PHP code example of kaliop / csv-parser

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download kaliop/csv-parser library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


kaliop / csv-parser example snippets

namespace App\Entity;

class Order
     * @var int
    public $id;

     * @var \DateTime
    public $date;

     * @var string
    public $clientName;

     * @var string
    public $address;

     * @var int
    public $postalCode;

     * @var string
    public $country;

     * @var float
    public $amount;
     * @var null|\DateTime
    public $shipDate = null;

namespace App\CSV;

use App\Entity\Order;
use Kaliop\CsvParser\Parser\AbstractParser;
use Kaliop\CsvParser\Parser\ParserInterface;
use Kaliop\CsvParser\ColumnHelper;

class OrderParser extends AbstractParser implements ParserInterface
    public function getMappingDefinition()
        return [
            ColumnHelper::index('A') => [
                'property'  => '',
                'filter'    => function($value) { return \DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', $value); }
            ColumnHelper::index('B') => [
                'property'  => '',
                'filter'    => function($value) { return \intval($value); }
            ColumnHelper::index('C') => [
                'property'  => 'entity.clientName',
                'filter'    => function($value) { return \trim($value); }
            ColumnHelper::index('D') => [
                'property'  => 'entity.address',
                'filter'    => function($value) { return \trim($value); }
            ColumnHelper::index('E') => [
                'property'  => 'entity.postalCode',
                'filter'    => function($value) { return \intval($value); }
            ColumnHelper::index('F') => [
                'property'  => '',
                'filter'    => function($value) { return \trim($value); }
            ColumnHelper::index('G') => [
                'property'  => 'entity.amount',
                'filter'    => function($value) { return \floatval($value); }

    public function getEntityClassName()
        return Order::class;

namespace App\Core;

use App\CSV\OrderParser;

class ImportOrdersFromCSV
    protected $em;
    public function __construct(EntityManagerInterface $em)
        $this->em = $em;
    public function import($csvFilePath)
        $parser = new OrderParser($csvFilePath, ";");
        $results = $parser->execute();
        foreach ($results as $result) {
            if ($result->isValid()) {
            // log or do something with invalid entities

namespace App\CSV;

use Kaliop\CsvParser\Result\ParserResult;
use App\Entity\Order;

class OrderParserResult extends ParserResult
    public function finalize()
        if (!$this->entity instanceof Order || !$this->entity->date) {
            // do nothing on invalid entities

        $shipDate = clone $this->entity->date;
        $shipDate->modify('+3 days');

        $this->entity->shipDate = $shipDate;

// ... ImportOrdersFromCSV

2019-04-15;678945;"Laurent Doe";"12 avenue PhpUnit";34000;France;12
2019-03-12;987564;"Ruh Doe";"15 rue du test";31001;France;50,53
2019-05-01;123456;"Julien Doe";"125 rue PHP";34440;France;69,12
2019-02-09;456123;"Gérard Doe";"15 blvd Bouchard";76000;France;789,10
2019-01-01;965478;"Jean-Luc Doe";"15 rue du test";34000;France;5,00
2019-05-01;126578;"Bernard Doe";"15 rue Symfony";75000;France;33,53
2019-05-01;216543;"Maël Doe";"Disneyland Paris";77000;France;1250,53
2019-05-01;987521;"Gros Doe";"15 rue de Behat";98520;France;50,98