PHP code example of jurager / teams

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download jurager/teams library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


jurager / teams example snippets


namespace App\Providers;

use Jurager\Teams\Traits\HasTeams;

class User extends Model {

    use HasTeams;

// Access the team's owner...

// Get all the team's users, excluding owner

// Get all the team's users, including the owner...

// Determine if the given user is a team member...
$team->hasUser(object $user)

// Adds a user to the team with a specified role by role ID or code
$team->addUser(object $user, string $role_keyword)

// Update the role of a specific user within the team
$team->updateUser(object $user, string $role_keyword)

// Remove the given user from the team.
$team->deleteUser(object $user);

// Get all the abilities belong to the team.

// Get all the team's roles.

// Return the user role object from the team
$team->userRole(object $user)

// Check if the team has a specific role by ID or code or any roles at all
$team->hasRole(int|string|null $keyword)

// Get the role from the team by role id or code 
$team->getRole(int|string $keyword)

// Add new role to the team
$team->addRole(string $code, array $permissions, string|null $name, string|null $description)

// Update the role in the team
$team->updateRole(int|string $keyword, array $permissions, string|null $name, string|null $description)

// Deletes the given role from team
$team->deleteRole(int|string $keyword)

// Get all groups of the team.

// Get team group by its id or code
$team->getGroup(int|string $keyword)

// Add new group to the team
$team->addGroup(string $code, array|null $permissions = [], string|null $name)

// Update the group in the team
$team->updateGroup(int|string $keyword, array|null $permissions, string|null $name)

// Delete group from the team
$team->deleteGroup(int|string $keyword)

// Determine if the team has a member with the given email address...
$team->hasUserWithEmail(array $email)

// Determine if the given user is a team member with the given permission...
$team->userHasPermission(object $user, string|array $permissions, bool $

// Access the team's that a user belongs to...
$user->teams : Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection

// Access all of a user's owned teams...
$user->ownedTeams : Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection

// Access all the team's (including owned teams) that a user belongs to...
$user->allTeams() : Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection

// Determine if a user owns a given team...
$user->ownsTeam(object $team) : bool

// Determine if a user belongs to a given team...
$user->belongsToTeam(object $team) : bool

// Get the role that the user is assigned on the team...
$user->teamRole(object $team) : \Jurager\Teams\Role

// Determine if the user has the given role on the given team...
$user->hasTeamRole(object $team, string|array 'admin', bool $model
$user->teamAbilities(object $team, object $server) : mixed

// Determine if a user has a given ability on certain model...
$user->hasTeamAbility(object $team, string 'server:edit', object $server) : bool

// Add an ability for user to action on certain model, if not found, will create a new one
$user->allowTeamAbility(object $team, string 'server:edit', object $server) : bool

// Forbid an ability for user to action on certain model, used in case if global ability or role allowing this action
$user->forbidTeamAbility(object $team, string 'server:edit', object $server) : bool

$team = new Team();

$team->name = 'Example Team';
$team->user_id = $user->id;

if ($team->save()) {

    $team->addRole('admin', [
    $team->addRole('user', [

return $user->hasTeamPermission(object $team, string 'server:update');

$user->allowTeamAbility(object $team, string $action, object $action_entity, object|null $target_entity = null)

User::hasTeamAbility(object $team, string 'edit_post', object $post);

User::forbidTeamAbility(object $team, string $action, object $action_entity, object|null $target_entity = null)

// Add new group to the team
$team->addGroup(string $code, array $permissions = [], string|null $name)

// Update the group in the team, if permissions is empty array all exiting permissions will be detached
$team->updateGroup(int|string $keyword, array $permissions => [], string|null $name)

// Delete group from the team
$team->deleteGroup(string $code)

// Get all groups of the team.

// Check if the team has a specific group by ID or code or any groups at all
$team->hasGroup(int|string|null $keyword)

// Get team group by its code
$group = $team->getGroup(int|string $keyword);

// Get all group users

// Attach users or user to a group
$group->attachUser(Collection|Model $user);

// Detach users or user from group
$group->detachUser(Collection|Model $user);

Route::group(['prefix' => 'admin', 'middleware' => ['role:admin,team_id']], function() {
    Route::get('/users', 'UserController@usersIndex');
    Route::get('/user/edit', ['middleware' => ['permission:edit-users,team_id'], 'uses' => 'UserController@userEdit']);

Route::get('/{team_id}/users', ['middleware' => ['permission:views-users'], 'uses' => 'CommonController@commonUsers']);

'middleware' => ['role:admin|root,{team_id}']

'middleware' => ['role:admin|root,{team_id}']
// $user->hasTeamRole($team, ['admin', 'root']);

'middleware' => ['permission:edit-post|edit-user,{team_id}']
// $user->hasTeamPermission($team, ['edit-post', 'edit-user']);

'middleware' => ['role:admin|root,team_id,oot'], r,team_id,r'], 

'middleware' => ['ability:edit,App\Models\Article,{article_id}']
// $user->hasTeamAbility($team, 'edit', $article);
php artisan teams:install
php artisan migrate