PHP code example of kak / grid

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download kak/grid library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


kak / grid example snippets

  use kak\widgets\grid\GridView; 
  use yii\helpers\Html;
echo GridView::widget([
    'showFooter' => true,
    'dataProvider' => $provider,
    'columns' => [
      'user' => [
          'header' => 'user',
          'format' => 'html',
          'value'  => function($data){
              return '[' . $data->stream_id . '] '
              .  Html::a($data->user->name,['user/update', 'id' => $data->user->id ]);
      'operator_id' => [
          'header' => 'Operator',
          'value' => ''
      'country_id' => [
          'header' => 'Country',
          'format' => 'html',
          'value'  => function($data){
              return Html::img($data->country->flag_url,['title' => $data->country->name_ru]);
         'footer' =>  '<b>Total redirect</b>',
      'view_count' => [
          'attribute' => 'view_count',
          'summary' => 'sum'
      'redirect_count' => [
          'attribute' => 'redirect_count',
          'summary' => 'sum'
      'ratio (redirect/view)' => [
          'header' => 'Ratio',
          'value' =>  function($data){
              return round( (int)$data->redirect_count/(int)$data->view_count ,2);
      'actions' => [
          'class' => \yii\grid\ActionColumn::className(),
          'template' => '{view}',