PHP code example of k-gun / xo

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download k-gun/xo library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


k-gun / xo example snippets

use xo\Collection;
use function xo\set;

// Declare a typed array as Poll
class Poll extends Collection {
    // Define a custom method
    public function getResults(): array {
        // Use copy(), so do not modify Poll instance
        return $this->copy()->map(function ($option) {
            // Use set() shortcut and sum avarage of option values
            return set($option)->sumAvg(2);
        })->sort('asort', function ($a, $b) {
            // Use reverse sort preserving keys
            return $a < $b;

// Create an instance of Poll
$poll = new Poll([
    // Fill with options
    'option_1' => [2, 2, 1],
    'option_2' => [5, 1, 5],
    'option_3' => [3, 5, 2]

var_export($poll->getResults()); //=> ['option_2' => 3.67, 'option_3' => 3.33, 'option_1' => 1.67]

$array = new xo\TypedArray('IntArray', [1, 2, 3], 'int');
$array->sum(); //=> 6

$array->sum(); //=> 10

// this will throw a xo\exception\MethodException
// 'cos append() does not take string value

$map = new xo\AnyArray(['a' => 1, 'b' => 2]);
$map->sum(); //=> 3

// add new item
$map->sum(); //=> 6

$map = new xo\Map(['a' => 1, 'b' => 2]);
$map->sum(); //=> 3

// this will throw a xo\exception\MethodException
// 'cos append() does not take a key but only value

// add new item with key,value pairs using set(), or push() as well
$map->set('c', 3);
$map->sum(); //=> 6

$map = new xo\Set(1, 2);
$map->sum(); //=> 3

// add new item without key

// or with key,value pairs using set(), or push() as well
$map->set(2, 3);
$map->sum(); //=> 6

$map = new xo\Tuple(1, 2);
$map->sum(); //=> 3

// this will throw a xo\exception\MethodException
// 'cos append() is not allowed for Tuple objects

class IntArray extends xo\TypedArray {
    public function __construct(array $items = null) {
        parent::__construct('IntArray', $items, 'int');

$array = new IntArray();
$array->append('3'); //=> error

class Poll extends xo\TypedArray {
    public function __construct(array $items = null) {
        parent::__construct('Poll', $items, 'array');

    public function getResults(): array {
        return $this->copy()->map(function ($option) {
            return round(array_sum($option) / count($option), 2);
            // or
            // return xo\set($option)->sumAvg(2);
            // return (new xo\Set($option))->sumAvg(2);
        })->sort('asort', function ($a, $b) {
            return $a < $b;

$poll = new Poll();
$poll->put('option_1', [2, 2, 1]);
$poll->put('option_2', [5, 1, 5]);
$poll->put('option_3', [3, 5, 2]);

var_export($poll->getResults()); //=> ['option_2' => 3.67, 'option_3' => 3.33, 'option_1' => 1.67]

class Poll extends xo\AnyArray {
    public function getResults(): array {
        return $this->copy()->map(function ($option) {
            return round(array_sum($option) / count($option), 2);
        })->sort('asort', function ($a, $b) {
            return $a < $b;

class User {
    private $id;
    public function __construct(int $id = null) {
        $this->id = $id;

class Users extends xo\TypedArray {
    public function __construct(array $items = null) {
        parent::__construct('Users', $items, User::class);

$users = new Users();
$users->add(new User(1));
$users->add(new User(2));
$users->add(new User(null));

var_dump($users->copy()->filter(function (User $user) {
    return !is_null($user->id);
})->count()); //=> int(2)

// this will throw a xo\exception\ValueException
// 'cos Users accepts User type values only

class Users extends xo\Set {
    public function __construct(array $items = null) {
        parent::__construct($items, User::class);

$users = new Users();
$users->add(new User(1));
$users->add(new User(2));
$users->add(new User(null));

// or

class Users extends xo\Map {
    public function __construct(array $items = null) {
        parent::__construct($items, User::class);

$users = new Users();
$users->put(1, new User(1));
$users->put(2, new User(2));
$users->put('null', new User(null));

$string = new xo\StringObject('Hello, world!');
var_dump($string->test('~hell~')); //=> bool(false)
var_dump($string->test('~hell~i')); //=> bool(true)
var_dump($string->startsWith('He')); //=> bool(true)

$number = new xo\NumberObject(1.555);
var_dump($number->toInt()); //=> int(1)
var_dump($number->toFloat()); //=> float(1.555)
var_dump($number->toFloat(2)); //=> float(1.56)

    class xo\AnyArray extends xo\TypedArray {}

    protected static array $notAllowedMethods = []

    public __construct(array $items = null, bool $readOnly = false)

    public search(any $value): int|string|null
    public searchLast(any $value): int|string|null
    public indexOf(any $value): ?int
    public lastIndexOf(any $value): ?int
    public has(any $value): bool
    public hasKey(int|string $key): bool
    public set(int|string $key, any $value, int &$size = null): self
    public get(int|string $key, any $valueDefault = null, bool &$found = null): ?any
    public add(any $value): self
    public remove(any $value, bool &$found = null): self
    public removeAt(int|string $key, bool &$found = null): self
    public removeAll(array $values, int &$count = null): self
    public append(any $value, int &$size = null): self
    public prepend(any $value, int &$size = null): self
    public pop(int &$size = null): ?any
    public unpop(any $value, int &$size = null): self
    public shift(int &$size = null): ?any
    public unshift(any $value, int &$size = null): self
    public put(int|string $key, any $value): self
    public push(int|string $key, any $value): self
    public pull(int|string $key, any $valueDefault = null, bool &$found = null): ?any
    public replace(any $value, any $replaceValue, bool &$found = null): self
    public replaceAt(int|string $key, any $replaceValue, bool &$found = null): self
    public flip(): self
        throws xo\ArrayException
    public pad(int $times, any $value, int $offset = null): self

    class xo\Map extends xo\TypedArray {}

    protected static array $notAllowedMethods = ['flip', 'add', 'append', 'prepend', 'unpop',
        'unshift', 'flip', 'pad']

    public __construct(array $items = null, string $itemsType = null,
        bool $readOnly = false, bool $allowNulls = false)

    public search(any $value): int|string|null
    public searchLast(any $value): int|string|null
    public indexOf(any $value): ?int
    public lastIndexOf(any $value): ?int
    public has(any $value): bool
    public hasKey(string $key): bool
    public set(string $key, any $value, int &$size = null): self
    public get(string $key, any $valueDefault = null, bool &$found = null): ?any
    public remove(any $value, bool &$found = null): self
    public removeAt(string $key, bool &$found = null): self
    public removeAll(array $values, int &$count = null): self
    public pop(int &$size = null): ?any
    public shift(int &$size = null): ?any
    public put(string $key, any $value): self
    public push(string $key, any $value): self
    public pull(string $key, any $valueDefault = null, bool &$found = null): ?any
    public replace(any $value, any $replaceValue, bool &$found = null): self
    public replaceAt(string $key, any $replaceValue, bool &$found = null): self

    class xo\Set extends xo\TypedArray {}

    protected static array $notAllowedMethods = ['flip']

    public __construct(array $items = null, string $itemsType = null,
        bool $readOnly = false, bool $allowNulls = false)

    public search(any $value): int|string|null
    public searchLast(any $value): int|string|null
    public indexOf(any $value): ?int
    public lastIndexOf(any $value): ?int
    public has(any $value): bool
    public hasKey(int $key): bool
    public set(int $key, any $value, int &$size = null): self
    public get(int $key, any $valueDefault = null, bool &$found = null): ?any
    public add(any $value): self
    public remove(any $value, bool &$found = null): self
    public removeAt(int $key, bool &$found = null): self
    public removeAll(array $values, int &$count = null): self
    public append(any $value, int &$size = null): self
    public prepend(any $value, int &$size = null): self
    public pop(int &$size = null): ?any
    public unpop(any $value, int &$size = null): self
    public shift(int &$size = null): ?any
    public unshift(any $value, int &$size = null): self
    public put(int $key, any $value): self
    public push(int $key, any $value): self
    public pull(int $key, any $valueDefault = null, bool &$found = null): ?any
    public replace(any $value, any $replaceValue, bool &$found = null): self
    public replaceAt(int $key, any $replaceValue, bool &$found = null): self
    public pad(int $times, any $value, int $offset = null): self