PHP code example of kevinpurwito / laravel-country

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download kevinpurwito/laravel-country library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


kevinpurwito / laravel-country example snippets

    'table_names' => [
        'country' => env('KP_COUNTRY_TABLE_NAME', 'countries'),

        'province' => env('KP_COUNTRY_TABLE_NAME_PROVINCE', 'provinces'),

        'city' => env('KP_COUNTRY_TABLE_NAME_CITY', 'cities'),

        'district' => env('KP_COUNTRY_TABLE_NAME_DISTRICT', 'districts'),

        'ward' => env('KP_COUNTRY_TABLE_NAME_WARD', 'wards'),

    'popular_column' => env('KP_COUNTRY_POPULAR_COLUMN', true),

    'ordinal_column' => env('KP_COUNTRY_ORDINAL_COLUMN', true),


use Kevinpurwito\LaravelCountry\Models\Country;

// Get a country by name, iso2 or iso3
$country = Country::findByName('Indonesia');
$country = Country::findByIso2('ID');
$country = Country::findByIso3('IDN');

// mark a country as popular

// set `ordinal` of the country

// get list of countries by default ordering (`popular` first, after that by `ordinal` and finally by `name`)
$countries = Country::default()->get();

// get list of provinces in a country
$provinces = $country->provinces()->default()->get();

// get list of cities in a province
$cities = $provinces[0]->cities()->default()->get();

use Kevinpurwito\LaravelCountry\Relationships\BelongsToCountry;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class User extends Model 
    use BelongsToCountry;
    // now you can use `country` relationship to your user model, given that your table has 'country_id' column
    // e.g. $user->country->iso2; returns 'ID' if your user belongs to 'Indonesia' country

php artisan vendor:publish --provider=Kevinpurwito\\LaravelCountry\\CountryServiceProvider --tag=lc-countries
php artisan vendor:publish --provider=Kevinpurwito\\LaravelCountry\\CountryServiceProvider --tag=lc-migrations
php artisan db:seed --class=Kevinpurwito\\LaravelCountry\\Database\\Seeders\\CountriesSeeder
php artisan db:seed --class=Kevinpurwito\\LaravelCountry\\Database\\Seeders\\IdProvincesSeeder
php artisan db:seed --class=Kevinpurwito\\LaravelCountry\\Database\\Seeders\\IdCitiesSeeder
php artisan db:seed --class=Kevinpurwito\\LaravelCountry\\Database\\Seeders\\IdDistrictsSeeder