PHP code example of kassko / data-mapper

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download kassko/data-mapper library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


kassko / data-mapper example snippets


$loader = \Common\Annotations\AnnotationRegistry::registerLoader($loader);

(new Kassko\DataMapper\DataMapperBuilder)->run();

$id = 1;
//Construct a person, set an id to it.
$person = new Kassko\Sample\Person($id);

echo $person->getName();//Implicitly load the name from the given id by fetching the source configured.

//Here some stuff to retrieve the entityManager.

$id = 1;
$person = $entityManager->getRepository('Kassko\Sample\Person')->find($id);

echo $person->getName();

namespace Kassko\Sample;

use Kassko\DataMapper\Annotation as DM;
use Kassko\DataMapper\ObjectExtension\LoadableTrait;

class Person
    use LoadableTrait;

    private $id;
     * @DM\DataSource(class="Kassko\Sample\PersonDataSource", method="getData", args="#id", lazyLoading=true)
    private $name;
     * @DM\DataSource(class="Kassko\Sample\PersonDataSource", method="getData", args="#id", lazyLoading=true)
    private $email;

    public function __construct($id) { $this->id = $id; }
    public function getId() { return $this->id; }
    public function getName() { $this->loadProperty('name'); return $this->name; }
    public function getEmail() { $this->loadProperty('email'); return $this->email; }

namespace Kassko\Sample;

class PersonDataSource
    public function getData($id)
        return [
          'name' => 'foo',
          'email' => '[email protected]'

namespace Kassko\Sample;

use Kassko\DataMapper\Annotation as DM;
use Kassko\DataMapper\ObjectExtension\LoadableTrait;

 * @DM\DataSourcesStore({
 *      @DM\DataSource(
 *          id="nameSource", 
 *          class="Kassko\Sample\PersonDataSource", 
 *          method="getData",
 *          args="#id",
 *          lazyLoading=true
 *      ),
 *      @DM\DataSource(
 *          id="emailSource", 
 *          class="Kassko\Sample\PersonDataSource", 
 *          method="getData",
 *          args="#id",
 *          lazyLoading=true
 *      )
 * })
class Person
    use LoadableTrait;

    private $id;
     * @DM\RefSource(id="nameSource")
    private $name;
     * @DM\RefSource(id="emailSource")
    private $email;

    public function __construct($id) { $this->id = $id; }
    public function getId() { return $this->id; }
    public function getName() { $this->loadProperty('name'); return $this->name; }
    public function getEmail() { $this->loadProperty('email'); return $this->email; }

namespace Kassko\Sample;

use Kassko\DataMapper\Annotation as DM;
use Kassko\DataMapper\ObjectExtension\LoadableTrait;

 * @DM\DataSourcesStore({
 *      @DM\DataSource(
 *          id="personSource", 
 *          class="Kassko\Sample\PersonDataSource", 
 *          method="getData",
 *          args="#id", 
 *          lazyLoading=true,
 *          supplySeveralFields=true
 *      )
 * })
class Person
    use LoadableTrait;

    private $id;
     * @DM\RefSource(id="personSource")
     * @DM\Field("name"="first_name")
    private $firstName;
     * @DM\RefSource(id="personSource")
    private $name;
     * @DM\RefSource(id="personSource")
    private $email;
     * @DM\RefSource(id="personSource")
    private $phone;

    public function __construct($id) { $this->id = $id; }
    public function getId() { return $this->id; }
    public function getFirstName() { $this->loadProperty('firstName'); return $this->firstName; }
    public function getName() { $this->loadProperty('name'); return $this->name; }
    public function getEmail() { $this->loadProperty('email'); return $this->email; }
    public function getPhone() { $this->loadProperty('phone'); return $this->phone; }

namespace Kassko\Sample;

class PersonDataSource
    public function getData($id)
        return [
            'first_name' => 'foo',
            'name' => 'bar',
            'email' => 'foo@bar',
            'phone' => '01 02 03 04 05',

(new Kassko\DataMapper\DataMapperBuilder)
    ->settings(['container' => ['instance' => ['person.data_source_id' => $personDataSourceInstance]]])

(new Kassko\DataMapper\DataMapperBuilder)
    ->settings(['container' => ['instance' => $container]])

(new Kassko\DataMapper\DataMapperBuilder)
    ->settings(['container' => ['instance' => $container, 'get_method_name' => 'get', 'has_method_name' => 'has']])

 * @DM\DataSourcesStore({
 *      @DM\DataSource(
 *          id="personSource", 
 *          class="@person.data_source_id", 
 *          method="find", 
 *          args="#id",
 *          lazyLoading=true
 *      )
 * })
class Person

namespace Kassko\Sample;

use Kassko\DataMapper\ObjectExtension\LoadableTrait;

 * @DM\DataSourcesStore({
 *      @DM\DataSource(
 *          id="personSource", 
 *          class="Kassko\Sample\PersonDataSource", 
 *          method="getData", 
 *          args="#id", 
 *          lazyLoading=true,
 *          supplySeveralFields=true
 *      ),
 *      @DM\DataSource(
 *          id="carSource", 
 *          class="Kassko\Sample\CarRepository", 
 *          method="find", 
 *          args="expr(source('personSource')['car_id'])",
 *          lazyLoading=true
 *      )
 * })
class Person
    private $id;
     * @DM\RefSource(id="personSource")
    private $firstName;
     * @DM\RefSource(id="personSource")
    private $name;
     * @DM\RefSource(id="personSource")
    private $email;
     * @DM\RefSource(id="personSource")
    private $phone;
     * @DM\RefSource(id="carSource")
    private $car;

    public function __construct($id) { $this->id = $id; }
    public function getId() { return $this->id; }
    public function getFirstName() { return $this->firstName; }
    public function getName() { return $this->name; }
    public function getEmail() { return $this->email; }
    public function getPhone() { return $this->phone; }
    public function getCar() { return $this->car; }

namespace Kassko\Sample;

class PersonDataSource
    public function getData($id)
        return [
            'first_name' => 'foo',
            'name' => 'bar',
            'email' => 'foo@bar',
            'phone' => '01 02 03 04 05',

namespace Kassko\Sample;

use Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository;

 * CarRepository is a Doctrine source that feed the property $car.
class CarRepository extends EntityRepository

namespace Kassko\Sample;

class Watch
        private $brand;
        private $color;

        public function getBrand() { return $this->brand; }
        public function setBrand($brand) { $this->brand = $brand; }
        public function getColor() { return $this->color; }
        public function setColor($color) { $this->color = $color; }

$data = [
        0 => [
                'brand' => 'some brand',
                'color' => 'blue',
        1 => [
                'brand' => 'some other brand',
                'color' => 'green',

$dataMapper = (new Kassko\DataMapper\DataMapperBuilder)->instance();

$dataMapper->resultBuilder('Kassko\Sample\Watch', $data)->all();//The result will be an array with two objects.
$dataMapper->resultBuilder('Kassko\Sample\Watch', $data)->first();//The result will be a watch object representing the first record.

array(2) {
    string(10) "some brand"
    string(4) "blue"

$dataMapper = (new Kassko\DataMapper\DataMapperBuilder)->instance();


namespace Kassko\Sample;

use Kassko\DataMapper\Annotation as DM;

class Watch
        private $brand;

         * @DM\Fields(name="COLOR")
        private $color;

        public function getBrand() { return $this->brand; }
        public function setBrand($brand) { $this->brand = $brand; }
        public function getColor() { return $this->color; }
        public function setColor($color) { $this->color = $color; }

$loader = \Common\Annotations\AnnotationRegistry::registerLoader(array($loader, 'loadClass'));

$dataMapper = (new Kassko\DataMapper\DataMapperBuilder)->instance();
$dataMapper->resultBuilder('Kassko\Sample\Watch', $data)->all();

        Return an array of objects.
        So return an array with only one object, if only one fullfill the request.

        Return the object found.

        If more than one result are found, throw an exception

        If no result found, throw an exception

        Return the object found or null.

        Return the object found or a default result (like false).

        If more than one result are found, throw an exception

        Return the first object found or null.

        Return the first object found or a default result (like value false).

        If no result found, throw an exception

        Return an array indexed by a property value.

        If the index does not exists (allIndexedByUnknown()), throw an exception Kassko\DataMapper\Result\Exception\NotFoundIndexException.

        If the same index is found twice, throw an exception


        allIndexedByBrand() will index by brand value:
                'BrandA' => $theWatchInstanceWithBrandA,
                'BrandB' => $theWatchInstanceWithBrandB,

        allIndexedByColor() will index by color value:
                'Blue' => $theWatchInstanceWithColorBlue,
                'Red' => $theWatchInstanceWithColorRed,

        allIndexedByUnknown() will throw a Kassko\DataMapper\Result\Exception\NotFoundIndexException.
        $resultBuilder->allIndexedByBrand();//Indexed by brand value
        $resultBuilder->allIndexedByColor();//Indexed by color value

        Return an iterator.

        Result will not be hydrated immediately but only when you will iterate the results (with "foreach" for example).
        $result = $resultBuilder->iterable();
        foreach ($result as $object) {//$object is hydrated

                if ($object->getColor() === 'blue') {

                        //We found the good object then we stop the loop and others objects in results will not be hydrated.

        Return an iterator indexed by a property value.

        If the index does not exists, throw an exception Kassko\DataMapper\Result\Exception\NotFoundIndexException.

        If the same index is found twice, throw an exception Kassko\DataMapper\Result\Exception\DuplicatedIndexException.

namespace Kassko\Sample;

use Kassko\DataMapper\Annotation as DM;
use Kassko\DataMapper\Hydrator\HydrationContextInterface;
use Kassko\DataMapper\Hydrator\Value;
use \DateTime;

class Watch
        private static $brandCodeToLabelMap = [1 => 'Brand A', 2 => 'Brand B'];
        private static $brandLabelToCodeMap = ['Brand A' => 1, 'Brand B' => 2];

         * @DM\Field(readConverter="readBrand", writeConverter="writeBrand")
        private $brand;

         * @DM\Field(readConverter="hydrateBool", writeConverter="extractBool")
        private $waterProof;

         * @DM\Field(readConverter="hydrateBoolFromSymbol", writeConverter="extractBoolToSymbol")
        private $stopWatch;

         * @DM\Field(type="date", readDateConverter="Y-m-d H:i:s", writeDateConverter="Y-m-d H:i:s")
        private $createdDate;

        public function getBrand() { return $this->brand; }
        public function setBrand($brand) { $this->brand = $brand; }
        public function isWaterProof() { return $this->waterProof; }
        public function setWaterProof($waterProof) { $this->waterProof = $waterProof; }
        public function hasStopWatch() { return $this->stopWatch; }
        public function setStopWatch($stopWatch) { $this->stopWatch = $stopWatch; }
        public function getCreatedDate() { return $this->createdDate; }
        public function setCreatedDate(DateTime $createdDate) { $this->createdDate = $createdDate; }

        public static function readBrand(Value $value, HydrationContextInterface $context)
                if (isset(self::$brandCodeToLabelMap[$value->value])) {
                        $value->value = self::$brandCodeToLabelMap[$value->value];

        public static function writeBrand(Value $value, HydrationContextInterface $context)
                if (isset(self::$brandLabelToCodeMap[$value->value])) {
                        $value->value = self::$brandLabelToCodeMap[$value->value];

        public static function hydrateBool(Value $value, HydrationContextInterface $context)
                $value->value = $value->value == '1';

        public static function extractBool(Value $value, HydrationContextInterface $context)
                $value->value = $value->value ? '1' : '0';

        public static function hydrateBoolFromSymbol(Value $value, HydrationContextInterface $context)
                $value->value = $value->value == 'X';

        public static function extractBoolToSymbol(Value $value, HydrationContextInterface $context)
                $value->value = $value->value ? 'X' : ' ';

$data = [
        'brand' => '1',
        'waterProof' => '1',
        'stopWatch' => 'X',
        'created_date' => '2014-09-14 12:36:52',

$dataMapper = (new Kassko\DataMapper\DataMapperBuilder)->instance();
$object = new Kassko\Sample\Watch;
$dataMapper->hydrator('Kassko\Sample\Watch')->hydrate($data, $object);

object(Watch)#283 (8) {
        ["brand":"Watch":private]=> string(10) "Brand A"
        ["waterProof":"Watch":private]=> bool(true)
        ["stopWatch":"Watch":private]=> bool(true)
                object(DateTime)#320 (3) { ["date"]=> string(19) "2014-09-14 12:36:52" ["timezone_type"]=> int(3) ["timezone"]=> string(13) "Europe/Berlin" }

namespace Kassko\Sample;

use Kassko\DataMapper\Annotation as DM;

class Watch
         * @DM\Field
        private $brand;

         * @DM\Field
        private $waterProof;

         * @DM\Field
        private $stopWatch;

        public function getBrand() { return $this->brand; }
        public function setBrand($brand) { $this->brand = $brand; }
        public function isWaterProof() { return $this->waterProof; }
        public function setWaterProof($waterProof) { $this->waterProof = $waterProof; }
        public function hasStopWatch() { return $this->stopWatch; }
        public function setStopWatch($stopWatch) { $this->stopWatch = $stopWatch; }

namespace Kassko\Sample;

use Kassko\DataMapper\Annotation as DM;

class Watch
         * @DM\Field(prefix="is")
        private $waterProof;

         * @DM\Getter(prefix="has")
        private $alarm;

         * @DM\Getter(prefix="are")
        private $handsYellow;

         * @DM\Field(name="hasStopWatch")
        private $stopWatch;

         * @DM\Getter(name="canColorChange")
         * @DM\Setter(name="colorCanChange")
        private $variableColor;

        public function isWaterProof() { return $this->waterProof; }
        public function setWaterProof($waterProof) { $this->waterProof = $waterProof; }
        public function hasAlarm() { return $this->alarm; }
        public function setAlarm($stopWatch) { $this->alarm = $alarm; }
        public function areHandsYellow() { return $this->handsYellow; }
        public function setHandsyellow($handsYellow) { $this->handsYellow = $handsYellow; }
        public function hasStopWatch() { return $this->stopWatch; }
        public function setStopWatch($stopWatch) { $this->stopWatch = $stopWatch; }
        public function canColorChange() { return $this->variableColor; }
        public function colorCanChange($colorCanChange) { $this->variableColor = $colorCanChange; }

namespace Kassko\Sample;

class Color
        private $red;
        private $green;
        private $blue;

        public function getRed() { return $this->red; }
        public function setRed($red) { $this->red = $red; }
        public function getGreen() { return $this->green; }
        public function setGreen($green) { $this->green = $green; }
        public function getBlue() { return $this->blue; }
        public function setBlue($blue) { $this->blue = $blue; }


return [
        'fields' => [
                'red' => 'rojo',
                'green' => 'verde',
                'blue' => 'azul',

use DataMapper\Configuration\RuntimeConfiguration;

$data = [
        'red' => '255',
        'green' => '0',
        'blue' => '127',

$resultBuilder = $dataMapper->resultBuilder('Kassko\Sample\Color', $data);
        (new RuntimeConfiguration)
        ->addClassMetadataDir('Color', 'some_resource_dir')//Optional, if not specified Configuration::defaultClassMetadataResourceDir is used.
        ->addMappingResourceInfo('Color', 'color_en.yml', 'inner_yaml')


use DataMapper\Configuration\RuntimeConfiguration;

$data = [
        'rouge' => '255',
        'vert' => '0',
        'bleu' => '127',

$resultBuilder = $dataMapper->resultBuilder('Kassko\Sample\Color', $data);
        (new RuntimeConfiguration)
        ->addClassMetadataDir('Color', 'some_resource_dir')
        ->addMappingResourceInfo('Color', 'color_fr.yml', 'inner_yaml')


use DataMapper\Configuration\RuntimeConfiguration;

$data = [
        'rojo' => '255',
        'verde' => '0',
        'azul' => '127',

$resultBuilder = $dataMapper->resultBuilder('Kassko\Sample\Color', $data);
        (new RuntimeConfiguration)
        ->addClassMetadataDir('Color', 'some_resource_dir')
        ->addMappingResourceInfo('Color', 'color_es.php', 'inner_php')


namespace Kassko\Sample;

use Kassko\DataMapper\Annotation as DM;

class Customer
         * @DM\Field
         * @DM\Id
        private $id;

         * @DM\Field(class="Kassko\Sample\Address")
         * @DM\Config(mappingResourceType="yaml", mappingResourceName="billing_address.yml")
        private $billingAddress;//$billingAddress is a value object.

         * @DM\Field(class="Kassko\Sample\Address")
         * @DM\Config(mappingResourceType="yaml", mappingResourceName="shipping_address.yml")
        private $shippingAddress;//$shippingAddress is a value object too.

namespace Kassko\Sample;

class Address
        private $street;
        private $town;
        private $postalCode;
        private $country;

$data = [
        'id' => 1,
        'billing_street' => '12 smarties street',
        'billing_town' => 'Nuts',
        'billing_postal_code' => '654321'
        'billing_country' => 'England',
        'shipping_street' => '23 smarties street',
        'shipping_town' => 'Mars',
        'shipping_postal_code' => '987654'
        'shipping_country' => 'England',

$dataMapper->resultBuilder('Kassko\Sample\Customer', $data)->single();

namespace Kassko\Sample;

use Kassko\DataMapper\Annotation as DM;

class Information
     * @DM\DataSource(class="Kassko\Sample\ShopDataSource", method="getBestShop")
     * @DM\Field(class='Kassko\Sample\Shop')
    private $bestShop;

     * @DM\DataSource(class="Kassko\Sample\ShopDataSource", method="getNbShops")
    private $nbShops;

    public function getBestShop() { return $this->bestShop; }
    public function setBestShop(Shop $shop) { $this->bestShop = $bestShop; }

namespace Kassko\Sample;

use Kassko\DataMapper\Annotation as DM;

class Shop
     * @DM\Field
    private $name;

     * @DM\Field
    private $address;

namespace Kassko\Sample;

class ShopDataSource
    public function getBestShop()
        return [
            'name' => 'The best',
            'address' => 'Street of the bests',

    public function getNbShops()
        return 25;

namespace Kassko\Sample;

use Kassko\DataMapper\Annotation as DM;
use Kassko\DataMapper\ObjectExtension\LazyLoadableTrait;

class Information
    use LazyLoadableTrait;

         * @DM\DataSource(class="Kassko\Sample\ShopDataSource", method="getBestShop", lazyLoading=true)
         * @DM\Field(class='Kassko\Sample\Shop')
        private $bestShop;

         * @DM\DataSource(class="Kassko\Sample\ShopDataSource", method="getNbShops", lazyLoading=true)
        private $nbShops;

        public function getBestShop()
                $this->loadProperty('bestShop');//<= Load the best shop from the property name if not loaded.
                return $this->bestShop;

        public function getNbShop()
                $this->loadProperty('nbShops');//<= Load the best shop from the property name if not loaded.
                return $this->nbShops;

namespace Kassko\Sample;

use Kassko\DataMapper\Annotation as DM;

class Shop
         * @DM\Field
        private $name;

         * @DM\Field
        private $address;

namespace Kassko\Sample;

class ShopDataSource
    public function getBestShop()
        return [
            'name' => 'The best',
            'address' => 'Street of the bests',

    public function getNbShops()
        return 25;

namespace Kassko\Sample;

use Kassko\DataMapper\Annotation as DM;

class Person
     * @DM\DataSource(class="Kassko\Sample\PersonDataSource", method="getData", lazyLoading=true, supplySeveralFields=true)
    private $name;

     * @DM\DataSource(class="Kassko\Sample\PersonDataSource", method="getData", lazyLoading=true, supplySeveralFields=true)
    private $address;

     * @DM\DataSource(class="Kassko\Sample\PersonDataSource", method="getData", lazyLoading=true, supplySeveralFields=true)
    private $phone;

     * @DM\DataSource(class="Kassko\Sample\PersonDataSource", method="getData", lazyLoading=true, supplySeveralFields=true)
    private $email;

namespace Kassko\Sample;

class PersonDataSource
    public function getData()
        return [
            'name' => 'Foo',
            'address' => 'Blue road',
            'phone' => '01 02 03 04 05',
            'email' => '[email protected]',

namespace Kassko\Sample;

use Kassko\DataMapper\Annotation as DM;

 * @DM\DataSourcesStore({
 *      @DM\DataSource(
 *          id="some_source", class="Kassko\Sample\PersonDataSource", method="getData", lazyLoading=true
 *      )
 * })
class Person
     * @DM\RefSource(id="some_source")
    private $name;

     * @DM\RefSource(id="some_source")
    private $address;

     * @DM\RefSource(id="some_source")
    private $phone;

     * @DM\RefSource(id="some_source")
    private $email;

namespace Kassko\Sample;

use Kassko\DataMapper\Annotation as DM;

 * @DM\DataSourcesStore({
 *      @DM\DataSource(
 *          id="sourceA", class="Kassko\Sample\ShopDataSource", method="getData", lazyLoading=true,
 *          fallbackSourceId="sourceB", onFail="checkException", exceptionClass="Kassko\Sample\NotStableSourceException"
 *      )
 * })
class Person

namespace Kassko\Sample;

use Kassko\DataMapper\Annotation as DM;

 * @DM\DataSourcesStore({
 *      @DM\DataSource(
 *          id="sourceA", class="Kassko\Sample\ShopDataSource", method="getData", lazyLoading=true,
 *          fallbackSourceId="sourceB", onFail="checkReturnValue", badReturnValue="null"
 *      )
 * })
class Person

namespace Kassko\Sample;

use Kassko\DataMapper\Annotation as DM;

class Key
    use LazyLoadableTrait;

    private $note;
    private $octave = 3;

     * @DM\DataSource(
     * id="ida", 
     * class="Kassko\Samples\KeyLLManager", 
     * method="getData", supplySeveralFields=true,
     * preprocessors = @DM\Methods({
     *  @DM\Method(method="somePreprocessor"),
     *  @DM\Method(class="Kassko\Sample\KeyProcessor", method="preprocess", args="##this")
     * })
     * processors = @DM\Methods({
     *  @DM\Method(method="someProcessor"),
     *  @DM\Method(class="Kassko\Sample\KeyProcessor", method="process", args="##this")
     * })
    public $color;

    public function getColor() 
        return $this->color;

    public function somePrepocessor()
        //Some stuff

    public function someProcessor())
        //Some stuff

namespace Kassko\Sample;

class KeyPreprocessor
    public function preprocess(Key $key)
        $this->logger->info(sprintf('Before key hydration %s', $key->getId()));

    public function process($keyColor)
        $this->logger->info(sprintf('After key hydration %s', $key->getId()));

class Key
    use LazyLoadableTrait;

    private $note;
    private $octave = 3;

     * @DM\DataSource(
     * id="ida", 
     * class="Kassko\Samples\KeyLLManager", 
     * method="getData", supplySeveralFields=true,
     * preprocessor = @DM\Method(method="somePreprocessor"),  
     * processor = @DM\Method(method="someProcessor")
    public $color;

    public function getColor() 
        return $this->color;

    public function somePrepocessor()
        //Some stuff

    public function someProcessor())
        //Some stuff

    'mapping' =>
        //Default is "annotations" or other type (1).
        'default_resource_type' => 'annotations',

        //Optional key.
        'default_resource_dir' => 'some_dir',

        //Optional key. Has only sense if you use inner_php or inner_yaml format.
        //It's the method whereby you provide the mapping.
        'default_provider_method' => 'some_method_name',

        //Optional section.
        'groups' =>
            'some_group' =>
                //Default is "annotations" or other type (1).
                'resource_type' => annotations,

                //The resource dir of the given bundle.
                'resource_dir' => 'some_dir',

                //Default value is null.
                'provider_method' => null,

        //Optional section
                //Required (the full qualified object class name).
                'class' => 'some_fqcn',

                //Optional key. Allows to inherit settings from a group if there are not specified.
                'group' => 'some_group',

                //Optional key.
                'resource_type' => 'yaml_file',

                //Optional key.
                //The resource directory with the resource name.
                //If not defined, data-mapper fallback to resource_name and prepend to it a resource_dir (this object resource_dir or a group resource_dir or the default_resource_dir).
                //So if resource_path is not defined, keys resource_name and a resource_dir should be defined.
                'resource_path' => 'some_path',

                //Optional key. Only the resource name (so without the directory).
                'resource_name' => 'some_ressource.yml',

                //Optional key. Override default_provider_method.
                'provider_method' => 'some_method_name',

    //Optional section.
    'cache' =>
        //Optional section. The cache for mapping metadata.
        'metadata_cache' =>
            //A cache instance which implements Kassko\Cache\CacheInterface. Default is Kassko\Cache\ArrayCache.
            //If you use a third-party cache provider, maybe you need to wrap it into an adapter to enforce compatibility with Kassko\Cache\CacheInterface.
            'instance' => $someCacheInstance,

            //Default value is 0.
            //0 means the data will never been deleted from the cache.
            //Obviously, 'life_time' has no sense with an "ArrayCache" implementation.
            'life_time' => 0,

            //Default value is false. Indicates if the cache is shared or not.
            //If you don't specify it, you're not wrong. It optimises the
            'is_shared' => false,

        //Optional section. The cache for query results.
        //This section has the same keys as 'metadata_cache' section.
        'result_cache': => [],

    //Optional key. A logger instance which implements Psr\Logger\LoggerInterface.
    'logger' => $logger,

    //Optional key. Needed to retrieve repositories specified in 'repository_class' mapping attributes and which creation is assigned to a creator (a factory, a container, a callable).
    'class_resolver' => $someClassResolver,

    //Optional key. Needed to retrieve object listener specified in 'object_listener' mapping attributes and which creation is assigned to a creator (a factory, a container, a callable).
    'object_listener_resolver' => $someObjectListenerResolver,

use Kassko\DataMapper\Annotation as DM;

class SomeClass
     * @DM\Config(
     *      class="\ValueObjectClass",
     *      mappingResourceName="valueObjectResourceName",
     *      mappingResourcePath="valueObjectResourcePath",
     *      mappingResourceType="valueObjectResourceType"
     * )
    protected $firstField;

    'fields' => ['firstField'],
    'config' => [
        'firstField'    => [
            'class' => '\ValueObjectClass',
            'mappingResourceName' => 'valueObjectResourceName',
            'mappingResourcePath' => 'valueObjectResourcePath',
            'mappingResourceType' => 'valueObjectResourceType'

use Kassko\DataMapper\Annotation as DM;

 * Class SomeClass
 * @DM\CustomHydrator(
 *      class="SomeClassHydrator",
 *      hydrateMethod="hydrateMethod",
 *      extractMethod="extractMethod"
 * )
class SomeClass

    'object'    => [
        'customHydrator'    => [
            'class' => 'SomeClassHydrator',
            'hydrateMethod' => 'hydrateMethod',
            'extractMethod' => 'extractMethod'

class SomeClassHydrator
     * Hydrate a SomeClass object from raw data $data.
     * @param array The raw data
     * @return SomeClass
    public function hydrateMethod(array $data)

     * Extract data from a SomeClass instance $object.
     * @param SomeClass The object
     * @return array
    public function extractMethod(SomeClass $object)

use Kassko\DataMapper\Annotation as DM;

class SomeClass
     * @DM\DataSource(
     *      id="firstFieldId",
     *      lazyLoading=true,
     *      supplySeveralFields=true,
     *      depends={"depend#1","depend#2"},
     *      onFail="checkException",
     *      exceptionClass="\RuntimeException",
     *      badReturnValue="emptyString",
     *      fallbackSourceId="firstFieldFallbackSourceId",
     *      preprocessor=@DM\Method(method="fooPreprocessor"),
     *      processors = @DM\Methods({
     *          @DM\Method(method="barProcessor"),
     *          @DM\Method(method="bazProcessor")
     *      })
     *      class="\stdClass",
     *      method="someMethod",
     *      args={"argument#1", "argument#2"}
     * )
     protected $firstField;

    'fields' => [
        'firstField' => [
            'name'       => 'originalFieldName',
            'dataSource' => [
                'id'                  => 'firstFieldId',
                'lazyLoading'         => true,
                'supplySeveralFields' => true,
                'depends'             => ['depend#1', 'depend#2'],
                'onFail'              => 'checkException',
                'exceptionClass'      => '\RuntimeException',
                'badReturnValue'      => 'emptyString',
                'fallbackSourceId'    => 'firstFieldFallbackSourceId',
                'preprocessor'        => [
                    'class'  => '##this',
                    'method' => 'fooPreprocessor',
                    'args'   => []
                'processor'           => [],
                'preprocessors'       => [],
                'processors'          => [
                    ['method' => 'barProcessor'],
                    ['method' => 'bazProcessor'],
                'class'               => '\stdClass',
                'method'              => 'someMethod',
                'args'                => ['argument#1', 'argument#2']

use Kassko\DataMapper\Annotation as DM;

 * @DM\DataSourcesStore({
 *      @DM\DataSource(
 *          id="personSource",
 *          class="Kassko\Sample\PersonDataSource",
 *          method="getData",
 *          args="#id",
 *          lazyLoading=true,
 *          supplySeveralFields=true,
 *          onFail="checkException",
 *          exceptionClass="\RuntimeException",
 *          badReturnValue="emptyString",
 *          fallbackSourceId="testFallbackSourceId",
 *          depends="#dependsFirst",
 *          preprocessor = @DM\Method(method="somePreprocessor"),
 *          processor = @DM\Method(method="someProcessor")
 *      )
 * })
class SomeClass

    'object'    => [
        'dataSourcesStore'    => [
                'id'=> 'personSource',
                'class'=> 'Kassko\Sample\PersonDataSource',
                'method'=> 'getData',
                'args' => ['#id'],
                'lazyLoading' => true,
                'supplySeveralFields' => true,
                'onFail'    => 'checkException',
                'exceptionClass' => '\RuntimeException',
                'badReturnValue' => 'emptyString',
                'fallbackSourceId' => 'testFallbackSourceId',
                'depends' => ['#dependsFirst'],
                'preprocessor' => [
                    'class' => '',
                    'method' => 'somePreprocessor',
                    'args' => []
                'processor' => [
                    'class' => '',
                    'method' => 'someProcessor',
                    'args' => []

use Kassko\DataMapper\Annotation as DM;

 * @DM\RefImplicitSource(id="RefImplicitSourceId")
class SomeClass
    protected $fieldToBindAutoToImplicitSource;

    protected $anotherFieldToBindAutoToImplicitSource;

    protected $fieldNotToBindAutoToImplicitSource;

    'object' => [
        'RefImplicitSource' => 'RefImplicitSourceId'
    'fields' => [
        'fieldToBindAutoToImplicitSource' => [
            'name'      => 'fieldToBindAutoToImplicitSource',
        'anotherFieldToBindAutoToImplicitSource' => [
            'name'      => 'anotherFieldToBindAutoToImplicitSource',
        'fieldNotToBindAutoToImplicitSource' => [
            'name'      => 'fieldNotToBindAutoToImplicitSource',
    'fieldsNotToBindToImplicitSource' => [

use Kassko\DataMapper\Annotation as DM;

class SomeClass
     * @DM\Field(
     *      name="FirstField",
     *      type="string",
     *      class="stdClass",
     *      readConverter="readConvertFirstField",
     *      writeConverter="writeConvertFirstField",
     *      fieldMappingExtensionClass="ExtensionClass"
     * )
    protected $fieldOne;

     * @DM\Field(
     *      name="SecondField",
     *      type="integer",
     *      class="\DateTime",
     *      readDateConverter="readDateConvertSecondField",
     *      writeDateConverter="writeDateConvertSecondField",
     *      fieldMappingExtensionClass="ExtensionClass",
     *      defaultValue="12"
     * )
    protected $fieldTwo;

     * @DM\Field(
     *      name="DateField",
     *      type="date"
     * )
    protected $dateField;

    'fields' => [
        'fieldOne'  => [
            'name'                       => 'FirstField',
            'type'                       => 'string',
            'class'                      => 'stdClass',
            'readConverter'              => 'readConvertFirstField',
            'writeConverter'             => 'writeConvertFirstField',
            'fieldMappingExtensionClass' => 'ExtensionClass',
        'fieldTwo'  => [
            'name'                       => 'SecondField',
            'type'                       => 'integer',
            'class'                      => '\DateTime',
            'readDateConverter'          => 'readDateConvertSecondField',
            'writeDateConverter'         => 'writeDateConvertSecondField',
            'fieldMappingExtensionClass' => 'ExtensionClass',
            'defaultValue'               => 12
        'dateField' => [
            'name'                       => 'DateField',
            'type'                       => 'date'

use Kassko\DataMapper\Annotation as DM;

class SomeClass
     * @DM\Getter(
     *      name="getterName"
     * )
    protected $firstField;

     * @DM\Getter(
     *      prefix="is"
     * )
    protected $secondField;

    'fields'    => [
        'firstField'    => [
            'name'      => 'firstField',
            'getter'    => ['name' => 'getterName'],
        'secondField'    => [
            'name'      => 'secondField',
            'getter'    => ['prefix' => 'is'],

use Kassko\DataMapper\Annotation as DM;

class SomeClass
     * @DM\Id
    protected $firstField;

    'id'        => 'firstField',
    'fields'    => ['firstField']

use Kassko\DataMapper\Annotation as DM;

class SomeClass
     * @DM\IdCompositePart
    protected $firstField;

     * @DM\IdCompositePart
    protected $secondField;

    'idComposite'   => ['firstField', 'secondField'],
    'fields'    => ['firstField', 'secondField']

use Kassko\DataMapper\Annotation as DM;

 * @DM\Listeners(
 *  preHydrate = @DM\Methods({
 *      @DM\Method(class="SomeClass", method="preHydrateMethodName")   
 * }),
 *  postHydrate = @DM\Methods({
 *      @DM\Method(class="SomeClass", method="postHydrateMethodName"),
 *      @DM\Method(class="SomeClassB", method="postHydrateMethodName") 
 * }),
 *  preExtract = @DM\Methods({
 *      @DM\Method(class="SomeClass", method="preExtractMethodName", args="foo")   
 * }),
 *  postExtract = @DM\Methods({
 *      @DM\Method(class="SomeClass", method="postExtractMethodName", args={"foo", "#bar"})   
 * })
 * )
class SomeClass

    'listeners' => [
        'preHydrate' => ['class' => 'SomeClass', 'method' => 'preHydrateMethodName'],                
        'postHydrate' => 
            ['class' => 'SomeClass', 'method' => 'postHydrateMethodName'],
            ['class' => 'SomeClassB', 'method' => 'postHydrateMethodName'],
        'preExtract' => ['class' => 'SomeClass', 'method' => 'preExtractMethodName', 'args' => 'foo'],
        'postExtract' => ['class' => 'SomeClass', 'method' => 'postExtractMethodName', 'args' => ['foo', '#bar']],

use Kassko\DataMapper\Annotation as DM;

 * @DM\Method(method="someMethod")
 * @DM\Method(class="SomeClass", method="someMethod", args="abc")
 * @DM\Method(class="@some_object_created_from_factory_or_container", method="someMethod", args= {"##this", "abc"}

    'method' => 'someMethod',

    'class' => 'SomeClass',
    'method' => 'someMethod',
    'args' => 'abc'

    'class' => '@some_object_created_from_factory_or_container',
    'method' => 'someMethod',
    'args' => ['##this', 'abc']

use Kassko\DataMapper\Annotation as DM;

 * @DM\Object(
 *      fieldExclusionPolicy="exclude_all",
 *      providerClass="testProviderClass",
 *      readDateConverter="testReadDateConverter",
 *      writeDateConverter="testWriteDateConverter",
 *      propertyAccessStrategy=true,
 *      fieldMappingExtensionClass="testFieldMappingExtensionClass",
 *      classMappingExtensionClass="testClassMappingExtensionClass"
 * )
class SomeClass


    'fieldExclusionPolicy'  => 'exclude_all',
    'object'    => [
        'providerClass'         => 'testProviderClass',
        'readDateConverter'     => 'testReadDateConverter',
        'writeDateConverter'    => 'testWriteDateConverter',
        'propertyAccessStrategy'=> true,
        'fieldMappingExtensionClass' => 'testFieldMappingExtensionClass',
        'classMappingExtensionClass' => 'testClassMappingExtensionClass'

use Kassko\DataMapper\Annotation as DM;

 * @DM\ObjectListeners(
 *      classList={"SomeListenerAClass", "SomeListenerBClass"}
 * )
class SomeClass

    'objectListeners'   => ['SomeListenerAClass', 'SomeListenerBClass']

use Kassko\DataMapper\Annotation as DM;

 * @DM\Object(classMappingExtensionClass="mappingExtensionClass")
 * @DM\PostExtract(method="postExtractMethodName")
class SomeClass

    'object' => ['classMappingExtensionClass' => 'mappingExtensionClass'],
    'interceptors'  => [
        'postExtract'    => 'postExtractMethodName'

use Kassko\DataMapper\Annotation as DM;

 * @DM\Object(classMappingExtensionClass="mappingExtensionClass")
 * @DM\PostHydrate(method="postHydrateMethodName")
class SomeClass

    'object' => ['classMappingExtensionClass' => 'mappingExtensionClass'],
    'interceptors'  => [
        'postHydrate'    => 'postHydrateMethodName'

use Kassko\DataMapper\Annotation as DM;

 * @DM\Object(classMappingExtensionClass="mappingExtensionClass")
 * @DM\PreExtract(
 *      method="preExtractMethodName"
 * )
class SomeClass

    'object' => ['classMappingExtensionClass' => 'mappingExtensionClass'],
    'interceptors'  => [
        'preExtract'    => 'preExtractMethodName'

use Kassko\DataMapper\Annotation as DM;

 * @DM\Object(classMappingExtensionClass="mappingExtensionClass")
 * @DM\PreHydrate(method="preHydrateMethodName")
class SomeClass

    'object' => ['classMappingExtensionClass' => 'mappingExtensionClass'],
    'interceptors'  => [
        'preHydrate'    => 'preHydrateMethodName'

use Kassko\DataMapper\Annotation as DM;

 * @DM\RefImplicitSource(id="RefImplicitSourceId")
class SomeClass


    'object' => [
        'RefImplicitSource' => 'RefImplicitSourceId'
    'fields' => [
        'mockField' => [
            'name'      => 'mockFieldName',

use Kassko\DataMapper\Annotation as DM;

 * @DM\DataSourcesStore({
 *      @DM\DataSource(
 *          id="someDataSource",
 *          class="Kassko\Sample\PersonDataSource",
 *          method="getData"
 *      )
 * })
class SomeClass
     * @DM\RefSource(id="someDataSource")
    private $fieldOne;

    'object'    => [
        'dataSourcesStore'    => [
                'id'=> 'personSource',
                'class'=> 'Kassko\Sample\PersonDataSource',
                'method'=> 'getData',
    'fields'    => [
        'fieldOne' => [
            'name'  => 'fieldOne',
            'refSource' => 'someDataSource',
### Setter config

Annotation format:

    'fields'    => [
        'firstField'    => [
            'name'      => 'firstField',
            'setter'    => ['name' => 'setterName'],

use Kassko\DataMapper\Annotation as DM;

 * Optional because it's the default settings for fieldExclusionPolicy.
 * @DM\Object(fieldExclusionPolicy="}

    //Optional because it's the default settings for fieldExclusionPolicy.
    'object' => [
        'fieldExclusionPolicy' => ''     => 'excludedField'
        'anotherField'         => [
            'name'     => 'anotherField'