1. Go to this page and download the library: Download k00ni/json-ld library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
k00ni / json-ld example snippets
// Official JSON-LD API
$expanded = JsonLD::expand('document.jsonld');
$compacted = JsonLD::compact('document.jsonld', 'context.jsonld');
$framed = JsonLD::frame('document.jsonld', 'frame.jsonld');
$flattened = JsonLD::flatten('document.jsonld');
$quads = JsonLD::toRdf('document.jsonld');
// Output the expanded document (pretty print)
print JsonLD::toString($expanded, true);
// Serialize the quads as N-Quads
$nquads = new NQuads();
$serialized = $nquads->serialize($quads);
print $serialized;
// And parse them again to a JSON-LD document
$quads = $nquads->parse($serialized);
$document = JsonLD::fromRdf($quads);
print JsonLD::toString($document, true);
// Node-centric API
$doc = JsonLD::getDocument('document.jsonld');
// get the default graph
$graph = $doc->getGraph();
// get all nodes in the graph
$nodes = $graph->getNodes();
// retrieve a node by ID
$node = $graph->getNode('http://example.com/node1');
// get a property
// add a new blank node to the graph
$newNode = $graph->createNode();
// link the new blank node to the existing node
$node->addPropertyValue('http://example.com/vocab/link', $newNode);
// even reverse properties are supported; this returns $newNode
// serialize the graph and convert it to a string
$serialized = JsonLD::toString($graph->toJsonLd());
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