGenerator(new BlankTuple);
$tpl = "Hello, I'm {name}, my age {age} and today is {dt}. {name} at {dt}";
echo $generator->run() . PHP_EOL;
// Hello, I'm John, my age 27 and today is 1968-07-08. John at 1968-07-08
// Hello, I'm Paul, my age 21 and today is 1963-11-14. Paul at 1963-11-14
// Hello, I'm George, my age 24 and today is 1967-08-14. George at 1967-08-14
// Hello, I'm Ringo, my age 28 and today is 1969-07-05. Ringo at 1969-07-05
// ...

class PersonTuple extends \RandData\Tuple
    public function getDataSets() {
        return [
            "Id" => "counter",
            "Login" => "counter:template=user_#;start=100",
            "Name" => "en_person",
            "Birth" => "date:min=1900-01-01;max=2005-12-31",
            "Phone" => "phone:country_list=7;region_list=495,499,915,919,905,903",
            "Sum" => "integer:min=100;max=10000",
            "Class" => "string_list:values=aaa,bbb,ccc;possibility=50,20,30"
    protected function getNullProbability() {
        return [
            "Phone" => 20, // null approximately 20% (every fifth)
            "Sum" => 50, // null approximately 50% (every second) 

$formatter = new RandData\Formatter\Csv(new \RandData\Generator(new PersonTuple(), 20));

echo $formatter->build();
echo PHP_EOL;

1;user_100;Jeremy Tyson Newman;1975-05-02;+7 (905) 513-68-76;NA;aaa
2;user_101;Valerie Camden Murray;1908-05-07;+7 (915) 573-60-43;2101;aaa
3;user_102;Theodore Kelton Graves;1939-06-26;+7 (903) 647-33-24;NA;bbb

class PersonTuple extends \RandData\Tuple
    public function getDataSets() {
        return [
            "Id" => "counter",
            "Login" => "counter:template=user_#;start=100",
            "Name" => "en_person",
            "Birth" => "date:min=1900-01-01;max=2005-12-31",
            "Phone" => "phone:country_list=7;region_list=495,499,915,919,905,903",
            "Sum" => "integer:min=100;max=10000",
            "Class" => "string_list:values=aaa,bbb,ccc;possibility=50,20,30"
    protected function getNullProbability() {
        return [
            "Phone" => 20, // null approximately 20% (every fifth)
            "Sum" => 50, // null approximately 50% (every second) 

INSERT INTO `clients` (`Id`,`Login`,`Name`,`Birth`,`Phone`,`Sum`,`Class`) VALUES ('1','user_100','Thomas Brendon Simmons','1941-09-13','+7 (499) 877-05-17','8005','ccc');
INSERT INTO `clients` (`Id`,`Login`,`Name`,`Birth`,`Phone`,`Sum`,`Class`) VALUES ('2','user_101','Audrey Lee Howell','2005-10-16','+7 (499) 888-14-81','9693','aaa');
INSERT INTO `clients` (`Id`,`Login`,`Name`,`Birth`,`Phone`,`Sum`,`Class`) VALUES ('3','user_102','Penelope Ellen Arnold','1975-04-30','+7 (903) 991-48-86','1986','aaa');...

$sql = "CREATE TABLE `user` (
 `id` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
 `login` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
 `role` enum('admin','student') NOT NULL,
 `name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
 `passhash` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
 `blocked` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 `activate_code` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
 `activate_dt` date DEFAULT NULL,
 PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
 UNIQUE KEY `login` (`login`)

$tableName = "user";
$tuple = new \RandData\Fabric\Tuple\SqlCreateTuple($sql);
$generator = new \RandData\Generator($tuple, 20);
$formatter = new \RandData\Formatter\Sql($generator, $tableName);

echo $formatter->build() . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
foreach ($tuple->getDataSets() as $fldName => $fldDef) {
    echo "'" . $fldName . "' => '" . $fldDef . "'" . PHP_EOL;
echo PHP_EOL;

/* In output sql insert command: */
INSERT INTO `user` (`id`,`login`,`role`,`name`,`passhash`,`blocked`,`activate_code`,`activate_dt`) VALUES ('1','Xi9ERI','student',NULL,'ZsT1ECLs3BrmgUnWBdjpHpLbHgLExH7sxLFzX5','N','hljwMnafH2pn8tPfwflWSl7MyXtnaMUbehdWvocM5avrFk3e',NULL);
INSERT INTO `user` (`id`,`login`,`role`,`name`,`passhash`,`blocked`,`activate_code`,`activate_dt`) VALUES ('2','hHroxmPFgpDGOMl9yvFDykcAFoZ755P5CGHfZXgA9YNIo','student','Yl3UVeEKxvUysapnddBI9hEr9DeaulWUutMVE0WEdifEoytUdIp2APHPdo6XeWXx3hbfl5ps34sDg4pOto470yzuEXT7fn3VwOZ','BnesLyU43ly6T2bg6KWdii2piBLDhVtcSyie','1','j','2014-07-06');
// ... 

/* And rules for inserting into php class, where you can set more strict rules: */

'id' => 'counter',
'login' => 'string:length_min=1;length_max=100',
'role' => 'string_list:values=admin,student',
'name' => 'string:length_min=1;length_max=255',
'passhash' => 'string:length_min=1;length_max=50',
'blocked' => 'boolean:valTrue=1;valFalse=0',
'activate_code' => 'string:length_min=1;length_max=100',
'activate_dt' => 'date:min=1900-01-01;max=2099-12-31',

$dbhost = "localhost";
$dbname = "test";
$dbuser = "root";
$dbpass = "123";
$dsn = sprintf("mysql:dbname=%s;host=%s", $dbname, $dbhost);

try {
    $dbh = new PDO($dsn, $dbuser, $dbpass);
    $rows = $dbh->query("show TABLES", PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 0);

    foreach ($rows as $tblName) {        
        $rowCountSql = "SELECT count(*) FROM `" . $tblName . "`";
        $rowCountRes = $dbh->query($rowCountSql, PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 0);
        $rowCount = $rowCountRes->fetch();
        // Just as a precaution
        if ($rowCount > 0) {
            echo "Non empty table: [" . $tblName . "]. Rows count: " . $rowCount . PHP_EOL;

        $createSqlRow = "SHOW CREATE TABLE `" . $tblName . "`";
        $createSqlRes = $dbh->query($createSqlRow, PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 1);
        $sql = $createSqlRes->fetch();
        $tuple = new \RandData\Fabric\Tuple\SqlCreateTuple($sql);
        $generator = new \RandData\Generator($tuple, 20);
        $formatter = new \RandData\Formatter\Sql($generator, $tblName);
        $sqlIns = $formatter->build();
} catch (PDOException $e) {
    echo 'Connection failed: ' . $e->getMessage();

echo PHP_EOL;

class EmployeeTuple extends \RandData\Tuple {
    const LEVEL_1 = 40*365*24*3600;
    const LEVEL_2 = 30*365*24*3600;
    const HIRED_AGE_MIN = 20*365*24*3600;
    const HIRED_AGE_MAX = 50*365*24*3600;
    public function getDataSets() {
        return [
            "sex" => "string_list:values=" . RandData\Set\en_GB\Person::SEX_MALE . "," . RandData\Set\en_GB\Person::SEX_FEMALE,
            "name" => "en_person",
            "birth" => "date:min=now -50 year;max=now -20 year",
            "hired" => "date:min=now -3 year;max=now",
            "fired" => "date:min=now -3 year;max=now",
            "score" => "int:min=1;max=3"
    protected function getNullProbability() {
        return [
            "fired" => 30
    protected function getSetValueOrNull(RandData\Set $set, $fldName)
        $value = parent::getSetValueOrNull($set, $fldName);
        // Override dependent datasets
        if ($fldName == "sex") {
        } elseif ($fldName == "birth") {
        } elseif ($fldName == "hired") {
        return $value;
    private function getValueSex(&$value) {
        $this->datasets["name"] = "en_person:sex=" . $value;
        $value = $value == RandData\Set\en_GB\Person::SEX_MALE ? "Male" : "Female";
    private function getValueHired($value) {
        // Fired date must be later than hired date, 
        // but earlier than today
        $hiredTs = date("U", strtotime($value));
        $firedDtMin = date("Y-m-d", $hiredTs + 1*24*3600);
        $firedDtMax = date("Y-m-d", date("U") - 3*24*3600);
        $this->datasets["fired"] = "date:min=" . $firedDtMin . ";max=" .$firedDtMax ;
    private function getValueBirth($value) {
        $birthTs = date("U", strtotime($value));
        $nowTs = date("U");
        // Hired date must be later than birth date
        // Let's we can hire somebody in the ages from 20 to 50
        $hiredTsMin = date("Y-m-d", date("U", min([ $birthTs + self::HIRED_AGE_MIN, date("U") ])));
        $hiredTsMax = date("Y-m-d", date("U", min([ $birthTs + self::HIRED_AGE_MAX, date("U") ])));
        $this->datasets["hired"] = "date:min=" . $hiredTsMin . ";max=" . $hiredTsMax;

        // Let's some dummy score will be dependant on age
        if (self::LEVEL_1 < $nowTs - $birthTs) {
            $this->datasets["score"] = "int:min=20;max=25";
        } elseif (self::LEVEL_2 < $nowTs - $birthTs) {
            $this->datasets["score"] = "int:min=10;max=13";

$employeeTuple = new EmployeeTuple();
$generator = new \RandData\Generator($employeeTuple, 50);
$formatter = new \RandData\Formatter\Csv($generator);

echo $formatter->build() . PHP_EOL;

// ... and then choose from this list

class PersonTuple extends \RandData\Tuple
    public function getDataSets() {
        return [
            // ...
            "author_id" => "integer:min=1;max=100",
            // ...

class CarTuple extends \RandData\Tuple 
    public function getDataSets() {
        return [
            "mark" => "string_list:values=ford,bmw,audi,vw,skoda,toyota,volvo,mercedez,bently,saab",
            "color" => "string_list:values=white,black,grey,blue,yellow,green,orange,red",
            "year" => "integer:min=1950;max=2017"

class PersonTuple extends \RandData\Tuple {

    public function getDataSets() {
        return [
            "name" => "en_person",
            "birth" => "date:min=1920-01-01;max=1999-12-31",
            "login" => "string:char_list=abcdefghjklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789;length_min=2;length_max=8",
            "car" => new CarTuple()
    protected function getNullProbability() {
        return [
            "car" => 30

class OrderTuple extends \RandData\Tuple {
    protected $personList;
    function __construct($personList) {
        $this->personList = $personList;
    public function getDataSets() {
        return [
            "num" => "complex:template=id{string:char_list=abcdef;length_min=2;length_max=2}/" . date("Ymd") . "/{integer:min=1000;max=9999}",
            "delivery_address" => "en_address",
            "price" => "integer:min=50;max=1000",
            "person" => "value:value=person"
    protected function getSetValueOrNull(RandData\Set $set, $fldName) {
        if ($fldName == "person") {
            return $this->personList[array_rand($this->personList)];
        return $set->get();

$generator = new \RandData\Generator(new PersonTuple(), 3);
$personList = $generator->run();
$ot = new OrderTuple($personList);

$generator2 = new \RandData\Generator($ot, 5);
$orderList = $generator2->run();

echo PHP_EOL;

$tpl = "Hello, I'm {string_list:values=Peter,James,John}, my age is {integer:min=5;max=30}, I live @ {en_address} and today is {date}";
$generator = new \RandData\Set\Complex($tpl);
echo $generator->run() . PHP_EOL;

en_city:postcode=IP29 8FX

en_person:format=%f %m %l
en_person:format=%f %m1. %l


