PHP code example of justinhook / royal-mail-price-calculator

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download justinhook/royal-mail-price-calculator library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


justinhook / royal-mail-price-calculator example snippets

use \RoyalMailPriceCalculator\Package;
use \RoyalMailPriceCalculator\Services\GuaranteedByOnePmService;
use \RoyalMailPriceCalculator\Services\FirstClassService;

$calculator = new Calculator();

$package = new Package();
$package->setDimensions(15, 15, 0.4);

$calculator->setServices(array(new FirstClassService(), new GuaranteedByOnePmService()));

foreach ($calculator->calculatePrice($package) as $calculated)
    echo $calculated['service']->getName() . "\n";
    foreach ($calculated['prices'] as $price) {
        echo "  →  £{$price['price']} (Compensation: £{$price['compensation']})\n";
    echo "\n";