PHP code example of kargnas / instructrice

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download kargnas/instructrice library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


kargnas / instructrice example snippets

use AdrienBrault\Instructrice\InstructriceFactory;
use AdrienBrault\Instructrice\LLM\Provider\Ollama;
use AdrienBrault\Instructrice\LLM\Provider\OpenAi;
use AdrienBrault\Instructrice\LLM\Provider\Anthropic;

$instructrice = InstructriceFactory::create(
    defaultLlm: Ollama::HERMES2THETA_LLAMA3_8B,
    apiKeys: [ // Unless you inject keys here, api keys will be fetched from environment variables
        OpenAi::class => $openAiApiKey,
        Anthropic::class => $anthropicApiKey,

use AdrienBrault\Instructrice\Attribute\Prompt;

class Character
    // The prompt annotation lets you add instructions specific to a property
    #[Prompt('Just the first name.')]
    public string $name;
    public ?string $rank = null;

$characters = $instructrice->getList(
    'Colonel Jack O\'Neil walks into a bar and meets Major Samanta Carter. They call Teal\'c to join them.',

array:3 [
  0 => Character^ {
    +name: "Jack"
    +rank: "Colonel"
  1 => Character^ {
    +name: "Samanta"
    +rank: "Major"
  2 => Character^ {
    +name: "Teal'c"
    +rank: null

$character = $instructrice->get(
    type: Character::class,
    context: 'Colonel Jack O\'Neil.',

Character^ {
  +name: "Jack"
  +rank: "Colonel"

$label = $instructrice->get(
    type: [
        'type' => 'string',
        'enum' => ['positive', 'neutral', 'negative'],
    context: 'Amazing great cool nice',
    prompt: 'Sentiment analysis',


use AdrienBrault\Instructrice\InstructriceFactory;
use AdrienBrault\Instructrice\LLM\Provider\OpenAi;

    llm: OpenAi::GPT_4T, // API Key will be fetched from the OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable

use AdrienBrault\Instructrice\LLM\LLMConfig;
use AdrienBrault\Instructrice\LLM\Cost;
use AdrienBrault\Instructrice\LLM\OpenAiJsonStrategy;
use AdrienBrault\Instructrice\LLM\Provider\Ollama;

    llm: Ollama::create(
        'codestral:22b-v0.1-q5_K_M', // check its license first!

use AdrienBrault\Instructrice\LLM\LLMConfig;
use AdrienBrault\Instructrice\LLM\Cost;
use AdrienBrault\Instructrice\LLM\OpenAiJsonStrategy;

    llm: new LLMConfig(
        uri: '',
        model: 'meta-llama/Llama-3-70b-chat-hf',
        contextWindow: 8000,
        label: 'Llama 3 70B',
        provider: 'Together',
        cost: Cost::create(0.9),
        strategy: OpenAiJsonStrategy::JSON,
        headers: [
            'Authorization' => 'Bearer ' . $apiKey,

use AdrienBrault\Instructrice\InstructriceFactory;

$instructrice = InstructriceFactory::create(
    defaultLlm: 'openai://:[email protected]/v1/chat/completions?model=gpt-3.5-turbo&strategy=tool_auto&context=16000'

    llm: 'openai-http://localhost:11434?model=adrienbrault/nous-hermes2theta-llama3-8b&strategy=json&context=8000'

    llm: 'openai://:[email protected]/inference/v1/chat/completions?model=accounts/fireworks/models/llama-v3-70b-instruct&context=8000&strategy=json_with_schema'

    llm: 'google://:[email protected]/v1beta/models?model=gemini-1.5-flash&context=1000000'

    llm: 'anthropic://:[email protected]?model=claude-3-haiku-20240307&context=200000'