PHP code example of keboola / table-backend-utils

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download keboola/table-backend-utils library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


keboola / table-backend-utils example snippets

interface DatabaseReflectionInterface
    public function getUsersNames(?string $like = null): array;
    public function getRolesNames(?string $like = null): array;

interface SchemaReflectionInterface
    public function getTablesNames(): array;
    public function getViewsNames(): array;

interface TableReflectionInterface
    public function getColumnsNames(): array;
    public function getColumnsDefinitions(): ColumnCollection;
    public function getRowsCount(): int;
    public function getPrimaryKeysNames(): array;
    public function getTableStats(): TableStatsInterface;
    public function isTemporary(): bool;
    public function getDependentViews(): array;

interface TableQueryBuilderInterface
    public const TIMESTAMP_COLUMN_NAME = '_timestamp';
    public function getDropTableCommand(string $schemaName, string $tableName): string;
    public function getRenameTableCommand(string $schemaName, string $sourceTableName, string $newTableName): string;
    public function getTruncateTableCommand(string $schemaName, string $tableName): string;
    public function getCreateTempTableCommand(
        string $schemaName,
        string $tableName,
        ColumnCollection $columns
    ): string;
    public function getCreateTableCommand(
        string $schemaName,
        string $tableName,
        ColumnCollection $columns,
        array $primaryKeys = []
    ): string;
    public function getCreateTableCommandFromDefinition(
        TableDefinitionInterface $definition,
        bool $definePrimaryKeys = self::CREATE_TABLE_WITHOUT_PRIMARY_KEYS
    ): string;

interface TableStatsInterface
    public function getDataSizeBytes(): int;
    public function getRowsCount(): int;

interface ColumnInterface
    public function getColumnName(): string;
    public function getColumnDefinition(): Keboola\Datatype\Definition\DefinitionInterface;
    public static function createGenericColumn(string $columnName): self;

interface ViewReflectionInterface
    public function getDependentViews(): array;

interface UserReflectionInterface
    public function endAllSessions(): void;
    public function getAllSessionIds(): array;

interface GrantQueryBuilderInterface
    public function getGrantSql(GrantOptionsInterface $options): string;

    public function getRevokeSql(RevokeOptionsInterface $options): string;

            'host' => getenv('TERADATA_HOST'),
            'user' => getenv('TERADATA_USERNAME'),
            'password' => getenv('TERADATA_PASSWORD'),
            'port' => getenv('TERADATA_PORT'),
            'dbname' => '',
PUBLIC_KEY=$(sed '1d;$d' | tr -d '\n')