PHP code example of justbetter / laravel-magento-stock
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download justbetter/laravel-magento-stock library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
justbetter / laravel-magento-stock example snippets
protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule): void
// Process stocks marked for retrieval / update
// Retrieve all stock daily
// Retrieve modified stock every fifteen minutes, with a small overlap
$schedule->command(\JustBetter\MagentoStock\Commands\Retrieval\RetrieveAllStockCommand::class, ['from' => 'now -1 hour'])->everyFifteenMinutes();
namespace App\Integrations\MagentoStock;
use JustBetter\MagentoStock\Repositories\Repository;
use JustBetter\MagentoStock\Data\StockData;
use JustBetter\MagentoStock\Enums\Backorders;
class MyStockRepository extends Repository
public function retrieve(string $sku): ?StockData
// Retrieve stock from your source
return StockData::of([
'sku' => $sku,
'quantity' => 10,
'in_stock' => true,
'backorders' => Backorders::BackordersNotify,
namespace App\Integrations\MagentoStock;
use JustBetter\MagentoStock\Repositories\Repository;
use Illuminate\Support\Carbon;
use Illuminate\Support\Enumerable;
class MyStockRepository extends Repository
public function skus(?Carbon $from = null): ?Enumerable
return collect(['sku_1', 'sku_2']);
class BaseRepository
protected string $name = 'Repository';
// How many stocks may be retrieved at once when the process job runs
protected int $retrieveLimit = 250;
// How many stocks may be updated at once when the process job runs
protected int $updateLimit = 250;
// How many times an update to Magento may fail before it stops trying
protected int $failLimit = 3;
// If MSI is enabled
protected bool $msi = false;
// Enable if the package should update backorders
protected bool $backorders = false;
namespace App\Integrations\MagentoStock;
use JustBetter\MagentoStock\Repositories\Repository;
use JustBetter\MagentoStock\Data\StockData;
use JustBetter\MagentoStock\Enums\Backorders;
class MyStockRepository extends Repository
public function retrieve(string $sku): ?StockData
return StockData::of([
'sku' => $sku,
'backorders' => Backorders::BackordersNotify,
'msi_status' => [
'A' => true, // Source A is in stock
'B' => false, // Source B is out of stock
'msi_quantity' => [
'A' => 10, // Source A has qty of 10
'B' => 0, // Source B has qty of 0