PHP code example of kamona / kui-laravel-breeze

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download kamona/kui-laravel-breeze library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


kamona / kui-laravel-breeze example snippets

composer avel/breeze < 1.18.0
composer  package will detect if your project uses vitejs or not by check if vite.config.js exist or not.
php artisan kui-breeze:replace blade
# available stacks (blade,vue,vue-jsx,react).
# So if you run `php artisan breeze:install vue` you can run `php artisan kui-breeze:replace vue` and the same for react.
# For example
# php artisan breeze:replace blade => php artisan kui-breeze:replace blade
# php artisan breeze:replace vue => php artisan kui-breeze:replace vue
# php artisan breeze:replace vue => php artisan kui-breeze:replace vue-jsx
# php artisan breeze:replace react => php artisan kui-breeze:replace react

# then
npm install && npm run dev # or yarn && yarn dev