PHP code example of jupitern / cosmosdb

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download jupitern/cosmosdb library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


jupitern / cosmosdb example snippets

    "  "jupitern/cosmosdb": "2.*"

$conn = new \Jupitern\CosmosDb\CosmosDb('https://localhost:8081', 'primaryKey');
$conn->setHttpClientOptions(['verify' => false]); # optional: set guzzle client options.
$db = $conn->selectDB('testdb');

# create a new collection
$collection = $db->createCollection('Users', 'country');

# select existing collection
$collection = $db->selectCollection('Users');

$rid = \Jupitern\CosmosDb\QueryBuilder::instance()
        'id' => '2', 
        'name' => 'Jane doe', 
        'age' => 35, 
        'country' => 'Portugal'

$rid = \Jupitern\CosmosDb\QueryBuilder::instance()
        "_rid" => $rid, 
        'id' => '2', 
        'name' => 'Jane Doe Something', 
        'age' => 36, 
        'country' => 'Portugal'

# Patch operations: ADD | SET | REPLACE | REMOVE | INCR | MOVE

# Where a PartitionKey is in use, the PartitionValue should be set on the QueryBuilder instance
# prior to making any PATCH operations, as by the nature of PATCH, there is no document body to find the value in, 
# and the value is taken from the class property when the request is made. $rid_doc is also $operations[] = $res->getPatchOpSet('/age', 38);
$operations[] = $res->getPatchOpAdd('/region' 'Algarve');

$rid_doc = $res->patch($rid_doc, $operations);

# Example patched document (as array)

# [
# 	"_rid" => $rid, 
# 	'id' => '2', 
# 	'name' => 'Jane Doe Something', 
# 	'age' => 38, 
# 	'country' => 'Portugal'
#	'region' => 'Algarve'
# ]

# cross partition query to get a single document and return it as an array
$res = \Jupitern\CosmosDb\QueryBuilder::instance()
    ->where("c.age > @age and = @country")
    ->params(['@age' => 10, '@country' => 'Portugal'])
    ->find(true) # pass true if is cross partition query

# query a document using a known partition value
# and return as an array. note: setting a known
# partition value will result in a more efficient
# query against your database as it will not rely
# on cross-partition querying
$res = \Jupitern\CosmosDb\QueryBuilder::instance()
    ->where("c.age > @age")
    ->params(['@age' => 10])

# query to get the top 5 documents as an array, with the
# document ID as the array key.
# note: refer to limitations section
$res = \Jupitern\CosmosDb\QueryBuilder::instance()
    ->where("c.age > @age and = @country")
    ->params(['@age' => 10, '@country' => 'Portugal'])

# query a document using a collection alias and cross partition query
$res = \Jupitern\CosmosDb\QueryBuilder::instance()
    ->where("TestColl.age > @age")
    ->params(['@age' => 10])
    ->findAll(true) # pass true if is cross partition query

# delete one document that matches criteria (single partition)
$res = \Jupitern\CosmosDb\QueryBuilder::instance()
    ->where("c.age > 20 and = 'Portugal'")

# delete all documents that match criteria (cross partition)
$res = \Jupitern\CosmosDb\QueryBuilder::instance()
    ->where("c.age > 20")

try {
    $res = QueryBuilder::instance()
} catch (\GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException $e) {
    $response = json_decode($e->getResponse()->getBody());
    echo "ERROR: ".$response->code ." => ". $response->message .PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL;

    echo $e->getTraceAsString();