PHP code example of karboosx / procer

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download karboosx/procer library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


karboosx / procer example snippets

use Karboosx\Procer;

$procer = new Karboosx\Procer();

$result = $procer->run('let a be 1.');

echo $result->get('a'); // 1

use Karboosx\Procer;

$procer = new Karboosx\Procer([
   new CustomFunctionProvider()

$result = $procer->run('let x be custom_function("hello world!").');

echo $result->get('x'); // "custom function result with argument: hello world!"

class CustomFunctionProvider implements \Karboosx\Procer\FunctionProviderInterface
    public function custom_function(Context $context, array $arguments): string
        return "custom function result with argument: {$arguments[0]}";
    public function supports(string $functionName): bool
        return in_array($functionName, ['custom_function']);

use Karboosx\Procer;

$procer = new Procer();

$result = $procer->runExpression('1 + 2 * 3');

echo $result; // 7