PHP code example of kerigard / lpsolve

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download kerigard/lpsolve library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


kerigard / lpsolve example snippets

use Kerigard\LPSolve\Constraint;
use Kerigard\LPSolve\Problem;
use Kerigard\LPSolve\Solver;

// Define constraints
$constraints = [
    new Constraint([120, 210, 150.75], LE, 15000),
    new Constraint([110, 30, 125], LE, 4000),
    new Constraint([1, 1, 1], LE, 75)

// Or initialize them from string
// $constraints = [
//     Constraint::fromString('120x + 210y + 150.75z <= 15000'),
//     Constraint::fromString('110x + 30y + 125z <= 4000'),
//     Constraint::fromString('x + y + z <= 75')
// ];

// Define problem
$problem = new Problem([143, 60, 195], $constraints);

// Solve it!
$solver = new Solver(Solver::MAX); // Can be either Solver::MIN for minimization
$solution = $solver->solve($problem);
