PHP code example of keepsuit / laravel-opentelemetry

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download keepsuit/laravel-opentelemetry library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


keepsuit / laravel-opentelemetry example snippets

use Keepsuit\LaravelOpenTelemetry\Instrumentation;

return [
     * Service name
    'service_name' => env('OTEL_SERVICE_NAME', \Illuminate\Support\Str::slug(env('APP_NAME', 'laravel-app'))),

     * Comma separated list of propagators to use.
     * Supports any otel propagator, for example: "tracecontext", "baggage", "b3", "b3multi", "none"
    'propagators' => env('OTEL_PROPAGATORS', 'tracecontext'),

     * OpenTelemetry Traces configuration
    'traces' => [
         * Traces exporter
         * This should be the key of one of the exporters defined in the exporters section
        'exporter' => env('OTEL_TRACES_EXPORTER', 'otlp'),

         * Traces sampler
        'sampler' => [
             * Wraps the sampler in a parent based sampler
            'parent' => env('OTEL_TRACES_SAMPLER_PARENT', true),

             * Sampler type
             * Supported values: "always_on", "always_off", "traceidratio"
            'type' => env('OTEL_TRACES_SAMPLER_TYPE', 'always_on'),

            'args' => [
                 * Sampling ratio for traceidratio sampler
                'ratio' => env('OTEL_TRACES_SAMPLER_TRACEIDRATIO_RATIO', 0.05),

     * OpenTelemetry logs configuration
    'logs' => [
         * Logs exporter
         * This should be the key of one of the exporters defined in the exporters section
         * Supported drivers: "otlp", "console", "null"
        'exporter' => env('OTEL_LOGS_EXPORTER', 'otlp'),

         * Inject active trace id in log context
         * When using the OpenTelemetry logger, the trace id is always injected in the exported log record.
         * This option allows to inject the trace id in the log context for other loggers.
        'inject_trace_id' => true,

         * Context field name for trace id
        'trace_id_field' => 'traceid',

     * OpenTelemetry exporters
     * Here you can configure exports used by traces and logs.
     * If you want to use the same protocol with different endpoints,
     * you can copy the exporter with a different and change the endpoint
     * Supported drivers: "otlp", "zipkin", "console", "null"
    'exporters' => [
        'otlp' => [
            'driver' => 'otlp',
            'endpoint' => env('OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT', 'http://localhost:4318'),
            // Supported: "grpc", "http/protobuf", "http/json"
            'protocol' => env('OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_PROTOCOL', 'http/protobuf'),

        'zipkin' => [
            'driver' => 'zipkin',
            'endpoint' => env('OTEL_EXPORTER_ZIPKIN_ENDPOINT', 'http://localhost:9411'),

     * List of instrumentation used for application tracing
    'instrumentation' => [
        Instrumentation\HttpServerInstrumentation::class => [
            'enabled' => env('OTEL_INSTRUMENTATION_HTTP_SERVER', true),
            'excluded_paths' => [],
            'allowed_headers' => [],
            'sensitive_headers' => [],

        Instrumentation\HttpClientInstrumentation::class => [
            'enabled' => env('OTEL_INSTRUMENTATION_HTTP_CLIENT', true),
            'allowed_headers' => [],
            'sensitive_headers' => [],

        Instrumentation\QueryInstrumentation::class => env('OTEL_INSTRUMENTATION_QUERY', true),

        Instrumentation\RedisInstrumentation::class => env('OTEL_INSTRUMENTATION_REDIS', true),

        Instrumentation\QueueInstrumentation::class => env('OTEL_INSTRUMENTATION_QUEUE', true),

        Instrumentation\CacheInstrumentation::class => env('OTEL_INSTRUMENTATION_CACHE', true),

        Instrumentation\EventInstrumentation::class => [
            'enabled' => env('OTEL_INSTRUMENTATION_EVENT', true),
            'ignored' => [],


use Keepsuit\LaravelOpenTelemetry\Facades\Tracer;

Tracer::newSpan('my custom trace')->measure(function () {
    // do something

use Keepsuit\LaravelOpenTelemetry\Facades\Tracer;

$span = Tracer::newSpan('my custom trace')->start();

// do something


use Keepsuit\LaravelOpenTelemetry\Facades\Tracer;

$span = Tracer::newSpan('my custom trace')->start();
$scope = $span->activate()

// do something


use Keepsuit\LaravelOpenTelemetry\Facades\Tracer;

Tracer::traceId(); // get the active trace id
Tracer::activeSpan(); // get the active span
Tracer::activeScope(); // get the active scope
Tracer::currentContext(); // get the current trace context (useful for advanced use cases)
Tracer::propagationHeaders(); // get the propagation headers 

// config/logging.php
'channels' => [
    // injected channel config, you can override it adding an `otlp` channel in your config
    'otlp' => [
        'driver' => 'monolog',
        'handler' => \Keepsuit\LaravelOpenTelemetry\Support\OpenTelemetryMonologHandler::class,
        'level' => 'debug',

use Keepsuit\LaravelOpenTelemetry\Facades\Logger;

Logger::emergency('my log message');
Logger::alert('my log message');
Logger::critical('my log message');
Logger::error('my log message');
Logger::warning('my log message');
Logger::notice('my log message');
Logger::info('my log message');
Logger::debug('my log message');
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Keepsuit\LaravelOpenTelemetry\LaravelOpenTelemetryServiceProvider" --tag="opentelemetry-config"