PHP code example of kettasoft / gatekeeper

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download kettasoft/gatekeeper library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


kettasoft / gatekeeper example snippets

// config/app.php
'providers' => [

use Kettasoft\Gatekeeper\Contracts\GatekeeperInterface;
use Kettasoft\Gatekeeper\Traits\Gatekeeper;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;

class User extends Authenticatable implements GatekeeperInterface
    use Gatekeeper;

    // ...

$owner = Role::create([
    'name' => 'owner',
    'display_name' => 'Project Owner', // optional
    'description' => 'User is the owner of a given project', // optional

$admin = Role::create([
    'name' => 'admin',
    'display_name' => 'User Administrator', // optional
    'description' => 'User is allowed to manage and edit other users', // optional

$user->addRole($admin); // parameter can be a Role object, array, id or the role string name
// equivalent to $user->roles()->attach([$admin->id]);

$user->addRoles([$admin, $owner]); // parameter can be a Role object, array, id or the role string name
// equivalent to $user->roles()->attach([$admin->id, $owner->id]);

$user->syncRoles([$admin->id, $owner->id]);
// equivalent to $user->roles()->sync([$admin->id, $owner->id]);

$user->syncRolesWithoutDetaching([$admin->id, $owner->id]);
// equivalent to $user->roles()->syncWithoutDetaching([$admin->id, $owner->id]);

$user->removeRole($admin); // parameter can be a Role object, array, id or the role string name
// equivalent to $user->roles()->detach([$admin->id]);

$user->removeRoles([$admin, $owner]); // parameter can be a Role object, array, id or the role string name
// equivalent to $user->roles()->detach([$admin->id, $owner->id]);

$user->givePermission(['admin-create', 'admin-delete']); // parameter can be a Permission object, array, id or the permission string name

$user->syncPermissions([$editUser->id, $createPost->id]);
// equivalent to $user->permissions()->sync([$editUser->id, createPost->id]);

$user->syncPermissionsWithoutDetaching([$editUser, $createPost]); // parameter can be a Permission object, array or id
    // equivalent to $user->permissions()->syncWithoutDetaching([$createPost->id, $editUser->id]);

'role' => \Kettasoft\Gatekeeper\Middleware\Role::class,
'permission' => \Kettasoft\Gatekeeper\Middleware\Permission::class,

Route::group(['prefix' => 'admin', 'middleware' => ['role:admin']], function() {
    Route::get('/', 'AdminController@welcome');
    Route::get('/manage', ['middleware' => ['permission:manage-admins'], 'uses' => 'AdminController@manageAdmins']);

'middleware' => ['role:admin|root']
// $user->hasRole(['admin', 'root']);

'middleware' => ['permission:edit-post|edit-user']
// $user->hasRole(['edit-post', 'edit-user']);

'middleware' => ['role:owner|writer,'], true);

'middleware' => ['permission:edit-post|edit-user,

'middleware' => ['role:owner|writer,ost|edit-user,guard:some_new_guard']

'handling' => 'redirect',
'handlers' => [
    'abort' => [
        'code' => 403
    'redirect' => [
        'url' => '/home',       // Change this to the route you need
        'message' => [          // Key value message to be flashed into the session.
            'key' => 'error',
            'content' => ''     // If the content is empty nothing will be flashed to the session.
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Kettasoft\Gatekeeper\Providers\GatekeeperServiceProvider" --tag="config"
php artisan config:clear
php artisan gatekeeper:migrate
composer dump-autoload
php artisan migrate