PHP code example of kevupton / laravel-coinpayments

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download kevupton/laravel-coinpayments library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


kevupton / laravel-coinpayments example snippets

// add directly from the app 

'providers' => [
    // Other Service Providers


return array(

    // prefix to each of the tables in the database
    'database_prefix' => env('COINPAYMENTS_DB_PREFIX', 'cp_'),

    'merchant_id' => env('COINPAYMENTS_MERCHANT_ID'),

    // Your API public key associated with your coinpayments account
    'public_key' => env('COINPAYMENTS_PUBLIC_KEY'),

    // Your API private key associated with your coinpayments account
    'private_key' => env('COINPAYMENTS_PRIVATE_KEY'),

    // This is used to verify that an IPN is from us, use a good random string nobody can guess.
    'ipn_secret' => env('COINPAYMENTS_IPN_SECRET'),

    // URL for your IPN callbacks. If not set it will use the IPN URL in your Edit Settings page if you have one set.
    'ipn_url' => env('COINPAYMENTS_IPN_URL'),

    // The format of response to return, json or xml. (default: json)
    'format' => env('COINPAYMENTS_API_FORMAT', 'json'),

    // ALL logs all requests, ERROR logs only errors, and NONE never
    'log_level' => Log::LEVEL_ERROR,
    // Whether or not to have coinpayments automatically parse IPN's for you. If so please specify a PATH
    'route'           => [
        'enabled' => env('COINPAYMENTS_IPN_ROUTE_ENABLED', false),
        'path'    => env('COINPAYMENTS_IPN_ROUTE_PATH', '/api/ipn'),

$transaction = \Coinpayments::createTransactionSimple($cost, $currency_base, $currency_received, $extra_details);

$callbackAddress = \Coinpayments::getCallbackAddress($currency);

$withdrawal = \Coinpayments::createWithdrawal($amount, $currency, $address, true);

$mass_withdrawal = \Coinpayments::createMassWithdrawal([
        'amount' => $amount1,
        'address' => $address1,
        'currency' => $currency1,
        'amount' => $amount2,
        'address' => $address2,
        'currency' => $currency2,

$conversion = \Coinpayments::convertCoins($amount, $from, $to, $address = null);

$info = \Coinpayments::getWithdrawalInfo($id);

$info = \Coinpayments::getConversionInfo($id);

     * The event listener mappings for the application.
     * @var array
    protected $listen = [
        Kevupton\LaravelCoinpayments\Events\Deposit\DepositComplete::class => [
            \App\Listeners\DoSomethingOnDepositListener::class, // your own class listener for when a deposit is created

namespace App\Listeners;

use Kevupton\LaravelCoinpayments\Events\Deposit\DepositComplete;

class DoSomethingOnDepositListener

    * Handler for the DepositComplete event. 
    * Here we can do anything with the completed deposit object.
    public function handle(DepositComplete $depositComplete)


try {
    $ipn = \Coinpayments::validateIPNRequest($request);
    // do soemthing with the completed IPN
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    // transaction not completed.

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Kevupton\LaravelCoinpayments\Exceptions\IpnIncompleteException;
use Kevupton\LaravelCoinpayments\Models\Ipn;
use Kevupton\LaravelCoinpayments\Models\Transaction;

class CoinpaymentsController extends Controller
    const ITEM_CURRENCY = 'BTC';
    const ITEM_PRICE    = 0.01;

     * Purchase items using coinpayments payment processor
     * @param Request $request
     * @return array
    public function purchaseItems (Request $request)
        // validate that the request has the appropriate values
        $this->validate($request, [
            'currency' => ' that the request has the appropriate values
        $this->validate($request, [
            'currency' => 'PI side of coinpayments merchant
            if ($ipn->isApi()) {

                 * If it makes it into here then the payment is complete.
                 * So do whatever you want once the completed

                // do something here
                // Payment::find($ipn->txn_id);
        catch (IpnIncompleteException $e) {
            $ipn = $e->getIpn();
             * Can do something here with the IPN model if desired.
php artisan migrate